Road rage incident, who is wrong?

  • Thread starter RocZX


United States
New York
Who do you think is wrong and who was is right?


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Explorer was clearly wrong. The guy was obviously trying to get over-- we can't tell if his blinker was on or not.

How angry do you have to be to throw stuff at another car and get out and scream at people? People ought to take a chill pill before they get behind the wheel.
Explorer was in the wrong. Although I could argue that what the driver did was justified expression in showing his displeasure, after the horn honking the fault clearly shifts to the Explorer driver. He's probably going to file an insurance claim just to get back the money he lost when he stupidly flung it out the window. Too bad his license is also in full view and recorded.
I don't know. I'm the kind of person where if I saw the guy speeding up to prevent me in getting over, I would have seen the huge gap behind him and just let off and let them buy, then pulled in behind. I never really understood the "speed up to get in front of someone" tactics if there's space behind them. But maybe that's just me.
This whole incident could have been avoided by not speeding up to cut off the Explorer and merging behind it. Both driver's are in the wrong here, but it is unacceptable of the Explorer to throw something at the car along with the crazy coming out of the car. She endangered herself more then that "maneuver" did.

I stand that both driver's are at fault in this one.
Camera car is in the wrong for precipitating the initial incident by TLGPing off the lights to get in front and not simply easing off and filtering in behind.

Pickup inhabitants are then in the wrong for being out of their tiny little minds.
I'd have done the same thing as @R1600Turbo said. I was thinking just that when I say the videoclip.

Here in Belgium using your indicator doesn't mean you have right of way and are allowed to just cut in front of another car. Indicators is as the word says, indicators, only to indicate your "maneuver", not to give you right of way.

The driver of the other car is also at fault and is doing things (and his passenger) what could be considered as road rage.

I don't know about American law, but posting a video on a public website for everybody to see, is in violation of someones privacy. If someone in Belgium posted video of an incident, the poster, not at fault, could have legal problems for posting the video in the first place.
Like most situations that bring up pointless fighting, both parties are at fault. Not always equally, but both sides are not 100% innocent.

If people learn to understand this, there would be a lot less arguing.
All of this could have been avoided had he simply slowed down ever so slightly and merged in behind him. It's not like he didn't have plenty of warning. He was wrong for speeding up to try and cut in and the other driver was wrong for retaliating.
Sure, the camera guy could have slowed down and gotten behind the explorer, but I don't think it was wrong to get ahead of it (as he was already about half a car length in front of the Explorer).

Blocking and honking is pointless, and would not be an appropriate response to the aggression of the camera guy.

Throwing pennies? The driver of the Explorer should have his license suspended. It's common sense to not throw tings at other cars.

The woman is insane, obviously....getting the license number won't serve any purpose, and even if the cars collided I'm sure he "dog" would have been fine.
Sure, the camera guy could have slowed down and gotten behind the explorer, but I don't think it was wrong to get ahead of it (as he was already about half a car length in front of the Explorer).
What's the stopping distance of a Ford Explorer at that speed? Would it be more or less than half a car length? If it's more, then yes, it's wrong to pull in front of it as you are within the minimum safe distance they have left. Also, what's the posted limit there? Exceeding that just to execute a lane change manouevre is also wrong.

Once it became clear that the Explorer was not going to let the camera car in ahead of him, he should have backed off and filtered behind.

And apparently then thrown coins at it or something.
Explorer was clearly wrong. The guy was obviously trying to get over-- we can't tell if his blinker was on or not.

How angry do you have to be to throw stuff at another car and get out and scream at people? People ought to take a chill pill before they get behind the wheel.

I should amend this in line with what other people have said. The explorer was wrong for being an ass and punching the gas to take away the cameracar's lane change. A proper, defensive driver should always keep an open lane next to his/her car for emergency evasion.

However, once the explorer was level with the camera car, the camera car should've tucked in behind the explorer. You have to have a short memory for other driver's faults and just go with the course of action that optimizes safety for everyone. If you screw up and are in the wrong lane, it's best to just turn right, go down and make a u-turn to come back where you were, and continue on after. Why try to squeeze in and (a) hold up traffic or (b) cause an accident?

This situation isn't even that bad. That's why I can't believe that lady went guanoloco on the cameraguy. Here in Florida, you must have Christ-like forgiveness behind the wheel. If you throw stuff at someone's car and get out to holler at someone, you might want to also prepare for a gunfight.

Someone flashed a gun at my dad and me at a gas station once because I apparently braked too suddenly to pull in to fill up my car. More like he was too drunk to realize I was slowing down in front of him. My dad got so pissed-- "You don't have the balls!" he shouted back, ready to kick his ass, lol. Never seen him so fired up. The guy turned tail and left. A good move, considering he was completely wasted.
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Someone flashed a gun at my dad and me at a gas station once because I apparently braked too suddenly to pull in to fill up my car. More like he was too drunk to realize I was slowing down in front of him. My dad got so pissed-- "You don't have the balls!" he shouted back, ready to kick his ass, lol. Never seen him so fired up. The guy turned tail and left. A good move, considering he was completely wasted.

