Round 2 of 8 ( A.R.C IV )

  • Thread starter Mr P
i wont be able to enter my time this week ( even though id still be last since im the only noob here ( i think ) ) cause ive had heaps of homework and were going some where for easter

so see yous next week
lap 1
T1 41.8
T2 1'21.9
T3 1'55.1
T4 2'22.2
T5 2'56.7
T6 3'32.3

lap 2
T1 36.2
T2 1'17.5
T3 1'50.7
T4 2'18.1
T5 2'53.0
T6 3'29.0

Clean and slow, probably my final time.

Good race Ron, it's not a rally, but very exciting ;)
Good race Ron, it's not a rally, but very exciting ;)

Cheers mate 👍 and not to worry! ...... a nice rally hotlap is up next :sly:


2 and 1/2 days until the Deadline gents 👍

Get them laps in before its too late :P
Got the splits... there woeful compared to others..:nervous:

Lap 1 Lap2
T1 - 42.679 T1 - 37.936
T2 - 1'25.403 T2 - 1'20.383
T3 - 1'59.503 T3 - 1'54.825
T4 - 2'28.336 T4 - 2'23.261
T5 - 3'04.962 T5 - 2'59.341
T6 - 3'42.103 T6 - 3'35.788

I'll be back before the deadline to improve on these...

Have Fun
Haven't been racing this one as much as the previous. It's a bit more time consuming. First I need some hotlaps to get in the groove, then some restarts to get the start right and then some long races, with frequent restarts when I drive off. :dunce:

Well. I must admit, I'm a hotlap man. Just love to just jump in the car and race my ghost. Don't need to plan half to full hours ahead, but just sit down for maybe 10 minutes. :D

Well enough babbling. I finally got another clean one and cut 4 seconds. Still a long way from my target, which I probably won't reach this week.

Lap 1:


Lap 2:


Lost a lot in the start, so at least I'm determined to cut another second. :dopey:
Yeh,lots of restarts and it seems so easy combo.:crazy:
Nevertheless,I like the combo.:)

lap 1

I had a go last night again and ran about 6-7 times. The opening lap from my first session seems to be pretty good, as I couldn't beat it, but I was gaining about a second on the last lap. Still nothing to post though, because I still haven't been able to get a race 100% clean with the AI. Very strange. I will think I have a good one, then in replay, there is always a slight bump from the AI. But I am cutting them very close, and walking the razor's edge, so it's to be expected I guess. :sly:

Great combo Ron! Having a lot of fun with it! 👍 :)
AI touches are allowable Minorshunt .... as long as they are very minimal of course 👍 100% clean is easy with the AI line up I use ..

Suby LM
Alfa Romeo

By the time you get to the first chicane and pass through it you just avoid the Skyline as it goes offtrack and then dodge to the right to avoid the Alfa as it is sideways on the track and of course the Delta is already in the wall
( 3 cars gone ) ..... which just leaves you to pass the Calibra at the next sweeping left hander before T1 and slipstream the Suby at the very start of the back straight and pass him .... thats the AI gone 👍

But small unintentional Minorshunt contacts are allowable ;)
Mr P
But small unintentional Minorshunt contacts are allowable ;)

:lol: :lol: Thanks Ron. I haven't gotten the lineup you listed yet. Will look for it straightaway though. 👍
I realize that unintentional touches are legal, it's just me. I want to be 100% Minorshunt free. :)
Mine best line up is :
Subaru LM

The calibra is slower so I must hold back the trottle to much.
Mine best line up is :
Subaru LM

The calibra is slower so I must hold back the trottle to much.
this is funny. i made a lot of attempts but never saw a skyline participate in my lineups. do you all have ai at +10???
i'm struggling for faster clean laps. faster is not the problem, finishing the first lap clean definitively is. its always the ai that pushes me off ...
still lots of fun to keep trying, i think mr p deserves a medal along with flatout (steward for wrs) for keeping us busy and addicted to our game 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
BTW if next weeks arc session is on dirt i'll be taking a brake and concentrate on wrs because i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally sukc at dirt and snow driving in gt. i keep myself happy by thinking its not me but gt because in other rally games i do pretty well (rallyechampionship, mcrae etc) but then i'm probably flattering myself.
Just over 21 hours until the deadline for race 2 👍

Could all people submitting please include both laptimes and the race total to me at least 30 mins before the deadline if possible as I want to get the results up asap and get round 3 underway :)

Ron :cheers:
this is funny. i made a lot of attempts but never saw a skyline participate in my lineups. do you all have ai at +10???

