Save Progress lost

  • Thread starter bnight
Did nothing more than update my family freind's PS4 for GTS, on my account. The saved data on that console was a year old. All my progress was lost when I started GTS with the year old data save; this sould not be possible, yet it happened. GTS does not work the way every other games works.
This is exactly what happens with most games. If you put a game disc into a new machine, the old machine has no save data to draw on unless you have also copied the save data onto a flash drive and then copied it to the new machine. With no save data to draw on, it creates a new save.

In GTS's case, this save then overwrites your stored online profile. It's a process called "synching" - the remote save synchronises with the local save.

Do not know if deleting saved data before starting second console could have prevent loss of one years worth of content, but what was I suppose to do without knowing what I know now.
Why would deleting data help?

You need to transfer the save game data to the console you're playing the game on. The console needs to see the save data to recreate your profile. This has been the case since the days of PS1 memory cards.

I know now. I play an online PS4 game called Warframe, have done so for six years, can log in on any PS4, all content follows automatically. Not so with GTS. Bought GTS online, downloaded online, play it online; saved data is not online. Any separate console play loses content
Aside from the fact that neither the game nor the console have been out for six years yet, what you're saying is fundamentally untrue. "Warframe" may well use a remote save to draw upon, but it's the same process - any new console needs to see the game save or it will start you from scratch.

It just looks like you've assumed "because this game does this all games do", but it's not true. Then you've blamed someone else for your assumption.

I call it greed.
If it's "greed", tell me how Sony profits from your gamesave reverting to an older state because you didn't think to transfer the files to a new console. How does it gain from this oversight of yours?

You can call it what you like, but generally it works well if you use the language the same way the rest of us do. Otherwise you run the risk of saying things that don't make sense.
This is exactly what happens with most games. If you put a game disc into a new machine, the old machine has no save data to draw on unless you have also copied the save data onto a flash drive and then copied it to the new machine. With no save data to draw on, it creates a new save.

In GTS's case, this save then overwrites your stored online profile. It's a process called "synching" - the remote save synchronises with the local save.

Why would deleting data help?

You need to transfer the save game data to the console you're playing the game on. The console needs to see the save data to recreate your profile. This has been the case since the days of PS1 memory cards.

Aside from the fact that neither the game nor the console have been out for six years yet, what you're saying is fundamentally untrue. "Warframe" may well use a remote save to draw upon, but it's the same process - any new console needs to see the game save or it will start you from scratch.

It just looks like you've assumed "because this game does this all games do", but it's not true. Then you've blamed someone else for your assumption.

If it's "greed", tell me how Sony profits from your gamesave reverting to an older state because you didn't think to transfer the files to a new console. How does it gain from this oversight of yours?

You can call it what you like, but generally it works well if you use the language the same way the rest of us do. Otherwise you run the risk of saying things that don't make sense.
PSPlus cost dollars, allows you to save to the cloud, cannot play GTS online with other players without PSPlus, an aditional cost to $79 payed for the game. Again, do not have GTS game disc, bought it online, downloaded online, must play online to save progress. Game data not saved online. Warframe launched on March 25, 2013, free game by the way. Was actually wondering if game data was deleted, if online save would fill in from server, which would show online data saved in server exists. If it does, it would suggest greed. Why does my free game transfer data over to any console I log into, and the one I payed for does not?
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PSPlus cost dollars, allows you to save to the cloud, cannot play GTS online with other players without PSPlus, an aditional cost to $79 payed for the game.
PS Plus is not exclusive to GT Sport. PS Plus is required to play any full PS4 release title in online multiplayer mode (you're going to mention Warframe again at this point; that's a F2P game, not a full PS4 title). Whether you have PS Plus or not would also have zero effect on the issue you've experienced of not transferring a game save (although it would make it less of a physical process).

So to repeat, how does Sony profit from your gamesave reverting to an older state because you didn't think to transfer the files to a new console. How does it gain from this oversight of yours?

Again, do not have GTS game disc, bought it online, downloaded online, must play online to save progress
The physical disc is simply the medium for carrying the game file (and a license). None of this is relevant.
Warframe launched on March 25, 2013, free game by the way.
Not on PS4 it didn't, given that the PS4 didn't come out until November 2013.
Was actually wondering if game data was deleted, if online save would fill in from server, which would show online data saved in server exists.
No, the online save would be overwritten by the blank save file created by the game.
If it does, it would suggest greed.
Again, it's not greed unless Sony profits from the result. Which it doesn't.
Why does my free game transfer data over to any console I log into, and the one I payed for does not?
One game reads the save file from remote storage, one reads it from local storage. I already explained that.
PS Plus is not exclusive to GT Sport. PS Plus is required to play any full PS4 release title in online multiplayer mode (you're going to mention Warframe again at this point; that's a F2P game, not a full PS4 title). Whether you have PS Plus or not would also have zero effect on the issue you've experienced of not transferring a game save (although it would make it less of a physical process).

