Right to Life

  • Thread starter Danoff
Wanna know how people ARENT gonna starve? I just had a thought, though it contradicts most modern Governmental ideals.

If there was a cap on how much money a person could make in one year, and anything above and beyond had to be given to the underprivilaged of the world,.... I think the whole world would be healthy.

I'm no Government major,... but I think thats a little bit like communism?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Wanna know how people ARENT gonna starve? I just had a thought, though it contradicts most modern Governmental ideals.

If there was a cap on how much money a person could make in one year, and anything above and beyond had to be given to the underprivilaged of the world,.... I think the whole world would be healthy.

I'm no Government major,... but I think thats a little bit like communism?
In fact, it's a lot like Communism. I know what I'd do: work hard for the first part of the year, until I hit my cap, and then I'd call in sick and play GT3 for the rest of the year.

That is, of course, if there is such a thing as a PS2 uder that economic system.
Originally posted by neon_duke
In fact, it's a lot like Communism. I know what I'd do: work hard for the first part of the year, until I hit my cap, and then I'd call in sick and play GT3 for the rest of the year.

That is, of course, if there is such a thing as a PS2 uder that economic system.

Only if your hourly. Plus, I'd have a hard time givin you your job back after you just took 6 months off ;)

To get a little deaper towards my point,... we have thousands of CEO's in this country that earn multi-million doallar slaryies,.. and yes,.. they play golf and vacation for most likely 6 months of their work year. The problam is that these guys are hording all the $$$. It shoulbe be perfectly feasable for a 4 person family to live VERY comfortably on 250,000 yr. In fact, I know it's possible because I live somewhat comfortably on 25,000 yr.
What if you use that same philosophy on corporations instead of just indivduals. Also make it a percentage of their net profit.The only exclusion would be if they invested heavely on modernizing their facilities..ie machinery and equiptment. This would create more work for the machinery builders and the equiptment manufacturers thus creating more jobs for both these industries plus the industries that support them.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Nothing earned = nothing recieved

We have the right to keeping ourselves alive, not to keep others alive.

exactly, most people that are starving have done something bad
to get in that position.
Like the handicapped?

Some handicapped people can support themselves, others are too far gone. Same thing with sanity problems. Some of them need help and I don't have a problem with charitable organizations (and relatives) taking care of it.

There's plenty of charity out there and there would be even more if people we're compelled by law to be charitable. The reaction to homelessness and poverty should be to look to charities. If you want to help, you can freely donate your own money. I know I would donate more if I weren't required to by law.
The problem is that most people wouldn't. People like to keep what they make and turn a blind eye to people in need. I'm guilty of that at times.
Are you absolutely sure that you're not guilty of that because you are compelled to contribute. I think if I weren't compelled to contribute I would probably make an annual donation around christmas to the charity of my choice and I'd feel good about it. Since I'm compelled, I figure I've already done my part and I'm bitter about it besides.

DGB I'll bet you participate in charity. At the very least you must have at church. Something tells me if you didn't feel like you did anything for anyone becaues your taxes didn't go to anyone but you (in the form of defense and protection), your conscience would get to you and you'd start to contribute.
I don't feel guilty that there are people who have less than I do. Hell, everything I own I bought. Well, except for this house and some food I eat. But I'm only 17.

No one has the right to life. It's a privilege.
Originally posted by danoff
Are you absolutely sure that you're not guilty of that because you are compelled to contribute. I think if I weren't compelled to contribute I would probably make an annual donation around christmas to the charity of my choice and I'd feel good about it. Since I'm compelled, I figure I've already done my part and I'm bitter about it besides.

DGB I'll bet you participate in charity. At the very least you must have at church. Something tells me if you didn't feel like you did anything for anyone becaues your taxes didn't go to anyone but you (in the form of defense and protection), your conscience would get to you and you'd start to contribute.

Actually I do contribute . Even to ones overseas. At Church I do most of my contributing. Where I am guilty about turning a blind eye is when I see someone in need but don't have time to help so I just pass by.
Originally posted by DGB454
No...Guilty of not giving enough of it. I can't take it with me ya know?
Ah, but there's such a strong difference between giving away what you've earned and having it taken from you under threat of punishment.

The joy of laissez-faire capitalism is that you are always welcome to dispose of your income in any way you deem proper, including donating it to charities of your choice. It's your property.

I can't take it with me, but I intend to leave as much of it as possible to my children.
I never said it should be taken away. I simply said people tend to turn a blind eye to people in need.

I plan on leaving nothing to my son except for maybe the house I live in and what's inside. I do plan on investing heavily in his life while I am here so that he won't need me to leave anything to him. My parents did that and I need nothing from them after they are gone except the memories of 2 great parents.
Originally posted by ///M-Spec
This statement is completely contradictory to your position on abortion.


Yes, I see that. Damn. I don't know what I'm talking about.

What I meant is no one has the right to be kept alive once you reach adulthood. No one has the right to take your life at any point, conversely.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I don't feel guilty that there are people who have less than I do. Hell, everything I own I bought. Well, except for this house and some food I eat. But I'm only 17.

No one has the right to life. It's a privilege.

Unfortunately some people don't have the means to pay for that privilege.
Originally posted by DGB454
I never said it should be taken away. I simply said people tend to turn a blind eye to people in need.

I plan on leaving nothing to my son except for maybe the house I live in and what's inside. I do plan on investing heavily in his life while I am here so that he won't need me to leave anything to him. My parents did that and I need nothing from them after they are gone except the memories of 2 great parents.
I won't need whatever it is my mother will leave me. Thanks to them investing in me (as well as my own investment) I will be comfortable and be able to provide for my own children throughout the rest of my life.

But if I have additional resources available, it will allow me to invest even more into my own children's future. Suddenly Stanford and Princeton might become reality instead of a good state university.
But do you want to wait till you die for it to happen? Insurance policies are a good thing especially if you die earlier than your spouse or before your children come of age but I can't see tucking away a nest egg for my son for when I die.
Actually, I was thinking more that the nest egg would be for my children to spend on my grandchildren's future; much like any money I inherit will likely go towards my children's education etc.
I'm hoping my son will raise his children like I raised him. There won't be a need for me to leave them anything either. Any money I inherit will likely go to my sister and brother. They need it more than me.
That's immaterial. It's his right to do with the money as he sees fit, once it becomes his property through inheritance. He can donate it to L. Ron Hubbard if he wishes.
That's immaterial. It's his right to do with the money as he sees fit, once it becomes his property through inheritance. He can donate it to L. Ron Hubbard if he wishes.

I am in complete 100% agreement with that statement. I was just curious...