*Rumor* Gran Turismo 7 Prologue headed to PS4?

  • Thread starter Zuku
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It's really bad marketing practice, but knowing PD, i'm not ruling anything out in terms of playing us around.
We've all known GT7 has been in the works, they announced that when GT6 released. They did the same thing when GT5 released.

I'm saying if GT6 was the test bed for 7 it should not have been advertised as a full sequel and released at full price, we all know how incomplete and buggy GT6 is. PD needs to save face and fix what's wrong with GT6 ASAP otherwise they're not going to have much of an install base for GT7. The majority of people are fed up with PD's antics.

I really do think that we won't see a GT8 by PD if things don't improve.
You can't breathe underwater ;)

I still have some faith in GT, they haven't dissapointed me massively yet.

I lost faith half way through GT5, but I still played it almost every day and play GT6 just about every day. If PD would put some actual racing into the single-player career mode the game would be a lot more useful. As it stands, it's simply a rabbit-chaser simulator with an online mode that happens to let you race cars with your friends.
They can't and they won't. They'll screw up big time, again. But you have to recognise that, at least, they are trying don't miss another start of new generation fiddling with unreachable promises.

I still feel to this day that's was the true demise of GT5 had I not played other racing games, or even demoed them before hand GT5 probably could have turned out better in fact I'd say had GT5 released 2 years................................................You know what scratch that cause just thought about it think people would still have complained, but it wouldn't have been as bad.
I lost faith half way through GT5, but I still played it almost every day and play GT6 just about every day. If PD would put some actual racing into the single-player career mode the game would be a lot more useful. As it stands, it's simply a rabbit-chaser simulator with an online mode that happens to let you race cars with your friends.
Which is one of the main points of improvement that PD must stress to accomplish.

I'm fine as long as I get to take pictures and drive all sorts of cars.
They can't and they won't. They'll screw up big time, again. But you have to recognise that, at least, they are trying don't miss another start of new generation fiddling with unreachable promises.
They could indeed just drop the ball completely on GT6 seeing it didn't sell well.
Don't hold your breath friend. It will likely just be more of the same old chase the rabbit nonsense, except with slightly better looking rabbits. I already know I'm hanging up my GT helmet after the current version, if I have to buy new hardware for a game it's going to be a PC.
I'm guessing eye candy also. If they would ever wanna win me back; they'd have to throw their whole game formula around, and i just don't see PD doing that as they are too proud of themselves.
They could indeed just drop the ball completely on GT6 seeing it didn't sell well.

I'm guessing eye candy also. If they would ever wanna win me back; they'd have to throw their whole game formula around, and i just don't see PD doing that as they are too proud of themselves.

If they actually decide to do that word of mouth gets around fast my friend, and honestly I'm monitoring GT6 at this point haven't played it in a few days as I grew tired of it in like 3 short weeks.

But mark my word if they abandon GT6 in any way shape or form most people on here even the biggest supporters would be irate and probably dismiss GT as a franchise for quite some time if not forever.
If they actually decide to do that word of mouth gets around fast my friend, and honestly I'm monitoring GT6 at this point haven't played it in a few days as I grew tired of it in like 3 short weeks.

But mark my word if they abandon GT6 in any way shape or form most people on here even the biggest supporters would be irate and probably dismiss GT as a franchise for quite some time if not forever.

I definitely would. In that case I'd say goodbye to GT and move to PC sims.

As for a GT7P: Since I don't have a PS4 I would never invest in it for a prologue. It could give me a better idea of whether or not I would want to invest in a PS4 for the full GT7, though.
Since GT6 is supposedly next-gen ready... what if the PS3 release of GT6 was a tester for GT7 prologue?

PD's gonna need some tweaking to their "formula" like others have said. Their formula worked out well for older GT games, but it's not cutting it for the modern ones (GT5 and GT6). They seem way to proud of themselves. They're gonna have to change their stuff and start listening to the (new to PD word) community! If they don't, I wouldn't be surprised if GT7 doesn't come out.
We've all known GT7 has been in the works, they announced that when GT6 released. They did the same thing when GT5 released.

I'm saying if GT6 was the test bed for 7 it should not have been advertised as a full sequel and released at full price, we all know how incomplete and buggy GT6 is. PD needs to save face and fix what's wrong with GT6 ASAP otherwise they're not going to have much of an install base for GT7. The majority of people are fed up with PD's antics.
Good point! I already feel cheated, i recently played GT5 again, and damn, this game looks so much more polished than GT6 is...not only the graphics, but everything. GT6 has been updated 4 times, and every time they changed physics, every time new bugs appeared. Seriously, Kaz has no right to do such experiments on his fans. If he wants to test base platform of nextgen GT, he should do this in GT7P. GT6 needs to represent at least GT5 level of quality, not worse.
Maybe a poll would be nice. One of the options could be if GT7P would make you buy a PS4 if it came out this year. I think it would do for me as the only game I would like to play is EA UFC and i have no problem skipping the 2014 version and buying the improved 2015 version instead.
Interesting... First there's that 'mindblowing GT7 tech demo' Tweet, now we're getting this.

Is this how we're gonna find out about new content for GT6 too?
Yay. GT7P, a game that will show features that might be in the full GT7. And I have to drop $400+ on a PS4 to play it? No thanks. All I care about is the full game. Not a work in progress that I have to pay for.
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(Not) serious question:

In this golden new age of F(r)ee to Play, how would everyone feel if...

GT7 Prologue is released, with it's usual, very minimal content, at £59.99..

Then, the "real" GT7, was actually paid DLC add-ons that eventually built up to a full game ? £299 for a single game anyone ? :lol:

I'm still half expecting them to charge us £39.99 for the course editor on GT6 yet :P

On a serious note, thanks to the tuners on these forums, still loving going for a drive in GT6, if not competing very much in the career.:cheers:
More seriously though... I sure as hell believe these Tweets 100 times more than some random DEDICATED GAMING pages making claims and posting generic articles which basically state that new content is coming our way. As if we didn't have PD for that :P

I'm definitely starting to save up cash from this very moment. Just in case.
I probably won't buy a PS4 for a while because PC master race but I'm interested to see what they can do graphically on the new hardware, and how complex all the bugs will be.
PD's going to need to pull something really special out of the bag for GT7 (Prologue or not), especially with pCARS and DriveClub looming large in the near future.

I'm more interested in pCARS than GT7 at this current point.
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