
  • Thread starter Max Powers

Max Powers

XBL: MelBlount
It's probably been done before, but who in here runs? If so, do you run in races, or just to keep yourself in shape? I run Cross Country and Track during the school year, so I run every day over the summer. I run 4 miles for 5 days of the week, 5 miles for one day, and 8 miles for a day. I will keep this schedule all summer until cross country practice starts, then my mileage will probably be doubled.

My times:
5k: 17:56
2mi: 10:14
1mi: 4:46
I also run CC and Track.

Your 5k is fast! My best is in the mid 19 minute range... and my mile is in the mid 5 minute range.

Then again, that's pretty good considering that only years ago, I couldn't even do a mile, because my asthma was so horribly bad.
holy ****, one mile in 4:46??? My best was something like 6:45, but I would've gotten a better score if
A) The track was better(very sharp corners, and very narrow, so was hard to pass people many times)
B) More motivation

I was thinking of running this summer, I think I'll actually start running sometime soon... But those damn misquetoes! DAMN YOU MINNESOTA!!!
minnesota? where at? damn, i have been reading your posts for a long time, it is wierd finding out you are in the same state. I thought everyone on the board was from florida or california. haha.

I started running this summer. I have been going for almost 2 weeks now. I am definately a beginner, and a bit out of shape. I am happy with my progress so far though. I have tried not to start a strict program because my mood ofen differs, and I would just fail. About every other day, or every day I run in the morning or at night. I like it being this flexible because sometimes i really feel like running, and sometimes i dont. It has worked well so far.

I had been running 1 mile every time i go out before, but just started upping it this week. I did about 1.3 miles last night. When i started I could run a mile, but it was so damn hard on my body it was all just my determination. By the time I finished my lungs felt on fire. I was caughing up flem and all kind of goodies. When I just did 1.3 miles yesterday I kept the same pace for the whole time, really got in a rythm with the breathing, didnt feel too stressed (body or lungs) by the time i finished.

I might let you guys know how it goes. I might even give you a time for the mile. I think I am only running maybe an 8:45 now. (I timed when i just started, but it wasnt too accurate.)

I would like any tips if possible, because right now it feels impossible to ever see myself running more than 2 miles straight.
Well, the biggest piece of advice I could give you is to run as often as you can (though I'd recommend having Sunday as a break day), and just gradually work your way up... Just a year ago, I couldn't imagine myself running more than a mile either, but within two weeks of training, I could do a 5k. For a beginner, it'll take about 2 weeks to get your muscles used to the long distance running, and about one month to really become acclimated to it. Just keep at it, and don't be afraid to push yourself. :)

[edit]: Also, never take a break from running for longer than 3-4 days... you get badly out of shape after that. I haven't run in several weeks ever since Track season ended, and I'm going to pay badly for that.
At first, don't worry about how fast you run, I'd concentrate more on how far or long you're running for, then once you feel like you're in good shape, worry about your speed.
im in plymouth, hennepin also. im 18.

btw, if i can fix my car today ill be going up to BIR on monday. oh, and windows sucks, hehe.
Yeah - I run, although I'm a bit more long distance focussed, I'm actually training for the Sydney Marathon in September. I run Tue-Thu-Sat with my long run on Sundays. This will be my first marathon.

Can't compare with your pace, though. I managed to get just under 100min for the half marathon (21.1km) last month. I'm aiming for 3 1/2 - 4 hours for the marathon.
hrmm, plymouth... Where can you go running up there? Or do you just run along the streets/roads? I myself reside in Bloomington, somewhere near 169. I guess I could go run to a lake or something(Not like there's not enough in this wonderful, misquetoe-infested state...), maybe I will... But those damn misquetoes!
I just run laps in my neighborhood, pretty sad. Im sure I will get tired of it soon. I need to find some nice places to go. I have never ben up there but my sister often goes to lake calhoun.

You ever go to prokart? I just found them a couple months ago and used to waste about $30 a week there. I am poor now so I havent been there for a few weeks though. Theres one in maple grove, blaine, and burnsville. Maple grove is horrible, but burnsville is pretty good. We should meet up on a thursday ($10 races) some week, and battle it out for the prokart gtp championship. haha, lame i know.

I am still running atleast 4 times a week. Yesterday and today I ran 1.5 miles. Yesterday it was pretty easy, i was actually in a dead sprint for the last tenth (probably not the best thing to do, but it felt good). Today I had to push myself though, i hadnt eaten **** so i was lacking energy. I thought I would try for 2 miles today, but didnt think that would be a good idea once i got to the halfway point.

some other info...... I am down to about 18-19% bf, 193lb. I was all the way up to 27% and 215 in december, and stuck at 23ish 205-207 for a long time up to this summer.

