'S Rank Sportsmanship'

  • Thread starter ItzLewis
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I will admit, I'm not the most experienced driver on GTS. I bought the game along side a Logitech G29 steering wheel and pedals for Christmas, and have been enjoying the game overall. I am a clean racer and have started doing the daily online races, and have easily reached the highest rank of sportsmanship - S. HOWEVER, I am not impressed by the way the sportsmanship rating is calculated. I cant go a single race without being hit off the track at some point, and the worst part? It's so BLATANTLY DELIBERATE! How can people get away with ramming you off the track to ruin your race, receive no penalty and get away with it. I have only competed in few daily races, but I am unpleasantly surprised about the way people tend to race. Action needs to be taken by polyphony to ensure that the dirty racers that are 'S Rank SR' are downgraded, and it needs to happen fast.
I concur, I think the easiest way to help would be be to put a restriction in place that for example says “if a car has been in an incident where SR rating has had a negative penalty incurred a positive rating cannot be obtained for 1 lap after the incident”.

Would stop those that are forever ramming and bumping increasing their rating so easily.
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I concur, I think the easiest way to help would be be to put a restriction in place that for example says “if a car has been in an incident where SR rating has a negative has been incurred a positive rating cannot be obtained for 1 lap after the incident”.

Would stop those that are forever ramming and bumping increasing their rating so easily.
I will admit, I'm not the most experienced driver on GTS. I bought the game along side a Logitech G29 steering wheel and pedals for Christmas, and have been enjoying the game overall. I am a clean racer and have started doing the daily online races, and have easily reached the highest rank of sportsmanship - S. HOWEVER, I am not impressed by the way the sportsmanship rating is calculated. I cant go a single race without being hit off the track at some point, and the worst part? It's so BLATANTLY DELIBERATE! How can people get away with ramming you off the track to ruin your race, receive no penalty and get away with it. I have only competed in few daily races, but I am unpleasantly surprised about the way people tend to race. Action needs to be taken by polyphony to ensure that the dirty racers that are 'S Rank SR' are downgraded, and it needs to happen fast.
Couldn't agree more Itz! Makes me so frustrated too as I am used to clean races - even accept a mistake from the driver ahead but in this game they go after you even if they do a mistake like leave the "door" open in a turn and you pass cleanly inside - next corner or two they ram you down and NO penalty! ?
I will admit, I'm not the most experienced driver on GTS. I bought the game along side a Logitech G29 steering wheel and pedals for Christmas, and have been enjoying the game overall. I am a clean racer and have started doing the daily online races, and have easily reached the highest rank of sportsmanship - S. HOWEVER, I am not impressed by the way the sportsmanship rating is calculated. I cant go a single race without being hit off the track at some point, and the worst part? It's so BLATANTLY DELIBERATE! How can people get away with ramming you off the track to ruin your race, receive no penalty and get away with it. I have only competed in few daily races, but I am unpleasantly surprised about the way people tend to race. Action needs to be taken by polyphony to ensure that the dirty racers that are 'S Rank SR' are downgraded, and it needs to happen fast.
If you got to S so fast it probably means you’re still at low S. Keep avoiding others for a while and you’ll reach high S where drivers are much cleaner.
I’m so impressed with the online behaviour of other drivers I race against so

- perhaps it’s because I race against large fields of Japanese drivers who may be cleaner racers

- I could be in high S if there is such a thing

Online in GTS is terrific, not so in other console titles in my experience.
I'm not impressed by the match making. Today I was wedged in between two drivers with 1 bar connection. How are you supposed to overtake a saw tooth pattern while avoiding another one on your tail.

I'm SR 99/99, yet still make mistakes as well occasionally. Lag is the biggest factor now though. When I hit someone from behind it's always someone with 3 bars or less, you just don't see the brake lights in time with lag. The car suddenly goes slower or changes direction without warning.

Anyway max SR I still see daily dive bombing, pushing in corners, not leaving room, corner cutting and even the occasional blatant attack.
I'm not impressed by the match making. Today I was wedged in between two drivers with 1 bar connection. How are you supposed to overtake a saw tooth pattern while avoiding another one on your tail.

I'm SR 99/99, yet still make mistakes as well occasionally. Lag is the biggest factor now though. When I hit someone from behind it's always someone with 3 bars or less, you just don't see the brake lights in time with lag. The car suddenly goes slower or changes direction without warning.

Anyway max SR I still see daily dive bombing, pushing in corners, not leaving room, corner cutting and even the occasional blatant attack.
Completely agree. How could I forget about the 1 bar connection issues, I have a replay saved of a time I bashed a guy when he was lagging and then he just teleported away from me. Poor connection should be a factor that affects the user with poor connection, not the user that has a fine connection.
Watching those incidents, it's not entirely the fault of the other driver.

