'S Rank Sportsmanship'

  • Thread starter ItzLewis
That Fittipaldi race becomes more a game of pinball in the first lap. When do people learn not to try to win the race in the first corner. Then the whole pack is off balance for the S curves and it turns into a big mess of spinning cars bouncing off each other and the walls.

And indeed, get knocked off the track once in that race can already get you a red rating, easily as you usually get punted into another car on the way. While on the 10 lap Suzuka people can ram you 5 times and still get a blue rating. Perhaps you should only earn SR for clean overtakes or while driving close together for a sector, not for simply staying on the track. SR.S should mean something more than the ability to stay on the road for a lap.
I started the Dragons Tail race yesterday in 3rd and right away I knew the Mustang behind me was up to something, he waited til we got to the downhill hairpin and he barely touched his brakes and slammed into my ass (but the funny part was the car behind him also did it to him). It caused me to fall to 17th since it was the first lap, I was >< close to just quitting but made my way back up to 13th and took a hit in DR since I was wearing 1 on the door.
I found it quite a slog to get out of SR-B due to the fact that drivers are a lot more unpredictable than in the S Class. The dirty drivers tend to drop out of S Class soon enough.

Far from it, SR S races have got just as much dirty racers as the lower rated - but what's worst is, the ones I'm referring to are amongst the fastest people out there, they could easily win and drive clean but they don't and use the same trick over and over; they follow you around the entire race until you're in the final sector of the final lap, somewhere in this final sector you'll be punted into a wall/punted off track or shoved off track intentionally so they can take the win without receiving a penalty - final sectors of finals laps (especially the final corner) don't seem to hand out any penalties).

There are a couple of top10 qualifiers (in EU) who use this exploit every, single race. There's one guy in particular who's been doing this since day 1 in the closed EU beta of GTS, which leads me to the conclusion that it'll keep being a part of GTS until they shut down the servers :(

I agree with the comments here - but in my opinion during a race if your racing behaviour is to hit cars to get through there should be additional penalties to the RED S! Today I was racing Sao Paolo (10 laps) - two cars did mistakes in corner one at two different occasions - I was able to get through inside as they went wide...... for whatever reason the worse of the two hit me going side by side down the straight - knocked me three times and I went off in turn 4 - then I got a 5 second penalty and ended up losing 5 places. The second guy came up with a speed he would never make the turn - but run me off again - hard and fast!..... Lost another 4 places. Do I get upset after all this? Yes I do - I'm a human - but at the end of this race out of 20 starting - 2 of us got BLUE S - 2 got WHITE S and 16 got RED S's!! That tells a lot about the scoring/safety ratings system in place today! A car that hit you for no reason other than he is upset or want to get through 4-5 times during a race should not just receive a RED S - more should be added! My opinion. Happy New Year Ladies and Gents!

A RED "s". Big deal. Do you think Rammy McRamerson cares about the RED "s"? Is there a penalty waiting for McRamerson at the next race? Is there a race ban for poor behavior? Since the answer to those questions is no, there is no real consequence for driving like a tall bag of douche water. PD cannot take measures against these people without affecting sales for the next iteration of the game.

Since the scoring system cannot logically differentiate between a racing incident and an intentional incident, you get the system we have. I've had brain farts and missed braking markers causing collisions. I've misjudge a turn in marker and made contact with other racers. Anyone who says they haven't is full of it. The point is things happen when you take a 500+ HP race car to your limits. I'm not trying to sound like an ass but it's a game, get over it and move on.
Since the scoring system cannot logically differentiate between a racing incident and an intentional incident, you get the system we have. I've had brain farts and missed braking markers causing collisions. I've misjudge a turn in marker and made contact with other racers. Anyone who says they haven't is full of it. The point is things happen when you take a 500+ HP race car to your limits. I'm not trying to sound like an ass but it's a game, get over it and move on.

Yup. Total agreement.

Looking at the vids, it's hard to put blame squarely on the shoulders of others, if at all.

Remember that everyone wants the position as much as you and they will likely do their best ot get it. Sometimes the best thing you can do it expect a hit and move out of the way. Without your car there to stop the oncoming car, it will likely go wide allowing you to slip underneath.
So yesterday i played another round of the Manufacturer Championship, and this were the final results.


So it look like that if you drive like a maniac and hit the other is better than if you make a clean race. Look for example to the top 10, only 4 drivers with no penalties, and the first 2 had 3 and 8 second penalties.

They have to do something because, clearly now you have an advantage to hit the others and gain positions and points.

What do you guys think?
What does the red background on the time deltas mean? I have seen examples of where there hasn't been a red dot in the penalty column, but a red background on the deltas.
What does the red background on the time deltas mean? I have seen examples of where there hasn't been a red dot in the penalty column, but a red background on the deltas.

i think it is when your time has been aggravated due to penalties, and the driver did slow down during the seconds displayed, the others didn't, so the penalty is given at the end of the race.
i think it is when your time has been aggravated due to penalties, and the driver did slow down during the seconds displayed, the others didn't, so the penalty is given at the end of the race.

That's what I originally assumed, but there are occasions where there is the time delta highlighted red, but there is no red dot within the penalty column.