Russian Invasion of Ukraine

  • Thread starter Rage Racer
Episode 2 Whatever GIF
Russian authorities running from Kherson, supply chains finally broken.

This doesn't mean that Kherson isnt under RF control, there are ****ton of russian troops,still.
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Kherson is where my friend is from originally. I hope to 🤬 Ukraine can regain control of it.

Edit: I asked her and she said it's true; the strategy of bombing every bridge into/out of Kherson has starved the occupiers of reinforcements and forced them into submission.
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Currently listening "All the Kremlin's Men" audiobook, its about Putins reign in 2000s and 2010s(available at audioable). Its mix of hundreds interviews with Russian politicians and oligarchs made by M.Zygar. Basically,its explained what happened and why we have this stupid war.

Also, its forming great pair with Empire must die. 120+ years and same ********.
It's shocking that... uh... swamp gas could do so much damage to an airstrip.

Not an attack, just another case of military spontaneous combustion

All these airstrips keep accidentally falling out of 5th floor windows.
More explosions in Crimea.
  • big explosions near Jankoy - ammo depot, power plant and rail tracks.
  • possible explosion at Gvardeyskoe airbase.

Aside from obvious results in ****ed supply chains, these makes stealing electricity from Zaporozhskaya power to Crimea near impossible. Also, railroad in Crimea isnt operable for few days at best.

MoD said it was sabotage. Ukrainians officials joking, as always.
Ukrainians demolishing ammo depots, orcs destroying dorms in Kharkiv. Same **** every day.

Meanwhile, Covid is back here, I could see it would cause some problems with manpower for RF.
Meanwhile, Covid is back here, I could see it would cause some problems with manpower for RF.
It gives Putin an excuse to stay hidden away from people without having to look like he is shying away.
All these "accidents".
I can just imagine the phone calls Putin must be getting:

Putin picks up phone...
"Mr Putin. I understand you've had an accident in the last 2 weeks. You might be eligible for compensation"

Maybe Crimea is being visited by aliens? 🤔
Like it? Keep crowing over it. The tweet author doesn't mention that this man was a pro-Ukrainian Russian, he's been living in Kiev for the last 7 years, and he tried to enter Romania from Ukraine. In his tweet, he says he's heading back to Kiev.

What an irony - you root for Ukraine for so long but still get a pile of **** into your face just for being a Russian citizen. And some people even approve it. Another lesson for anti-Russian Russians to learn. Pretty much like Marina Ovsyannikova, who's been used once and thrown away like a condom.

The latest tendencies clearly show that for Ukraine and some on the West, there are no "good Russians" anymore. Every single person of Russian nationality (including you, my fellow @inCloud) is their enemy. Zelensky recently called Europe to deport ALL Russians (without regard to anyone's political stance, and including those who escape from prison sentences), and EU is now considering visa bans. Latvia and Estonia already closed entry for RF citizens. And they closed the doors right before the nose of anti-Putin people trying to flee to these countries. Way to go, civilised West. Not to mention other discrimination Russian people (regardless of who they support) face abroad in sports, culture and even everyday life. Just two years ago, the whole Western world was repeating "black lives matter", "racism bad", but it turns out that there's nothing bad about racism and ethnicity-based discrimination as long as Russians are the ones targeted. The masks are dropped.

@MatskiMonk asked me, why am I not "brave enough" to take Ukraine's side. So, this is one (but not the only) of the answers. Why to be a "good Russian" if you are still treated like a "bad" one? Not many Russians are masochists who enjoy being spit in the face.

I have some friends who were formerly anti-Kremlin, but now they support the "Operation Z". Not because they suddenly loved Putin, no, not at all. It was the West's russophobia and hypocrisy that opened their eyes. If someone thought targeting all Russians even in non-political fields (like banning them from sports, ApplePay and Playstation Store) will make them rise against Putin - I'll have to disappoint you, it's doing exactly the opposite. Reading Ukrainian tweets like "the only good russian is a dead russian" doesn't encourage much to be pro-Ukrainian, either.
You sir, are a despicable human being.
I like you, too. Thanks. Have a good day, sir.
You were expecting some "#NotAllRussians" campaign from Ukrainians and other nearby countries while your army of undisciplined orcs have been given the green light to massacre their way through the country for half a year now, putting the good old Ruskie conquest mentality in plain view of the whole world? I have no idea how the mass rapes, kidnappings and targeting of vulnerable civilian infrastructure advances your stated goals, but that's what you keep doing anyway. Just can't help but do orc things in a time of need, I guess?