This comes down to your speed and experience on circuit and with others around you. I have found when drivers are not in the higher driver rating class, then lap times, although similar, are gained by different speed in different places around the track. This can make it unpredictable as to where an opponent will brake and what line they will take.

For example, your first video. You are taking a very slow line through the final chicane at Yamagiwa. From the other car's perspective, that driver appears to be taking a more normal line, and braking where they would expect you to brake. You are braking earlier and running slower, so he takes avoiding action/turns it into a pass as you can see with the change in direction. The bump appears accidental. It didn't appear to be a dive at any point.

2nd video appears unlucky. The driver was very foolish to rejoin like that but the game shouldn't have de-ghosted them there. Try to learn from it, but even the best would get caught out there.

3rd video, once again a slow line through the corner. The 2nd driver takes a faster and more normal line while you are running very slowly on the inside of the circuit. The 2nd driver doesn't appear to care that you are there and bumps into you, but also didn't appear malicious in the bump.

4th video, you should have given up the position. You were side by side into a corner only 1 car can go through. The other driver doesn't necessarily respect you are beside them and give you racing room. But watching that video you are on the brakes way to late and was probably heading off the track anyway. In that position, they had the high ground, and in future you should recognise that and give them the position before it turns into an incident.

One thing I have learnt is, especially in DR B and lower, to give the opponent more room than they need. Recognise when you have the low ground and will turn into an incident if you fight hard and learn from the accidents. Don't get angry in the race, it may annoy you for sure. But at least watch the replay, watch what the opponent did and how they reacted to you and what you were doing. Learn from it and try to more actively avoid accidents in the future. Sometimes it's better to let someone by than to fight it and be bumped off costing you many places. So many times I have been annoyed by the behaviour of some drivers where I was just as much at fault as they were. It's always easier to blame someone else rather than yourself.

3 of those scenarios, both drivers could have driven better. I'm not blaming you at all, just trying to open up the idea that it takes 2 drivers to have accidents like those. Hope you can take those thoughts on board and have better races in the future.
If you got to S so fast it probably means you’re still at low S. Keep avoiding others for a while and you’ll reach high S where drivers are much cleaner.
Sander - where can you see that progress of getting a higher S? I like racing with "normal" people showing racing behaviour! Thanks and Happy New Year! :)
Sander - where can you see that progress of getting a higher S? I like racing with "normal" people showing racing behaviour! Thanks and Happy New Year! :)
You won’t be able to see it, otherwise people would game the system to know when they can afford to ram you off the road.

You could actually see it in the first beta; SR was a value from 0-99. Everybody started at 40, I think.

The only thing you can do is avoid others as best you can and one day you’ll realize that nobody is trying to run you off the track! Happy new year
I found it quite a slog to get out of SR-B due to the fact that drivers are a lot more unpredictable than in the S Class. The dirty drivers tend to drop out of S Class soon enough.
How is it calculated? Would love to know.

It's a simple point scale. You can earn more points in longer races. As far as I can tell the shorter 3/4 lap ones give you max 4 points for a completely clean race. Running off track and hitting people will lower your points.

Sander - where can you see that progress of getting a higher S? I like racing with "normal" people showing racing behaviour! Thanks and Happy New Year! :)

Actually you can see it. For example here, thanks to Milouse

You need to figure out your own profile ID and put that in the link
Just log in to the official website and go to community - my profile to get a link like this

You can also follow your exact stats after each race with this tool
When you follow the instructions it will add this line at the bottom of your official profile page
Thu Dec 28 2017 20:34:52 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:25509 | SR:99/99 | Races:565 | DPUR:78
It works for me with Chrome. Then all you need to do is refresh the page and click the button again to see exactly how it changes after each race.

Anyway "racing with "normal" people showing racing behaviour" depends a lot on stable connections and luck of the draw. 1 or 2 bad apples can change the mood in a race in an instant. Most trouble starts when someone with a good qualifying time can't race at that pace, thus causes a traffic jam with a 'hero' in the back trying to dive bomb past or through the whole group in a corner. Yet if you give respect and leave room for people, they'll likely return the favor. It's more fun to swap places with a good driver than trying to block people behind you and cut them off. That way you'll both be going around the track faster and avoid others catching up with the inevitable 'hero' overtake to end the fun.
Actually you can see it. For example here, thanks to Milouse

You need to figure out your own profile ID and put that in the link
Just log in to the official website and go to community - my profile to get a link like this

