RSM 2.0 A New Beginning | Welcome Shiro |Black Label !

  • Thread starter marbel69
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If you install a lsd on a ff car you converted to a fr will it give power back to front making it a awd? Im having the hardest time with this focus. I made it rwd and put ford falcon v8 in it but. While mid drift it will just catch tons of grip in front and jerk back. I go to adjust the lsd and it says i have a front lsd.

Anyone else have thks problem?
If you install a lsd on a ff car you converted to a fr will it give power back to front making it a awd? Im having the hardest time with this focus. I made it rwd and put ford falcon v8 in it but. While mid drift it will just catch tons of grip in front and jerk back. I go to adjust the lsd and it says i have a front lsd.

Anyone else have thks problem?

change the LSD to 0 in the front. get updated version of the program :P. ill send you on FB.

Marbel :
spank really , i know you hate me you dont need to show it that obvious on the tread

End of that. Now. Thanks.

So, what about starting a blog for these hybrids? Like a Stancenation sorta thing.
End of that. Now. Thanks.

So, what about starting a blog for these hybrids? Like a Stancenation sorta thing.

I Tried, not very well recieved... "/ although I did accidentally put it in the Tuning forum! lool ;D

EDIT: Well kinda, it was kinda a blog with a place to request a build lol
spank really , i know you hate me you dont need to show it that obvious on the tread

I don't hate anybody. Hate is a strong word. You just have such a short fuse when it comes to anything. Just stay calm. Most of us are in the states and are in school ot working. You have to just be patient. I enjoy drifting with you and that will never change.

Why not make a whole other website.

I have a website for us. But Eric never uses it.
I don't hate anybody. Hate is a strong word. You just have such a short fuse when it comes to anything. Just stay calm. Most of us are in the states and are in school ot working. You have to just be patient. I enjoy drifting with you and that will never change.

I have a website for us. But Eric never uses it.

I told eric to add Forums but he never did 👎
Two weeks ill be on my way to Long Beach. Still havent sold my extra set of tickets though.
So im not heading to FL now. :3. More RSM that means.... I had a fail yesterday with grip multplier it was at 43... Stupid Program .-. i out 67 in it that = to 43 in hex data. which is like drifting on ice.
I live in Arizona....

Im never grip multiplying on my cars. That is just stupid and unrealistic. Hope not everyone is doing it. That will turn into bad drifting between us.
I live in Arizona....

Im never grip multiplying on my cars. That is just stupid and unrealistic. Hope not everyone is doing it. That will turn into bad drifting between us.

I removed it. Original was 64 in hex. so thats what i re-put it to. With 637HP 427. I could barely slide. So thats why i removed it .-.

Original Grip in `07 Mustang is 64
I put it up to 67
but then i put it back to 64.

I never grip Multiply i was just testing... Only Eric and Fastfox and Shadoww do it.

And now i wont even touch it because grip multiplier sucks.
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