If it wasn't clear enough at the start of the invasion, then Bucha certainly sealed the deal and got me to cheer for dead Russians across the board for as long as the war needs to last. Doesn't make an ounce of difference anymore if it's a Kadyrovite attack dog, a Wagner muppet with a whole SS uniform tattooed on him (hooray for denazification) or a teenage conscript who conveniently happens to weep like a crybaby when the cameras are rolling. Everyone is complicit in the atrocities, and if they weren't, their guns would've systematically been turned towards their own officers that enabled this orc nonsense a long time ago.

Keep blaming the West for your shortcomings though - it seems to be the one talent in life you have no shortage of.
@Carbonox so you agree that it's okay to discriminate, hate and wish death to all Russians regardless of gender, age, profession and political view? Thanks for confirming that we (including me and my family) are only as good as dead to you. You just did more than all the Kremlin propaganda combined to motivate me for support of "Z". Putin should be grateful to people like you.

As I see in your post, you associate "Russians" only with the RF army as if the non-military Russian people don't exist. And our friend inCloud here, he served in Putin's army, does it mean he's also an orc, one of those who you cheer for being dead?

And oh look, I read about atrocities from someone who ignores (or is fine with) the Ukraine's war crimes, such as shelling civilians (in Donetsk, Gorlovka and other cities), the Zaporizhia nuclear power station (that may result in a new Chernobyl) and dropping Lepestok landmines (the blow children's feet off) in civilian areas.
Interesting that Ukraine is inviting journalists to as close to the nuclear power station as it can get:

Wonder when Russia will invite journalists to... anywhere.

motivate me for support of "Z"
The fact you'd even consider it is repellent enough - and let's not pretend you'd even given a moment's thought to not doing so.

It's also pretty much why nobody believes a word you say, even without the ridiculous continual shilling of pro-Russian invasion, anti-Ukraine propaganda. I think it's long past time you vacated this thread.

Oh, and just for reference "orc" refers to those who engage in indiscriminate, mindless brutality - murder, mutilation, rape, pillage, looting - while they're invading someone else's land. It does not refer to all Russians, or all Russian soldiers who've ever served (many of whom are forced to do so and do not know they're fighting in Ukraine), but only to those who act in this manner and support it - so stop pretending it's discriminatory or abusive.
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@Carbonox so you agree that it's okay to discriminate, hate and wish death to all Russians regardless of gender, age, profession and political view? Thanks for confirming that we (including me and my family) are only as good as dead to you. You just did more than all the Kremlin propaganda combined to motivate me for support of "Z". Putin should be grateful to people like you.

As I see in your post, you associate "Russians" only with the RF army as if the non-military Russian people don't exist. And our friend inCloud here, he served in Putin's army, does it mean he's also an orc, one of those who you cheer for being dead?

And oh look, I read about atrocities from someone who ignores (or is fine with) the Ukraine's war crimes, such as shelling civilians (in Donetsk, Gorlovka and other cities), the Zaporizhia nuclear power station (that may result in a new Chernobyl) and dropping Lepestok landmines (the blow children's feet off) in civilian areas.
Given how many of you are conscripted, it's not exactly far fetched that the military is comprised of ordinary Russians first and foremost, and their attitudes towards former Soviet states have been revealed to be plenty rotten with or without Western sanctions. That doesn't give much of a reason to have any faith that a different assortment of your soldiers would strive to do any better.

Also, the nuclear plant is now a Ukrainian atrocity? Despite your very own thugs threatening to blow it up rather than let it be taken back by its righteous owners?