I am thinking if i can drop another 10lb I would actually be golden. I am surprised my goal looks so close. I will continue what i am doing and hope i can get there by the end of the summer..........
Originally posted by advanR

I am still running atleast 4 times a week. Yesterday and today I ran 1.5 miles. Yesterday it was pretty easy, i was actually in a dead sprint for the last tenth (probably not the best thing to do, but it felt good). Today I had to push myself though, i hadnt eaten **** so i was lacking energy. I thought I would try for 2 miles today, but didnt think that would be a good idea once i got to the halfway point.

some other info...... I am down to about 18-19% bf, 193lb. I was all the way up to 27% and 215 in december, and stuck at 23ish 205-207 for a long time up to this summer.

I am thinking if i can drop another 10lb I would actually be golden. I am surprised my goal looks so close. I will continue what i am doing and hope i can get there by the end of the summer..........
Yayz! :)👍

BTW, my comment on that I'm going to pay when I start training again after not running for several weeks was dead on... last week, I started training again, and good friek, did it hurt. I've just been running 2 miles for the past week... not pushin' it much. Monday I'll try for 2.5-3 miles, run that for another week, and then finally up the ante to 4 miles (which is what I'll keep at until actual summer Cross Country training starts in mid-July).
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I don't run. But I ran a mile in roughly 6 minutes once.
That's really good for someone who "doesn't run"... before I did CC, my mile time was around 6:50 (obviously, it's much better now, at around 5:30).
I run CC my best mile is 6:12 and i can run 2 3/4 miles in 20 min (on a good day) I just got my new running shoes yesterday and starrted running, i felt great i just kep going and going and going. Then i got tired and stopped at Mac Donalds to get some water and a burger, rested and played those games.
On the way jome it took forever but when i got home i want hurting or anything :D.
I wonder what I could run a mile, on its own, at my fastest, in?

My pace over my longer runs (20km+) would be at around 7m30s to 8m.

Might try this after my marathon. I need to do some speed work to try and find some pace for next year after September anyway, so it would be a good time to try it.
Ah, "speed work"... love that term! :D I'd rather do speed work any-day to the stuff we normally do. In fact, when it comes to Track, I love the 800 more than anything else... the shorter races obviously aren't for me as I am a long-distance runner (well, compared to vat_man I'm a short distance runner, but you get the point ;)), and the 1 and 2 mile races are so boring on the track (I usually lose count during the 2 mile). CC is a lot more fun. :)
Have you done any heart rate checks when running, Sage? I hadn't done a check in about 5 months, and was surprised to find my heart rate when running on the flat at my usual long distance pace (i.e. around 4:45 kms) had dropped about ten bpm from where it was at the start of the year. That's a good thing, I guess, in that I've got some capacity to build up my pace - also means I run with my heart rate monitor now, which I've set to beep now when I slack off (which is frequently).

The real shock was my resting heart rate - 42!! I couldn't believe it!
Nope, never done a heart rate check... and to be honest, those things are a bit pricey, aren't they? My parents pay $100 for the CC fee, $200 for camp, $75 for summer training, whatever for shoes, etc., so we're not apt to buy more stuff for running. ;) :lol:
They're pretty cheap now - I think they start at about $40 US, and you can pay as much as you want for them - there are some really well featured ones for close to $400 US.

They're a pretty good guide to effort and fitness - I'm surprised given what you're doing that your school isn't using them.
Originally posted by Sage
Ah, "speed work"... love that term! :D I'd rather do speed work any-day to the stuff we normally do.

You're crazy, most Cross Country athletes that I know hate speed work. Give me a long slow run over speed work any day.

I'm not much of an 800 runner, the mile is the shortest distance I go. I can run a 4:46 mile, but when it comes to the 800m I can't even break 2:10.

Also, you have to PAY for cross country?! For our school you just buy your shoes and you're set for the year.
Yup, we have to pay fees, because all of the races around here cost money to enter.

But... speed... work... I... love... it... :(

I'm kinda weird in that I like short distance or really long distance-- I like the 800m and the 5k, but nothing in between.
Originally posted by quicksilver1122
Dude.. how the **** did you get your heart rate that low?! You must be in hella good shape.
Easy - I run 40-60km a week over hilly ground. Well, that and I know I've got a comparatively big heart for my size (runs in the family - Dad was the same).

I'm carrying a bit more fat than I'd like, but my endurance is pretty good - probably the fittest I've ever been.
I just bought some shoes today. I went to a running specialty shop with the new balance 855 in mind. Maybe it would be a better shoe for me, but they didnt have it in a 12, and he showed me some other shoes.

I bought a pair of the Asics gel-koji's. If I remember right, he showed me the kayano also, but I swear I saw an $80 price tag on them. (a quick look at shows they are $110+ for the rev.8 and 9. maybe it was the 8, i dont know)

They are more comfortible than the 855s on my foot, while still being a motion control shoe. My only concerns are if this will be a good shoe for a heavy runner (195lbs), or if there is another shoe that would fit my foot better, or be better in any way not considered. Ill try them out and return them if I need to. Much better than the trash i was running in before.
Hmmm... I've never been one to spend that much money on shoes. The ones I'm currently running in were on sale for 20 bucks. :D (Asics)

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