It's ok Smith. You didn't do me any real harm.
I'm following Adam's lead and linking in my signature. How do points work in terms of teams? Do we just add up the total? Or are they averaged to keep it fair for individuals?
I used a cleaver system in my last racing series of nascar, where if you were independent or in a team of 3, your points stayed equal but that idea won't work here so:
6 result tables:
Drivers - everyone's score
Teams - only people a part of teams, scores added up, (this ignores that independent drivers even exist, e.g. If you finish 4th and your in a team, and an independent finished 3rd, I will not count his position here, so you will be given 3rd place on this result)
Independent - only independent drivers will be in this results (same as team scoring with pisitions)
Red - only red drivers (works the same way as team scoring system)
Blue - only blue drivers competition is recorded (same scoring system)
Blue vs Red - everyone's score like in driver results but drivers belong in either red or blue
The points you get for everything are followed by the scoring system table on post 1, just some positions are not counted if they don't belong in those results