Right Hand Drive Rocks


It's a good day.
United States
As an American that has only ever known left hand drive cars, I want to express my newly found appreciation for right hand drive cars. At first it was different, but after some time I've realized it's better. My lap times are quicker, I have better lines of sight when passing. It just feels more comfortable. The windshield pillars do not obstruct the view as much. (varies by car) I'd like some feedback from those that have had the opportunity to drive or race both in real life. My current favorite is the Autobacs.
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I drive both RHD and LHD cars in real life on track. It has pros and cons.

On short clockwise circuits a RHD has theoretically better weight distribution, but has a line of sight disadvantage. And vice versa.
The gearbox has me curious. I am left handed, but quite sure it would take some time to learn.
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I have always preferred right hand drive vehicles. It is more natural and ergonomic to me, and I suspect most right handed people.

Especially on a manual car, you want your stronger right hand to be on the wheel and your weaker less precise hand shifting gears.

However the bias of where you live and what side you learned to drive on will pretty much seal your preference.

So most Americans will probably say 'pffft right hand drive is for pussies left hand rules', but those same people if they grew up in UK Japan or Australia Etc they would be saying the opposite.

Logically though, for right handed people RHD is more suitable as it takes a lot more precision and power to steer than to shift, and i think the brain likes sitting in the RH seat better as a frame of refrence, though this could be because I learned in a RHD country but for certain I feel more in tune with a car sitting in the RH seat.
Whenever I sit in LHD car I never feel neutral or centered with my surroundings
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Well that's interesting on the fact that it gets you better lap times. I haven't really driven enough in cockpit view to determine for sure, but so far, either way, I'm not faster or slower than in the other view.
The only advantage and disadvantage for either LHD or RHD (on track) is circuit direction, clock wise or anti clock wise.

RHD is best for CW and LHD is best for ACW

After driving both LHD and RHD on the road I can report that it only takes a few hours to get to grips with a mirror image of what you normally do.
As a Brit working at a German racetrack, I never had a problem changing to left-hand drive. I'm right-handed, so it was never a big thing swapping to LHD. For guys who are right-handed it's easy to switch RHD to LHD, but tough for the LHD to train their crappy do-nothing left hand to operate a gear shift...

We have 15 rental cars here, and we keep only keep 2 RHDs - most Brits, Aussies can drive a LHD in a pinch, but most US and Continental types would rather walk around the 'Ring than drive a RHD!
Well that's interesting on the fact that it gets you better lap times. I haven't really driven enough in cockpit view to determine for sure, but so far, either way, I'm not faster or slower than in the other view.

I'm hitting the apex more frequently, and driving better lines. My times are not substantially better, second here, second there. I like it for sure, maybe I need to buy a one way ticket to the UK, or start delivering the mail here in Florida. :)
I have always preferred right hand drive vehicles. It is more natural and ergonomic to me, and I suspect most right handed people.

Especially on a manual car, you want your stronger right hand to be on the wheel and your weaker less precise hand shifting gears.

Logically though, for right handed people RHD is more suitable as it takes a lot more precision and power to steer than to shift, and i think the brain likes sitting in the RH seat better as a frame of refrence, though this could be because I learned in a RHD country but for certain I feel more in tune with a car sitting in the RH seat.
Whenever I sit in LHD car I never feel neutral or centered with my surroundings
I've always prefered RHD ever since I was a little kid for that very reason. My feet and brain just refuses to grasp LHD.
Actually it's not any different, except you shift with a different hand and turn different directions at intersections.

Everything as far as view is the same unless you change the seat position.
Some of GT5's right side drive cockpit views are a bit disturbing, not sure how you drive when you can't see anything from '1pm to 3pm'...

Driving on the Nurb, it does feel faster.. wondering if the circular shape of the track benefits right side drive slightly.
^ True.

As for me, although I'm left-handed, I prefer my wheel to be set up similar to a RHD car. Maybe because cars are driven on the left in our country.

As others have stated, the advantage usually comes from the field of visibility, This depends on whether the track is clockwise or anti-clockwise :D
I bet Mclaren F1 drivers laugh at both LHD and RHD cars.

Exactly, that's the perfect (track) car. :D:tup:

There is no pro/con for a RHD car theroretically. But as the driver seat is on the right side, you can see more in corners. On a track with a clockwise direction. :sly:

And parking on the strip is a lot saver for your rims, if you drive a RHD car in a LHD coutry or vice versa. :D
I have always preferred right hand drive vehicles. It is more natural and ergonomic to me, and I suspect most right handed people.

Especially on a manual car, you want your stronger right hand to be on the wheel and your weaker less precise hand shifting gears.

However the bias of where you live and what side you learned to drive on will pretty much seal your preference.

So most Americans will probably say 'pffft right hand drive is for pussies left hand rules', but those same people if they grew up in UK Japan or Australia Etc they would be saying the opposite.

Logically though, for right handed people RHD is more suitable as it takes a lot more precision and power to steer than to shift, and i think the brain likes sitting in the RH seat better as a frame of refrence, though this could be because I learned in a RHD country but for certain I feel more in tune with a car sitting in the RH seat.
Whenever I sit in LHD car I never feel neutral or centered with my surroundings

I could't agree more.
LHD here.
In my country, we use RHD. But since I am not old enough to drive(gonna get my driving license next month since I turn 18 this year) and have been driving mostly LHD cars in GT5, it feels really weird the first time I hopped into the premium MINI. So for me, in a country where everyone drives RHD irl, I drive LHD in GT5. :sly:
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This will probably not make any sense but whatever, here we go lol. Because most of the tracks run in a clockwise direction, I find that driving RHD cars helps me see the edge of the track better which helps my lap times.
I have always preferred right hand drive vehicles. It is more natural and ergonomic to me, and I suspect most right handed people.

Especially on a manual car, you want your stronger right hand to be on the wheel and your weaker less precise hand shifting gears.

However the bias of where you live and what side you learned to drive on will pretty much seal your preference.

So most Americans will probably say 'pffft right hand drive is for pussies left hand rules', but those same people if they grew up in UK Japan or Australia Etc they would be saying the opposite.

Logically though, for right handed people RHD is more suitable as it takes a lot more precision and power to steer than to shift, and i think the brain likes sitting in the RH seat better as a frame of refrence, though this could be because I learned in a RHD country but for certain I feel more in tune with a car sitting in the RH seat.
Whenever I sit in LHD car I never feel neutral or centered with my surroundings

Agree with this 👍