Like it? Keep crowing over it. The tweet author doesn't mention that this man was a pro-Ukrainian Russian, he's been living in Kiev for the last 7 years, and he tried to enter Romania from Ukraine. In his tweet, he says he's heading back to Kiev.
What an irony - you root for Ukraine for so long but still get a pile of **** into your face just for being a Russian citizen. And some people even approve it. Another lesson for anti-Russian Russians to learn. Pretty much like Marina Ovsyannikova, who's been used once and thrown away like a condom.
The latest tendencies clearly show that for Ukraine and some on the West, there are no "good Russians" anymore. Every single person of Russian nationality (including you, my fellow
@inCloud) is their enemy. Zelensky recently called Europe to deport ALL Russians (without regard to anyone's political stance, and including those who escape from prison sentences), and EU is now considering visa bans. Latvia and Estonia already closed entry for RF citizens. And they closed the doors right before the nose of anti-Putin people trying to flee to these countries. Way to go, civilised West. Not to mention other discrimination Russian people (regardless of who they support) face abroad in sports, culture and even everyday life. Just two years ago, the whole Western world was repeating "black lives matter", "racism bad", but it turns out that there's nothing bad about racism and ethnicity-based discrimination as long as Russians are the ones targeted. The masks are dropped.
@MatskiMonk asked me, why am I not "brave enough" to take Ukraine's side. So, this is one (but not the only) of the answers. Why to be a "good Russian" if you are still treated like a "bad" one? Not many Russians are masochists who enjoy being spit in the face.
I have some friends who were formerly anti-Kremlin, but now they support the "Operation Z". Not because they suddenly loved Putin, no, not at all. It was the West's russophobia and hypocrisy that opened their eyes. If someone thought targeting all Russians even in non-political fields (like banning them from sports, ApplePay and Playstation Store) will make them rise against Putin - I'll have to disappoint you, it's doing exactly the opposite. Reading Ukrainian tweets like "
the only good russian is a dead russian" doesn't encourage much to be pro-Ukrainian, either.
You sir, are a despicable human being.
I like you, too. Thanks. Have a good day, sir.