* Round 2 Results! * ATTACH REPLAYS HERE *

  • Thread starter Duke


Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area
Round 2 - Deadline 12:00P GMT 14 September 2005

Submitted by Torc Talk:
TRACK: Autum Ring Mini I
CAR: Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2 (2003)
Mode: GT Mode Family Cup
Modifications: Open - must install wing (selection #1, farthest left)
Tires: Sports Soft, S3
Settings: All including TCS & ASM open
Options: 2 laps, AI Difficulty -10 Slow

Pos  Driver        Team          Time      Points  Total
1    MGN           GTWeb         77.114    30      50
2    IforceV8      GTN           77.154    27      40
3    Loost         GTIRN         77.175    25      52
4    Mr.Derek      GTTimes       77.441    23      53
5    Tuff240       Torc Talk     77.446    21      37
6    A310          GTPlay        77.627    20      39
7    vexd          GTPlanet      77.715    19      37
8    Didi          GTRP          78.694    18      32
9    Kaneda        SoGT          78.709    17      34
10   76brick       Team Numbers  78.789    16      37
11   Fanagt        GTChallenge   79.010    15      30
12   Emion         Team GTX      79.058    14      26
13   Ricardo       Crazy Team    80.443    13      38
14                 GT4Portugal   DNS        0      23
Congratulations on a very tight competition, guys.

[edit] Here are links for all the replays submitted so far:

MGN - 1'17.114
Iforce - 1'17.154
LOOST - 1'17.175
Mr Derek - 1'17.441
Tuff 240 - 1'17.446
A310 - 1'17.627
VexD - 1'17.715
Didi - 1'18.694
Kaneda - 1'18.709
76 Brick - 1'18.789
FanaGT - 1'19.010
Emion - 1'19.058
Ricardo - 1'20.443

As of this post, the GTX is down, and I can't reach anyone else via IRC or AIM.

I have to leave for work in one hour, and I'll continue to bang on the door there, but right now it's not looking good :(
Ouch! that's real bad timing for the gremlins Ed. Do you know your boys time? or was on a last minute dash? is he on MSN maybe you could contact him on that.

GTX is still down as I type 10:45 GMT
I know about what his time was, but not exactly, plus he was working it last night when I signed off.

I'm on the EZGTChat IRC channel, as well as AIM, waiting for someone to respond to the SOS. Our driver is in Denver, so I doubt he's even up yet.

I'll wait as a long as I can...
Maybe if the worst comes to the worst, the others wouldn't mind you submitting the aproximate time just untill you can get hold of him.. after all this ain't no error due to complacency... if your boards down what can you do ?
Tony Randall
Do you know your boys time? or was on a last minute dash? is he on MSN maybe you could contact him on that.

GTX is still down as I type 10:45 GMT

I see what Tony is saying and I think maybe if by a couple of minutes before the deadline and you are still in the same situation! ... then submit the last time you knew that the driver was on!.... chances are it will still be the same .... but a submittal is better than no submittal even if the time is slightly faster in the replay than the submitted time!

Good luck with it 👍

edit: sorry saw the last 2 posts after i posted :dopey:
Normally, that's what I would do, Ron, but I don't know what his last exact time was (don't remember the sub-second numbers). The comp is too close to submit a partial time, and if he did make a significant improvement, I'd be uncomfortable with submitting an erroneous time.

I'll be waiting until the deadline, to see if the GTX comes back up. Work can wait.
Yeah I see what you're saying Ed .... I'm pretty sure as this has been brought to light more than 1 hour before the deadline and we can all see that the GTX forum is down! that most teams wont have a problem with letting your drivers time be added when the lap details are accessible again :) .... its after the deadline errors that can get some people's backs up! ....... I will say on behalf of team GTP that we have no problem with this possible remedy for your situation 👍
Thanks Ron :)

Here's what I will do:

I'm PMing Co-Manager The359 here to have him monitor the GTX site and retrieve the Round 2 time and submit it ASAP. If for some reason he is unable to do so, I'll be home for lunch at around 12:10 EDT and will check to see if the GTX site is up (I can't access either the GTP or the GTX from work...stupid IT Dept), and, if the other Team Mangers are ok with this, submit the time then.

If for some reason, the GTX is still down at lunch, many of the GTX Admin/Mods will be in EZGTChat, and I should be able to get Emion's (our Round 2 driver, and interestingly, the GTX site owner) phone number and call him in Denver for his time.

Still waiting for the deadline, just in case the GTX miraculously comes back up.
*rushes off!*


Whew! :scared:

Time submitted to gmail addy and PM to Duke :cool:

Didn't have lap times available. I'll provide those later today.

Sheesh...the ol' ticker doesn't need this kind of excitment this early in the morning :P
Ah screw it ... it took me 2 mins last year (or rather, I waited until 2 mins after the deadline last year to post them results, to be sure there wasn't a time lagged submission coming in at the last minute past), so Duke must have gone off to work by now ... :D

Time submitted:

Team: GTTimes.com
Driver: Mr.Derek
Round: 2
Total: 1.17.441
Laps: 40.790 / 36.651


GTN: 1:17.15x
GTIRN: 1.17.175
GTTimes.com: 1.17.441
Torc Team: 1:17.44X
GTPlay: 1.17.627
GTPlanet: 1'17.715
SoGT: 1.18,709
Team Numbers: 1:18.789
GTRP: 1:19.679
Team GTPlanet
Round #2
Total time: 1'17.715
Lap 1: 40.833
Lap 2: 36.882
off-topic, but everytime i try to acess this thread:

failed attempt at communicating with the dead !!!

the window automatticly closes!!!

am i banned or something?

i mean, is it ok to post even if you don´t race in BC5?
off-topic, but everytime i try to acess this thread:

failed attempt at communicating with the dead !!!

the window automatticly closes!!!

am i banned or something?

i mean, is it ok to post even if you don´t race in BC5?

It's no problem to post here... I would guess you have some PC security feature that's closing the browser, or your browser's broken. There are some java ads here that pop up security warnings for me.
Time submitted:

Team: GTTimes.com
Driver: Mr.Derek
Round: 2
Total: 1.17.441
Laps: 40.790 / 36.651
WOW!!! How close do ya want it??

Torc Team.

40.71X/ 36.73X
Total: 1:17.44X

Now I'll make ya's wait for the results table :D
That's friggin close womble, although, seeing as GTTimes has the second to least possible integer in the 'ones' position.... :P

And that's awfully mean of you to post it like that. I like your style ;)
GTIRN has been submitted by my driver very early this morning..

Race #2
lap 1 - 40,825
lap 2 - 36,350
total - 1.17.175


  • GTIRN@BC5_race 2_LOOST_ClioV6_AutMin Ring.xps
    25.1 KB · Views: 29