The Skyline is in most of my line up attempts and at +10 AI .... this car below ...


i think mr p deserves a medal along with flatout (steward for wrs) for keeping us busy and addicted to our game 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍

All 4 WRS admins have done a job worthy of mention:tup: but I consider myself a part time contributer to OLR with the odd small comp here and there ... Thanks for the kind words anyway :sly:

BTW if next weeks arc session is on dirt i'll be taking a brake and concentrate on wrs because i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally sukc at dirt and snow driving in gt.

Thats fine mate as long as you are happy to take no points for the round in question :) Hope to see you back for Round 4 :cool:

Time submitted. Never reached my target but got this:

Lap 1:


Lap 2:


I hit the Calibra in the rear before T1 due to a higher exit speed out of the turn before. The touch is minor, unintentional (I'm lifting the throttle a couple of times trying to avoid him, but I'm not that good a driver) and I lose time on it. I'm pretty certain it'll be within the rules otherwise I wouldn't have submitted it.
Mr P
All 4 WRS admins have done a job worthy of mention:tup: but I consider myself a part time contributer to OLR with the odd small comp here and there ...
The good thing about being a part time race organizer is that you never lack motivation and always post great races 👍 👍 👍

BTW, I still haven't run this week's race, and I'll be at work tomorrow all day long. I'll have to give it a try tonight if I want my DLBF position :)
Time submitted.
Thanks for the relax track rules,I made fully advantage of it.:sly:

Last splits:

The good thing about being a part time race organizer is that you never lack motivation and always post great races 👍 👍 👍

BTW, I still haven't run this week's race, and I'll be at work tomorrow all day long. I'll have to give it a try tonight if I want my DLBF position :)
... dlbf ça c'est quoi? ...
and what do you mean by part time? it feels like you're doing a day job keeping everything uptodate, happy and answered 👍 👍 👍
laptimes submitted. turns out i never did one single other clean lap than the one of which i posted the t-times. its always either ai that forces me off or me becoming too ambitious in terms of laptimes.
but that's ok, i learned a lot again, this time of long circuit speeding and 4wd cornering. i can wait for round 3 (me hating rallying in gt4) but i can't wait for round 4 ...
bye from unspringing holland.
... dlbf ça c'est quoi? ...
and what do you mean by part time? it feels like you're doing a day job keeping everything uptodate, happy and answered 👍 👍 👍
DLBF = Dead Last But Finished. Me in div2, you in div3 :D
Ron said that he is only part time OLR organizer, as opposed to me who am a full time organizer in the WRS, and he meant that both couldn't be compared.
To which I answered that since he is only posts races when he his motivated to do so and has had time to set up a series, that had to be the reason why his races are always so great.
Hope it makes sense.
Finally gave it a try, and I had the line-up Mr P. mentions (I only ran one session, so I only had one line-up).
The Delta S4 is in the wall at the Dunlop chicane, the Falken GT-R and Alfa are coming back on track when I catch up the pack and are pretty easy to pass (well, I believe there's a tiny slight side by side contact with the Falken), then the Calibra at T1 and the Subby at the braking for the second chicane.

My splits :

T1 : 0'41.929 - 0'36.977
T2 : 1'23.663 - 1'19.739
T3 : 1'56.387 - 1'53.948
T4 : 2'23.914 - 2'21.769
T5 : 2'59.519 - 2'58.264
T6 : 3'35.546 - 3'34.727

Clean, if you except the Falken brushing I mentioned, and I'm close to have 3 wheels on the grass when entering Tertres Rouges on lap 1, but I'm confident it's clean. Replay will show it anyway.

