S-7 licence test help please !!!!

  • Thread starter jimmyb5374
Please can someone give me advice re the super formula 19 licence test ? I’m going out of my mind trying to even get bronze on it , ps4 using controller . I can’t seem to corner remotely fast and accurate enough , got down to 1.3 seconds off of bronze and I want to smash the controller through the tv !!

Please help me regain calm and sanity thanks …
If the game is anything like GTSport on controller, if you haven't increased the steering sensitivity setting the faster cars in the game are almost impossible to drive quickly, you simply can't get the steering where it needs to be fast enough.
I would try turning off the ghost and just gunning for it with instinct. Worked for me, got a bronze and was a second faster than the minimum. This was unnecessarily hard though, but S-10 is true pain. There's water on the track and you'd be using... h a r d r a c i n g t i r e s
I would try turning off the ghost and just gunning for it with instinct. Worked for me, got a bronze and was a second faster than the minimum. This was unnecessarily hard though, but S-10 is true pain. There's water on the track and you'd be using... h a r d r a c i n g t i r e s
To be fair though, if you just avoid the water (easy to do on a well calibrated screen), turn on all assists and go as fast as you can there's quite a large amount of time to complete gold on S-10. I had a demo ghost set to 0.2 secs which I could barely see at the end of the race but still had 1.5 seconds to spare. I guarantee I could shave another 1.5 off which I would never say about some of the other license tests.
Please can someone give me advice re the super formula 19 licence test ? I’m going out of my mind trying to even get bronze on it , ps4 using controller . I can’t seem to corner remotely fast and accurate enough , got down to 1.3 seconds off of bronze and I want to smash the controller through the tv !!

Please help me regain calm and sanity thanks …
There is a big thread here in the forum where all the exams that someone is having problems with have been discussed. There are also some tips for your problem.
This is going to sound completely insane, but try using that silly roof cam view, ESPECIALLY for the final S license. That's how I did both of those, using a dual shock. That view is in there for a reason but don't ask me why lol. It works for some crazy reason.
The corner before the drop down chicane at laguna Seca does NOT require full brakes. Just a heavy tap.
Are you talking about T6? I'm almost positive I was nearly flat out through there, no need for brakes at all. Unlike this example, I didn't hit the sausage. The SF has absolute LOADS of grip, you just have to trust it.

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Please can someone give me advice re the super formula 19 licence test ? I’m going out of my mind trying to even get bronze on it , ps4 using controller . I can’t seem to corner remotely fast and accurate enough , got down to 1.3 seconds off of bronze and I want to smash the controller through the tv !!

Please help me regain calm and sanity thanks …
Try bonnet cam, i always drive better with f1 cars if i only see the front wheels. Chase cam dont work for me in f1 cars. I also did it with controller, have gold for evrything.
Eventually I did it after lots of swearing and basically saying screw it !! Only got bronze but then did the s-10 wet Porsche final test 2nd go , so I guess you’re good at some things not others hahahaha
This was one of the real fun license tests under the S category. Prior to GT7, I was playing F1 2017 & 2021 games. So I'm used to the insane grip & downforce they can offer.

It only takes a few laps of practice. Controlled aggression is what is needed. Once You understand the braking, grip & downforce strengths of the car, it will be fun to gold the time at Laguna Seca.
you have to be full throttle in turns 4, 6, and 9.
It's possible due to the immense grip. It's vital to nail the apex for maximum speed through these corners.

Another alternative is don't brake but lift off at a higher speed through the corners. Lifting off even provides good stability through these corners which is what I did. Lift off if You think You've going to overshoot the corner a little. Once again on the racing line, accelerate.