Sandy Hook

I'm guessing this is the "Obama staged Sandy Hook so he could implement gun control" video? Should neatly partner the "Obama staged Superstorm Sandy to win the election" video and the "9/11 staged to allow Bush to invade Iraq" video in any sensible person's nutjob file.
I'm guessing this is the "Obama staged Sandy Hook so he could implement gun control" video? Should neatly partner the "Obama staged Superstorm Sandy to win the election" video and the "9/11 staged to allow Bush to invade Iraq" video in any sensible person's nutjob file.

Now I'm not saying that I'm just saying that there is more evidence that the Sandy hook was fake than the other two personally I know 9-11 was real obviously but Sandy hook nah
I'm guessing this is the "Obama staged Sandy Hook so he could implement gun control" video? Should neatly partner the "Obama staged Superstorm Sandy to win the election" video and the "9/11 staged to allow Bush to invade Iraq" video in any sensible person's nutjob file.

Seriously it works out just a little too perfect to not be planned. Everyone knows fear is what makes things happen. If Obama wants guns to be banned or at least a much closer watch on who has what it would be in Congress forever. Just so happens a ton of crazy shootings go down and suddenly guns laws are being added everywhere.

I seriously see another civil war in the near future where the tough gun guys fight against the military. Obviously the military will win taking all those guns and leaving only the weak gunless people for them to control.

They already screwed everyone with the banks by taking all their monkey. They knew this would happen as it was the only way it could go down but they let it happen anyway. Why wouldn't they do other crazy stunts to go farther with their plans?
I'm guessing this is the "Obama staged Sandy Hook so he could implement gun control" video? Should neatly partner the "Obama staged Superstorm Sandy to win the election" video and the "9/11 staged to allow Bush to invade Iraq" video in any sensible person's nutjob file.

Yeah. I'm not even going to bother watching the video. All crazy talk. I regard people that believe in that stuff the same as people who think we never went to the moon. :dunce:
Now I'm not saying that I'm just saying that there is more evidence that the Sandy hook was fake than the other two personally I know 9-11 was real obviously but Sandy hook nah
Seriously it works out just a little too perfect to not be planned.
Funny. I remember the same things being said about 9/11 in comparison to other, earlier events.

It's conspiracy nuts doing their best to show a guy who can't even stand in front of a camera and speak better than a guy who looks like a trouser model can somehow mastermind an illegal, complex plot that would require hundreds of people to be in on it - happily being complicit in killing their own children (rather than Pakistani ones - that's fine) and not a single person approached saying "No, hang on" - and not leak evidence.

It's horse apples, people. It always is. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.
The only thing that has me baffled is why Google has a cached page for a relief fund 3 days before it actually happened and why Connecticut has a FEMA disaster planning for children on their Homeland Security page on that date with the correct hours it occured. That's all I want to know, is why.
Adolf Hitler personally gave birth to the entire Jewish population so that he could create an enemy for his state and rise to power.
The only thing that has me baffled is why Google has a cached page for a relief fund 3 days before it actually happened and why Connecticut has a FEMA disaster planning for children on their Homeland Security page on that date with the correct hours it occured. That's all I want to know, is why.

The dates are very easily faked (some shoddy picture quality on those too). The FEMA disaster planning for children is probably in regards to lots of kinds of disasters.

(For anyone who wants to see these pieces of "evidence", jump pretty much to the end of the video. It consists of very quickly flashed web images of dates on facebook, google, and other pages - none of which exist now of course.)
Funny. I remember the same things being said about 9/11 in comparison to other, earlier events.

It's conspiracy nuts doing their best to show a guy who can't even stand in front of a camera and speak better than a guy who looks like a trouser model can somehow mastermind an illegal, complex plot that would require hundreds of people to be in on it - happily being complicit in killing their own children (rather than Pakistani ones - that's fine) and not a single person approached saying "No, hang on" - and not leak evidence.

It's horse apples, people. It always is. Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.

9/11 isn't the best example to use for your argument. Bush specifically said these attacks were from terrorist and he somehow knew they had weapons of mass destruction. Telling everyone they had to fight or the terrorist would possibly kill us all. Huge fear tactics so the US people would be ok with war. Than a few years later it was prove fact there were no weapons of mass destruction. So 9/11 whether it was real or set up was used as a catalyst to start the war.
9/11 isn't the best example to use for your argument. Bush specifically said these attacks were from terrorist and he somehow knew they had weapons of mass destruction. Telling everyone they had to fight or the terrorist would possibly kill us all. Huge fear tactics so the US people would be ok with war. Than a few years later it was prove fact there were no weapons of mass destruction. So 9/11 whether it was real or set up was used as a catalyst to start the war.

..also a conspiracy theory.
And yet it was a real event perpetrated by real enemies for their own purposes and not the government/the illuminati/whoever's supposedly controlling things today for a hidden agenda.