Thanks Ron for this lovely race 👍
DLBF = Dead Last But Finished. Me in div2, you in div3 :D
Ron said that he is only part time OLR organizer, as opposed to me who am a full time organizer in the WRS, and he meant that both couldn't be compared.
To which I answered that since he is only posts races when he his motivated to do so and has had time to set up a series, that had to be the reason why his races are always so great.
Hope it makes sense.

I'm glad you like them Cyril :) 👍

@ Steven .... I always test combo's for a few laps to make sure they are drivable for all or it goes in the bin :sly: I knew in advance the Rally rounds would be the problem factor with a GT4 ARC as its just not the same and most dirt tracks are quite skinny compared to GT3 thats why I only put 2 dirt rounds in!

They are both drivable though I guarantee 👍 ... nothing too crazy ;)

just keep in mind ... that even last place in a single round gets points that could be invaluable over all 8 rounds ;)
0'41.258 / 0'35.477
1'20.974 / 1'15.039
crap / crap
crap / crap
crap / crap
3'30.120 / 3'26.264

Ran once, submitting.

Doubt i will be any good next week, So hopefully round 4 may bring me some luck.
Finally got a chance to get at this beauty for a short session. Pulled out a semi-miracle race, then backed it up with one that was .8 faster! :crazy:

Unfortunately the really fast one had enough AI contact that I threw it in the dust bin. But the second fastest one will do just fine. 👍 I also had a slight contact with the Skyline in the first chicane on this one, but it was very slight, and I believe legal to the spirit of the rules, as no rebound or using as a wall occurred.

Final splits:


Thanks for the fun race Ron! :)
Sorry I'm late guys I had a small situation arise this morning and have only just got back home! Will get onto the results now ... :embarrassed:
- Round 2 Results -

Great Result for Minorshunt taking the win an explosive 2 lap race! :scared: and also great result for Iceman having another strong 2nd place finish to go into 1st place overall 👍 I honestly never thought I'd get beat by 4 seconds plus :dopey:

Congrats also to all the rest of you who got a 2 lap race done and submitted ... I hope you all enjoyed the race ;)

special mention to our mate Marc( ac.cobra ) for slamming in an impressive 5th place finish :cool: .... way to go mate :cheers:

As in round 1 if you have a replay device at hand ... please upload before round 3 results and they will be viewed by someone 👍

Cheers guys ... I will post round 3 around 6pm gmt as we are catering for our daughter and her 7th birthday today and hard to find the time to do much ... will get to it after her party :)

Well done guys :cheers:

Im only 14 seconds off the pace :lol: :dopey:

BUT at least i submitted a time...

Congrats again to Steve, Ben and Ron for the podiums! 👍
Congrats to Steve for the win, and Ben and Ron for their podiums. :cheers:

Lot's of quality racing from everybody. 👍

Thanks for another nice race Ron. :)
Oh And could it be an idea to copy the result in the first post too. They'll soon drown in replays and verification posts down here. ;)

Here's my PAL replay ( My correct time is 8'01.199, but it makes no difference at all, so don't make no fuss about it. :) ):


  • 01.199.max
    28.6 KB · Views: 3
Oh And could it be an idea to copy the result in the first post too. They'll soon drown in replays and verification posts down here. ;)

I agree! .... Done! 👍

Got your replay also :)
Sweet!! The last minute run last night paid off. :)
Congrats to Ben and Ron on fine podium races.👍 Congrats to all finishers. It's tough to push that hard for 2 laps without a mistake.

I'll post my replay later on. For now, it's back to my Saturday yard chores.:yuck:
Thanks for the race,it was very nice.

Congrats to Steve with a great win. What a stunning time you got here,followed by Ben with also 7'49.
Filling the podium by Ron 👍 with his DS2.(what happened with the DFP?)


  • Round 2 ARC 4.max
    36.6 KB · Views: 5