You can also follow your exact stats after each race with this tool
When you follow the instructions it will add this line at the bottom of your official profile page
Thu Dec 28 2017 20:34:52 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) -> DR:25509 | SR:99/99 | Races:565 | DPUR:78
It works for me with Chrome. Then all you need to do is refresh the page and click the button again to see exactly how it changes after each race.
:cheers: Thank you!
OP, how can you be S-Rank allready with "only a few" races under your belt? also, how did you achive S-Rank if you got hit in every race?
All noise until the penalty system is able to make a sounder judgement on where fault lies. Currently you will lose sr whether the contact was your fault or not. Even better is when a car is spun in your path at the dragon chicane and you get a 5 second penalty for not having vertical take off to avoid said spun car.
Also need to point out that unlike the DR where everyone starts at E, SR starts at B. As some have already pointed out, all you need to do is avoid the bad apples and you are well on your way to S. They should probably have both starting at E and tweak some of the criteria to improve them.....needless to say, penalty system need to be improved and / or reinforced.
It's a game with no real consequence, so people are going to try and race every lap at 100%. I'm just wondering when people are going to learn that it's racing, and s&%t happens? Racers take the car to the limit, sometimes that limit creates no room for error and things happen. Get over it already.
All noise until the penalty system is able to make a sounder judgement on where fault lies. Currently you will lose sr whether the contact was your fault or not. Even better is when a car is spun in your path at the dragon chicane and you get a 5 second penalty for not having vertical take off to avoid said spun car.

Ohhh even better than that when someone spins out at the chicane and deliberately takes you out, you then get a 10 second ramming penalty. This is the reason my sr goes b a s b a s. Sigh.
It's a game with no real consequence, so people are going to try and race every lap at 100%. I'm just wondering when people are going to learn that it's racing, and s&%t happens? Racers take the car to the limit, sometimes that limit creates no room for error and things happen. Get over it already.

I agree with the comments here - but in my opinion during a race if your racing behaviour is to hit cars to get through there should be additional penalties to the RED S! Today I was racing Sao Paolo (10 laps) - two cars did mistakes in corner one at two different occasions - I was able to get through inside as they went wide...... for whatever reason the worse of the two hit me going side by side down the straight - knocked me three times and I went off in turn 4 - then I got a 5 second penalty and ended up losing 5 places. The second guy came up with a speed he would never make the turn - but run me off again - hard and fast!..... Lost another 4 places. Do I get upset after all this? Yes I do - I'm a human - but at the end of this race out of 20 starting - 2 of us got BLUE S - 2 got WHITE S and 16 got RED S's!! That tells a lot about the scoring/safety ratings system in place today! A car that hit you for no reason other than he is upset or want to get through 4-5 times during a race should not just receive a RED S - more should be added! My opinion. Happy New Year Ladies and Gents!
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S rated doesn't reflect how clean you are, it just means you are able to stay on the track most of the time.
All noise until the penalty system is able to make a sounder judgement on where fault lies. Currently you will lose sr whether the contact was your fault or not. Even better is when a car is spun in your path at the dragon chicane and you get a 5 second penalty for not having vertical take off to avoid said spun car.
If you are using rear view mirror and the radar, you can take evasive action to avoid most exuberant drivers. I avoid dragons tail in sport races due to the chicane, when I do run dragons tail I leave a gap to the car ahead when going through the chicane.
S rated doesn't reflect how clean you are, it just means you are able to stay on the track most of the time.

If you are using rear view mirror and the radar, you can take evasive action to avoid most exuberant drivers. I avoid dragons tail in sport races due to the chicane, when I do run dragons tail I leave a gap to the car ahead when going through the chicane.

Agreed, most of the time. It's the times you can't avoid the spinning car or the idiot who thinks they're playing burnout, that cause such frustration. The penalty system can't ever be perfect but surely it can be improved.
Agreed, most of the time. It's the times you can't avoid the spinning car or the idiot who thinks they're playing burnout, that cause such frustration. The penalty system can't ever be perfect but surely it can be improved.
Absolutely needs looking at. I've just come off of two Sport races and the same rogue Italian player has caused chaos in both. I just watched the replays back and he's essentially tried to ram his way to the front, on both occasions finishing near the back. On the Fittipaldi race, I started near the back and set about trying to put in a good, clean lap time. On lap 4/4, our Italian friend piled into another played in front of me sending him onto the barrier at the S curves. I swerved to avoid his car, cut across the grass to avoid the collision (as we're told to in the Sportsmanship videos) and got myself a 1.5s penalty. Lap ruined, I slowed a little to get rid of the penalty and then at the final tight chicane, he comes flying through at full speed, smashes into the opposite barrier and back onto the track right ahead of me. I'm hard on the brakes, but can't avoid a very light collision and bam, 10 second penalty. I went in looking for a nice clean lap without even making an attack for position and come out of it with a red S. I can see why so many people are pissed off with it.
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Sometimes it makes it exciting, I was having a great race today and some dude who hadn't pitted yet was sideways ghosted in the middle of the track, of course I was two abreast when we approached him and he unghosted two car lengths ahead of us. We both managed to go either side of him, was the most exciting moment I've had in the game lol