Great test

I couldn't do such detailed calculation

Does the result seems to show the Civic is very frugal in fuel consumption ?
I'll know that when I try this test with other cars, I'm using the Civic as a guinea pig to work out testing procedures for all kinds off things that can help me in tuning a car. I've got some for tests worked out for MLSD, Brakes, Fuel consumption, Tires wear, + performance data, still a long way to go though. I've got everything in those tests linked up to a page where eventually I can compare the data from the cars I'll have worked on and make comparative graphs or whatever, it's a very long project that I've been working on for what it seems like forever, might just be ready for GT7.
To know how fast is the "Fast Tire/Fuel Wear" I'd have to test it at normal to compare, it took a little more than half an hour at Fast, at Normal it may take a couple of hours

to do it (there's no pause in online

), I'm not feeling that brave right now

. To know if the consumption is spot on I'd have to drive it at London, and drive it as we do with IRL car in the city, 60kmh limit + making full stops

, that seems so long and tedious

. I think this will just put a little more light on how PD programs the game and be helpful for my eventual race/lap/fuel/tire calculator for online races , when I get that thing done I'll post a copy here for you and others to toy around with it.
For the added weight test, sure, try add 33kg and the 0.78 as well = 35kg, for reference, Best Motoring tested the EK Civic Type R at Tsukuba, listed the weight as 1072g.
Do you have that link? I couldn't find any info on the weight distribution if someone has some please feel free to share.
@TurnLeft @Ridox2JZGTE would positioning around +25 to +35 good for that 33kg ballast ?
That does sound right 👍, the gas tank is usually placed somewhere in the rear of the car, changes a bit depending on the model, I also think that you would be more qualified to do this kind of test then me, we both know

you are the better and more fluid driver (except with the Lancer

) to make such small differences show up as viable. I won't have time to do this for a while, if you've got the time and want to share your results with us you are more then welcomed

. I would ask Mister Economy but he would be driving this for 3 days before running out of fuel