As was Sandy Hook. And Superstorm Sandy. And Columbine. And Oklahoma.
The dates are very easily faked (some shoddy picture quality on those too). The FEMA disaster planning for children is probably in regards to lots of kinds of disasters.

(For anyone who wants to see these pieces of "evidence", jump pretty much to the end of the video. It consists of very quickly flashed web images of dates on facebook, google, and other pages - none of which exist now of course.)

I guess that's true. When it all went down I couldn't help but think it was staged though, before all this so-called "evidence" came out.
Our government is large, rather inept, and can't agree on anything. There's absolutely no way a secret organization member wouldn't have loosened their lips and dropped actual information (to say, a social media site) or blew a whistle and make the entire thing anything more than the random and awful occurrence that it was, because we're talking about a so-called massive organization supposedly controlled by a tiny elite group, right?

These guys - the "truthers" (or what have you) - prey on gullible folks who are understandably angry, but not rational enough nor clear enough thinkers, to realize sometimes poo just happens. The very concept of societal entropy with the inability to precisely predict outcomes makes a lot more sense, but it's a difficult thing to explain, and so they just make up some fairy tale. These deceitful, money-grabbing charlatans are no better than those in power which they disdain, except that elected officials and employees typically have some tiny bit of accountability in return, whereas these bullcrappers have nothing to lose but are willing to sell you books and videos.

It's self-help workshops with books, tapes, and manuals all over again. A fool and his money are soon parted, except you also lose credibility and actual insight.
The dates are very easily faked (some shoddy picture quality on those too). The FEMA disaster planning for children is probably in regards to lots of kinds of disasters.

(For anyone who wants to see these pieces of "evidence", jump pretty much to the end of the video. It consists of very quickly flashed web images of dates on facebook, google, and other pages - none of which exist now of course.)

Our government is large, rather inept, and can't agree on anything. There's absolutely no way a secret organization member wouldn't have loosened their lips and dropped actual information (to say, a social media site) or blew a whistle and make the entire thing anything more than the random and awful occurrence that it was, because we're talking about a so-called massive organization supposedly controlled by a tiny elite group, right?

These guys - the "truthers" (or what have you) - prey on gullible folks who are understandably angry, but not rational enough nor clear enough thinkers, to realize sometimes poo just happens. The very concept of societal entropy with the inability to precisely predict outcomes makes a lot more sense, but it's a difficult thing to explain, and so they just make up some fairy tale. These deceitful, money-grabbing charlatans are no better than those in power which they disdain, except that elected officials and employees typically have some tiny bit of accountability in return, whereas these bullcrappers have nothing to lose but are willing to sell you books and videos.

It's self-help workshops with books, tapes, and manuals all over again. A fool and his money are soon parted, except you also lose credibility and actual insight.
I cannot agree anymore +1
9/11 isn't the best example to use for your argument. Bush specifically said these attacks were from terrorist and he somehow knew they had weapons of mass destruction. Telling everyone they had to fight or the terrorist would possibly kill us all. Huge fear tactics so the US people would be ok with war. Than a few years later it was prove fact there were no weapons of mass destruction. So 9/11 whether it was real or set up was used as a catalyst to start the war.

I think it's funny Democrats said for years after the Gulf War that Saddam had WMDs - specifically I remember Bill Clinton talking about it for years (didn't he order air strikes from 1998-2000?), then suddenly when Bush administration decided to act, they all jumped on the anti-war bandwagon.
I don't know about being planted but I do have to ask; If the gunman was found dead in the school with two handguns, as reported, and one super scary assault rifle was found locked in his trunk after the shootings...

Why are we banning assault rifles, they must have a mind and means of their own, capable of running around mass murdering and then hiding in trunks.

Didn't they catch some guy out in the woods near the school, too? What ever happened to him? Is it possible he may have planted the rifle? Also, I had heard there were empty .223 Remington casings all over the school. How could that be, if the rifle was found in the trunk of the person's vehicle? What happened to the casings? Were they ever collected into evidence? Wasn't there any security footage showing what actually happened?
I gave up trying to find a coherent detailed account of the event.

Personally I don't think anyone used a 223, not that he/another might not have, I'm basing that on the all the news stories I've seen/heard/read. Two handguns, no riffle.

I think it's funny Democrats said for years after the Gulf War that Saddam had WMDs - specifically I remember Bill Clinton talking about it for years (didn't he order air strikes from 1998-2000?), then suddenly when Bush administration decided to act, they all jumped on the anti-war bandwagon.

Yes exactly you can say anything you want but only way the people will be all for it is if you have some sort of horrible event. 9/11 just so happens to be by terrorist who just so happen to live in a place with weapons of mass destruction. Horrible event, check. People on board to fight them now and they get there but no weapons were found. Not one thing came out of that war except tons and tons of dead people. Oh wait I forgot thousands of dollars into people's pockets who had investments in military based companies.
I think it's funny Democrats said for years after the Gulf War that Saddam had WMDs - specifically I remember Bill Clinton talking about it for years (didn't he order air strikes from 1998-2000?), then suddenly when Bush administration decided to act, they all jumped on the anti-war bandwagon.

