Save Game Downloads

  • Thread starter Famine
thanks for the reply and new save. sadly still not working for me...and ive copied many save games over on different games :(

Anyone think its worth deleteing the entire game data on the HD and reinstalling the whole thing again? Any wild ideas to make Prologue 'see' the new saves?
So If I DL the Save data. Will my old data will be deleted, I have the US Bluray version downloaded latest patches so its up to date.
And can I race online by the way?

S missions are driving me crazy. So I decided to Skip them If i can find a good save.
not all gold needed.
Hi there

Any chance for a full save file (I'm looking for the F1) from the US download version?

Number would be: NPUA80075

Thanks a lot
I just checked something...

I tried using the Japanese download version files and replace my own US download version files with them.

It turns out that from the PS3 save game tool, the only files that matter are PARAM.PFD and PARAM.SFO. If I don't replace these two files with the Japanase ones, the PS3 will recognize the savegame file as valid and will accept to copy it over the "live" one.

So, the only file left is GAME_P2.DAT (the other two .PNG are only images, they don't matter). This is the heart of the savegame data. And for some reason, GT5 itself will tell you upon starting up that the save data is corrupted.

The real way of cracking the savegame so that someone could use it without consideration to the version it comes from, would be to use a HEX editor and find out the version specific data that's in it. Of course, I tried looking for "NPUA80075" inside mine and didn't find it, but I'm no good cracker.

If anyone has any idea on how to do this, it would be great to hear it! Until then, I'll be fighting my way through the "S class"... and I'll keep looking for a US download version savegame!

I almost have the S class done only have S7 and S10 to go. Look for another game save from me in about 3 hours more cars!

I will NOT have the s class completed by tonights upload, and to be honest it might take me a while to complete them because im not good enough at the game yet to even come in 3rd, perhaps one of you will be able to do it and upload it I will be trying and keep buying car's.
My US BD Save

2,000,000 credits

C,B,A, and S finished

Buy Formula 1 car with credits if you wish

Notable cars worth 100,000 or more credits in garage:

Ford GT
Ford GT Tuned
Ferrari F40
Ferrari F430
Tuned Lotus
Tuned Corvette
Tuned Viper
Amuse GT1 TURBO Tuned
Blitz Tuned


  • GT5P.rar
    34.5 KB · Views: 1,020
My US BD Save

2,000,000 credits

C,B,A, and S finished

Buy Formula 1 car with credits if you wish

Notable cars worth 100,000 or more credits in garage:

Ford GT
Ford GT Tuned
Ferrari F40
Ferrari F430
Tuned Lotus
Tuned Corvette
Tuned Viper
Amuse GT1 TURBO Tuned
Blitz Tuned

Finally, thank you !

I just try it out, Drive the F1, everything WORKS!
UPDATE 4/18/08 6:11PM EST

Thought this might be a good jumping off point for some people.

US (BD) version -

Audi TT Coupe 3.2
Art Morrison Corvette
BMW 135i Coupe
BMW M3 coupe
BMw Concept 1 Series tii
Clio Sport V6/Tuned
Corvette Z06
Corvette Z06/Tuned
Daihatsu Copen
Daihatsu OFC-1
Ferrari F40
Ferrari 430
Ford GT LM Spec ll Test Car
Ford GT
Ford Focus ST
Ford Mustang GT
Honda Integra Type R
Honda NSX type R
Lotus Elise /Tuned
Lotus Elise 11R/Tuned
Mines BNR34 Skyline GT-R
Mitsubishi Lanser Evo lX GSR
Nissan R35 GT-R
Nissan Skylin Coupe Concept
Suzuki Cappuccino
Suzuki Swift Sport

Events -
Class C finished
Class B finished
Class A finished
Class S Unfinished S7,S10

Unlock's -
Quick Tune Option (so you can now tune your car before the race)
Ending movie GT-TV

CR 2,000,000

Check back tommarow at 6pm EST for more update's.
i have the u.s blu ray version and i read the page about using game saves but still can't figure it out
please help

Lets say if you wanna use EARTH save date.. click, save to desktop. then unzip and move unziped files to your USB.

after that.. plug it to your PS3, Go to Game Data, or game saves.. there you should see on top the USB device.. simply COPY :)
make sure to back your old data up before you save someone's data.
Lets say if you wanna use EARTH save date.. click, save to desktop. then unzip and move unziped files to your USB.

after that.. plug it to your PS3, Go to Game Data, or game saves.. there you should see on top the USB device.. simply COPY :)
make sure to back your old data up before you save someone's data.

Yep... or my "idiot proof" way to do it since I'm slow sometimes...

Start with a blank USB. Put it into your PS3 and copy the current data to your USB stick. Put the USB stick in your computer and navigate through those folders until you get to the actual files. Copy those files somewhere to backup your current save.

Now replace the files on your USB stick with the ones you downloaded (again, navigate through all of the folders until you get to the actual files). Put the USB stick back in your PS3 and tell it to copy the save from the USB stick, it will ask you if you want to overwrite, just say yes. And now you're done.

