Well, I've decided to bring 4 cars to Trial Mountain to some testing. The AE86 (S. Shigeno), GT-86, FT86 and FT86 G Sports.
The following driving options we're used:
-ABS 1
-Everything else off.
GT86 Stock (parts installed, stock settings) : Car feels good, fast, agile on the turns, but it most important flaw is that the back isn't very stable, turning everything into a drift, controllable, but it's still drift. I didn't feel any understeer and/or oversteer (sorry if having any of those if making drift at every turn is because I'm having under/oversteer, I'm a noob to those things, all that I know understeer is when you turn the steering, but the car doesn't react, and oversteer is when the car reacts more than it should to turn of the steering wheel). I guess I found my drift car

Lap : 1:41.131
GT86 GT-Apex (parts installed, setting apllied) : An huge improvement ! Car feels way faster and agile than before, it still likes to drift, but you gotta make the back kick out, or coming too fast or by pushing the handbrake, because without help the back end sticks like glue to the asphalt. I believe I found my new Nurburgring Endurace racer.
Lap : 1:34.988
FT-86 G Sports (parts installed, stock setting) : Good thing about is that it's fast on straights. And that's it, because the amount of under/oversteer, drifts you get is ridiculous. The car is so bad, that on the last chicane, right before the start/finish line, in one instant I was making the 1st part of it, the next one it oversteered badly, the right after I deathrolled all the start/finished straight and stopped with the roof down right where the pit ends... I was like : "WTF just happened ?!"
Still, lap : 1:37.092
FT-86 G-String (parts installed, setting apllied) : Car got better, oversteer was eliminated, acceleration and top speed we're improved, but there is quite understeer is some turns and just like the GT86, it only like to drift if you force the car to do, otherwise, it sticks, but not entirely. You gotta battle against the car to make a good lap. It beat the GT86 time, but I honestly didn't feel like it was going to beat it. The car doesn't feel as fast as it really is.
Lap : 1:34.393
FT-86 Concept (parts installed, stock settings) : It sucks so badly! Understeer at every turn, and it likes to drift alot, and it's tough to keep it controlled. It's a loose car at all times, hit limiter way too fast in my opnion. I still don't know how I completed a lap with it without putting it in the wall. Or into a rock.
Lap : 1:36.676
FT-86 GT-Apex : (parts installed settings applied) : An nice improvement for it, feels faster, it still understeers on some corners, but it's minimal. Back end is loose in my opnion, so in some turns it kicks out and you start to drift, but it's easily controllable and you still can't get exit the corner fast.
Lap : 1:34.135
AE86 S. Shigeno Version (parts installed, stock setting) : Understeer, little but enough to you feel the car could make the turn faster, but the understeer doesn't let it. Car feels very stable thru the turns. Nice straight speed and a good acceleration. The slowest of the 86 family, but it's a nice car.
Lap : 1:39.864
Hachi Roku SS (parts installed, setting apllied) : Less understeer than the stock car, but there's still hints of it. Handling got improved, both speed and acceleration too, but it still the slowest of all. The back still remains sticked to the asphalt like glue, and without spoiler, which surprises me.
Lap : 1:38.377
Final words : All of them feel good, each for they use. For me the perfect car is the GT86, agile, fast, no under/oversteer, feels very balanced like ryangt sayed. The others have each their flaw, but don't let them get dust. Give then some love. When I get my hands in a FT86 Concept II, I will finish my 86 tree review.