Screaming that to a drunk guy with a gun is usually an accident waiting to happen. Lucky the guy just left.
Who is the guy in the end of this video clip? The one with the glasses, "cap" and moustache.

Someone flashed a gun at my dad and me at a gas station once because I apparently braked too suddenly to pull in to fill up my car. More like he was too drunk to realize I was slowing down in front of him. My dad got so pissed-- "You don't have the balls!" he shouted back, ready to kick his ass, lol. Never seen him so fired up. The guy turned tail and left. A good move, considering he was completely wasted.
Being wasted and all, the guy probably would have missed.
I would say the guy recording was the root cause, and why have a dashcam in the rear?
Dashcams are normally in the front so if someone pulls infront of you then slams their brakes you can say they caused the crash on purpose.

Having one in the back doesn't make much sense unless you use it for carparks or you have had people rear end you then drive off, when ever someone hits you from behind they are at fault.

If I want to overtake I make sure there is a 2 second gap before pulling back in, so i make a safe overtake.

It is also a smart to have some lane planning.

If you need to turn left or right, get in the lane before so you are ready and not force your way into a lane.

You can find videos of people on youtube who are on the freeway then they swerve across 3 lanes of traffic to get to the offramp.
They're both wrong! They appear to be driving on the wrong side of the road!


Some would say they are driving on the "right" side of the road.
But their steering wheel is not on the "right" side that's for sure.
Here my opinion on it-
I feel that they are both wrong in a way but the camera car more so...

The camera car is wrong for taking off at the light to switch lanes and then continue to accelerate when the Explorer was not letting him in the lane.And why are you in the right lane if you are going to turn left in 2 lights, you should have plan hard and been in the left lane to begin with?

The Explorer was wrong for throwing coins at the car. But accelerating to not let the car in the lane, I do not find that wrong at all I would have done the same thing.

I never really understood the "speed up to get in front of someone" tactics if there's space behind them. But maybe that's just me.
Because they are more important then you and where they are going is more important then where ever you are going.

Also, what's the posted limit there? Exceeding that just to execute a lane change manouevre is also wrong.
25mph cause it's a school zone it happened right in front of a school.

Who is the guy in the end of this video clip? The one with the glasses, "cap" and moustache.
The guy who was driver the camera car.

I would say the guy recording was the root cause, and why have a dashcam in the rear?
Dashcams are normally in the front so if someone pulls infront of you then slams their brakes you can say they caused the crash on purpose.
Some people do, they have a few camera around their car to record everything. You can search YouTube and find a lot of videos from people being pulled over by cops to accidents and they have views from the front, the back and ever interior of their cars.

It is also a smart to have some lane planning.
You see it everyday people switching lanes at the last second cause they are in the wrong lane to make their turn.
I don't know. I'm the kind of person where if I saw the guy speeding up to prevent me in getting over, I would have seen the huge gap behind him and just let off and let them buy, then pulled in behind. I never really understood the "speed up to get in front of someone" tactics if there's space behind them. But maybe that's just me.

Eh, up here you get enough people going under the speed limit or just driving obliviously that it is easier in cases to just zip up and smoothly move over rather than trying to guess if they are going to slow down to make a turn they aren't singling for, etc.
Camera car could have slowed down and merged into the same lane as the Explorer, albeit behind him.

The one thing is, had the camera car slowed down, chances are the Explorer would have slowed down with him and prevented him from entering the lane via letting off. If the camera car was to merge into the other lane, his only choice would have been to speed up like he did in the video. Explorer driver and passenger would have been mad either way.
Some people do, they have a few camera around their car to record everything. You can search YouTube and find a lot of videos from people being pulled over by cops to accidents and they have views from the front, the back and ever interior of their cars.
I have a dash am myself, but I don't really see the need for a rear dashcam
I have a dash am myself, but I don't really see the need for a rear dashcam
There is people who believe that cops are corrupt. The cops are out to get them and frame them for things that they didn't do. And that recording all your interactions with cops and other people on the road, in a way protects their rights.
I watched the video clip again and I'm not entirely convinced that the explorer was blocking the camera car on purpose.
Both side share the fault equally:

The camera guy was going around doing justice by and for himself, using provocation and a camera as his weapons, and the couple is not the kind of people I would like to meet
I would agree that the occupants in the Explorer have the right to be mad if the camera car had actually cut them off due to doing a last minute merge. However, it's obvious he planned to merge, and they knew this and didn't like him getting in (for some unexplained reason I'll get back to that) so they sped up. Now I get mad too when people don't prejudge where they need to be to get to their destination, it irritates me that people just do last minute things that can cause accidents, it irritates me more when people purposely speed up as if some contest to "beat me".

I feel they're more in the wrong for speeding up like idiots to block him and then being mad when he decided to speed up more and get in front of them. However, I do agree that if it wasn't working the first time he should have slowed down. The people in the explorer then to get to new levels of road idiocy by trying to vandalize the camera car on tape (morons) and then scream and bicker...

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