Actually, I think he just bombed them because the media needed a distraction from Monica. The military hit a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant and a hospital, instead based on some information or another.

What this has to do with Sandy Hook = zero. I think we need to get back in topic...if there was one. I think this should, if at all, continue in the original thread; on the other hand, this preposterousness ought to be quarantined from that thread.
Yes exactly you can say anything you want but only way the people will be all for it is if you have some sort of horrible event. 9/11 just so happens to be by terrorist who just so happen to live in a place with weapons of mass destruction. Horrible event, check. People on board to fight them now and they get there but no weapons were found. Not one thing came out of that war except tons and tons of dead people. Oh wait I forgot thousands of dollars into people's pockets who had investments in military based companies.

I agree with Pupik, this is not the thread for this particular conspiracy theory. This thread is for a different conspiracy theory.
I agree with Pupik, this is not the thread for this particular conspiracy theory. This thread is for a different conspiracy theory.

Ahah true wrong conspiracy theory. I think this should just be changed to conspiracy theories because they all kinda relate. If this was just a one off thing it wouldn't be conspiracy but since so many sketchy things have went down that's what makes all events more suspicious.
Now what do you guys think/know about Sandy Hook elementary school with the shooting on Dec 14 2012? Now forget about it check this out.
I'm not going to dignify this thread with a response. Except to say that I'm not going to dignify this thread with a response.
Yes exactly you can say anything you want but only way the people will be all for it is if you have some sort of horrible event. 9/11 just so happens to be by terrorist who just so happen to live in a place with weapons of mass destruction. Horrible event, check. People on board to fight them now and they get there but no weapons were found. Not one thing came out of that war except tons and tons of dead people. Oh wait I forgot thousands of dollars into people's pockets who had investments in military based companies.

I don't disagree that many wars have started with some sort of catalyzing event. But I'm not convinced the "government did it" theory is the right one. More likely the government engaged in a massive coverup of its own ties to the people who claimed responsibility. I'm sure many people remain skeptical, but I just am not really on board with this whole "9/11 Truth" thing. I think many in that group are just people out for their own personal glory rather than trying to find the real truth.

By the way, you must not have looked at my links because the information Wikileaks published said the US military found WMD's in Iraq.

In my post, however, I was attempting to point out the hypocrisy of the left. Back when Bush I sent troops to Kuwait, the Democrats wanted him to push all the way to Baghdad and stop Saddam then and there, and he never did. All through Clinton's presidency, they kept talking about WMDs that Saddam had, and Clinton ordered airstrikes when Saddam blocked the UN weapon inspectors. Then suddenly when Bush II acted, they were up in arms about it.

Nobody's out there protesting when Obama continued the war in Afghanistan, even though he said he'd get us out.

It's not like the Democrats are the anti-war party anymore than Republicans are.
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Actually, I think he just bombed them because the media needed a distraction from Monica. The military hit a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant and a hospital, instead based on some information or another.

What this has to do with Sandy Hook = zero. I think we need to get back in topic...if there was one. I think this should, if at all, continue in the original thread; on the other hand, this preposterousness ought to be quarantined from that thread.

+1, back on topic. I don't think Sandy Hook was a conspiracy. I just think the government is covering up the truth for their own political gain. No amount of gun control will stop criminals without violating the Second Amendment rights of millions of law-abiding Americans. Therefore, gun control is pointless. In fact, in areas where there is less gun control, and more freedom for Americans to have firearms and use them in self defense, crime rates are lower. This is shown also in areas that have allowed the concealed carrying of handguns by citizens.

I own handguns, rifles and shotguns and mine are used in a 100% legal way. Why should I suffer for what somebody else did?

Antonin Scalia said there can be limits to the Second Amendment. There already are limits. You can't just walk down the street with an RPG slung over your shoulder can you? You can't drive a tank back and forth to the grocery store can you? THESE are reasonable limitations.

Besides, it's not like Americans are going to turn their firearms in, or register them, or give in to any of these stupid laws anyway. I don't even think they'll get another Federal Assault Weapon Ban or any kind of magazine limitation laws through Congress.

Then it turns into the White House using Executive Orders to push gun control measures, and those are useless anyway since an Executive Order is not a law. The President isn't a King who can rule by decree. We have an elected representative government who gets to decide what the laws are so long as they don't violate peoples' Constitutional rights.

The Second Amendment protects peoples' right to have a firearm, regardless of if it is an "assault" weapon or not. Anybody with half a brain should be able to read the Second Amendment and understand that. For the record, I also think the 1934 National Firearms Act and Gun Control Act of 1968 are unconstitutional laws.
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