And while I'm here... someone, anyone, upload a good US (PSN) version save!
Lets say if you wanna use EARTH save date.. click, save to desktop. then unzip and move unziped files to your USB.

after that.. plug it to your PS3, Go to Game Data, or game saves.. there you should see on top the USB device.. simply COPY :)
make sure to back your old data up before you save someone's data.

I tried that
I clicked to download it to desktop and it worked, but when I try to open it, I get a message saying it can't open.
Hey Comatosed. i've downloaded your NPEA00050 zip file but when i open it it only shows 1 file. when i extract it to a folder it also show just 1 file.

pls some help over here.

Has somebody a Savegame for GT5 Proloque US Version PSN (Download) with A and S Races Complete? I`m to bad, slow and impatient for the A Series.
Still not having any luck getting Rog's saves to load up. as ive said ive copied save games over many times before with no issue but for no apparent reason my 2.30 firmware does not 'see' the saves on boot up but when i go to save manually in the game from menu it tells me i have 79bits do i want to overwrite?

It must be something to do with corrupted files or a bad initial winrar zip?

any ideas?
Still not having any luck getting Rog's saves to load up. as ive said ive copied save games over many times before with no issue but for no apparent reason my 2.30 firmware does not 'see' the saves on boot up but when i go to save manually in the game from menu it tells me i have 79bits do i want to overwrite?

It must be something to do with corrupted files or a bad initial winrar zip?

any ideas?
You need to get a game save that works with your version (NTSC (US), PAL (EU), or Japan)

The ones that start with NP are ones for the PSN downloaded version, and the ones that start with BC are for the Blu-Ray disc version. They will either have US, EU or JP in them, depending on which region it's for. Be sure you're using the right kind/region.
I tried that
I clicked to download it to desktop and it worked, but when I try to open it, I get a message saying it can't open.

Hmm.. I have a winRAR finle thingy that opens it .. and just moved the unziped file to USB.. it worked all fine.

Once you unzip the data, A PS3 folder should appear..

Move that folder to the USB.
Seriously, will someone please upload their game save for NA? I do not want to go through the whole game again.

I'm in North America and imported the GT5P japanese version in Dec. Its been a great couple of months but I got tired of having to translate everything so I bought the US version. Too bad the game saves are incompatible! I would never ask for a game save otherwise.

BTW I wasn't even close to getting the F2007. You lucky bastards must have a lot of time on your hands!
I've completed the C, B and A classes without any real trouble, once you get the right car for the right races... But frankly, the S class is very different and very frustrating. To me, it's at the total opposite in terms of difficulty level, leaving a whole range of "in-between" compared to the other classes.

I do not have a steering wheel, neither will I get one just for that, so if anybody tells me that the game is impossible to fully complete without one, then I'll be very disappointed about a game that first seemed so amazing, from every angles.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong and that I will continue to love the game, but for now, since I don't have more than a few hours a week to play with it, all I'm looking for is a US PSN version savegame with the F1 in it, so I can finally test drive it.

I have been working on Earth's Blu-Ray NA save and so far am up to 32 cars with the Scarlet F1 on there. I'll do some more work on it and see what I can upload a little later.
Now Earth's US Blu-Ray save has 40 cars. All Ferraris are there...


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edit: this is not the demo but the Japanese DL version
DL - GT5Pro Japan almost complete :)
credits: ????

BD - GT5Pro Asian Version with lots of money and cars :)
credits: kenji_ip

BD - GT5Pro Japan COMPLETE :sly:
credits: joewong1108

edit: this one only with the GAME_P2.DAT file inside
BD - GT5Pro Europe COMPLETE :sly:
credits: joewong1108

edit: added another save this one is for the GT5Pro Demo
DL - GT5Pro DEMO :)

edit: added another Euro GT5Pro save, this one has both GAME.DAT and GAME_P2.DAT files inside
BD - GT5Pro Europe: status unknown :nervous:

edit: added another Euro GT5Pro save, this one only with the GAME.DAT file inside
BD - GT5Pro Europe: 100% F1 available :sly:
credits: franlakiller

Thank you so much Bewitch for the Game.Dat save with the F12007!!!!

I have not updated to Spec II due to slow internet connection and has been looking for a save for Spec I with the F12007 for a while now.
Again ... Thanks!
You need to get a game save that works with your version (NTSC (US), PAL (EU), or Japan)

The ones that start with NP are ones for the PSN downloaded version, and the ones that start with BC are for the Blu-Ray disc version. They will either have US, EU or JP in them, depending on which region it's for. Be sure you're using the right kind/region.

hi thanks for your help...i have been using Rog's version BCES00104-game-
this seems to be Blue Ray Euro (PAL) which is what i have. as ive said i copy it all over fine, the machine even see's the size of the file but when i boot up the game it goes to decline accept screen and 35k in the pot to start all over again.

any other thoughts? :)
Hi guys, a lot of great work done on these save games!

I am having a problem getting them to load up, Im using earths files and have loaded them onto a usb stick. When I try to load it onto the ps3 is says corrupt data. I have the US Blu-ray GT5-P and I have checked through the threads and the save file structure is correct.

I then copied an exiting save for a different game and tried to load it back onto the ps3, same thing again, corrupt data.

I think maybe my usb stick is not compatible, I cant confirm this as I haven't had a chance to try any other sticks. Any ideas guys???