So to repeat, how does Sony profit from your gamesave reverting to an older state because you didn't think to transfer the files to a new console. How does it gain from this oversight of yours?

The physical disc is simply the medium for carrying the game file (and a license). None of this is relevant.

Not on PS4 it didn't, given that the PS4 didn't come out until November 2013.

No, the online save would be overwritten by the blank save file created by the game.

Again, it's not greed unless Sony profits from the result. Which it doesn't.

One game reads the save file from remote storage, one reads it from local storage. I already explained that.
So you believe it is normal practice to charge players to play one another with a "full" game, where as my free game does not, and that is not normal. Money making it nessary to play online beyond the cost of the game is greed. If my familly friend had their own GTS on their console, I could use that console, and their account to play, adding to their content. However, unknown to me, logging onto my account on their console, ON MY license, cost me a years content. You do the math, two games needed to be purchased in order for me to play on their console. Why don't you see this is designed to keep GTS a single console game. If you want to play on their console, let them buy their own copy. Otherwise, bring your PS4 everywhere you want to play.
Pehaps I should have been more accurate, nearly been playing Warframe 6 years, for free, on any console I have access to. I have spent in game perhaps $2000.00 U.S. on iWarframe. but how could I ever do such on GTS, as there is the possibility of losing content, a game I payed in"full". How has a better business model, the free game, or the greedy one? How hard is it for them to let me play on any console, without the headache of finding out you can't. You blame my iignorance. Still blame greed, which is costing them players. I don't play GTS with other player because I will not buy PS Plus. Play soley to collect content, now lost. Yeah, ItS ALL my Fault. You are awesome by the way.
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If you have a digital copy of the game and the PS4 is set as primary for that account (that has the game), then all the users can play the game, even if they haven't bought the game. That also applies to PS Plus.
So you believe
it is normal practice to charge players to play one another with a "full" game, where as my free game does not, and that is not normal.
All full PS4 titles require, and have always required, PS Plus for online multiplayer.
If my familly friend had their own GTS on their console, I could use that console, and their account to play, adding to their content. However, unknown to me, logging onto my account on their console, ON MY license, cost me a years content. You do the math, two games needed to be purchased in order for me to play on their console. Why don't you see this is designed to keep GTS a single console game. If you want to play on their console, let them buy their own copy. Otherwise, bring your PS4 everywhere you want to play.
This is nonsense and I've already explained this to you in my first response to you. I've been playing GT Sport on two consoles, and on multiple accounts on two consoles, with a single copy since before it was even launched (my game disc is a press preview copy).
How has a better business model, the free game, or the greedy one? How hard is it for them to let me play on any console, without the headache of finding out you can't. You blame my iignorance. Still blame greed, which is costing them players.
Sony makes no profit from you wiping your gamesave progress by failing to transfer it to a new console. Thus it cannot be "greed".

All full PS4 titles require, and have always required, PS Plus for online multiplayer.

This is nonsense and I've already explained this to you in my first response to you. I've been playing GT Sport on two consoles, and on multiple accounts on two consoles, with a single copy since before it was even launched (my game disc is a press preview copy).

Sony makes no profit from you wiping your gamesave progress by failing to transfer it to a new console. Thus it cannot be "greed".
PSPlus allows cloud saves, yes? Bull...
PSPlus allows cloud saves, yes? Bull...
Yes it does, hence:
Whether you have PS Plus or not would also have zero effect on the issue you've experienced of not transferring a game save (although it would make it less of a physical process).
I'm not sure what your disconnect is here. You didn't make sure that the second console had your up-to-date save progress on it and as a result of save-synching you lost it. Sony doesn't make any money at all out of you not transferring your gamesave and losing your progress as a result - thus your oversight is not due to Sony's greed.
Yes it does, hence:

I'm not sure what your disconnect is here. You didn't make sure that the second console had your up-to-date save progress on it and as a result of save-synching you lost it. Sony doesn't make any money at all out of you not transferring your gamesave and losing your progress as a result - thus your oversight is not due to Sony's greed.
Erase evrrything Ive said from your brain, and read this: failing to transfer my game data to my familly friemd's console is my ignorance, thanks everyone for pointing that out. My free to play game, does not need this data transfer to play on second console. Nor do I need to have PS Plus to play multiple players on it. So why do I need to transfer data on GTS to play on a second console? Why do I Need to buy PS Plus to play anyone online with GTS, when I do not with my free game? Paid $450.00 U.S. for my console, then I need to pay to play other players. Greed. I lost a years content because I treated GTS like my free, which I updated on the family friend's console as well. Did not lose data on free game, lost data doing the exact same thing when I updated GTS. How is it possible to lose my progress. Answer: they prefer your second console to have a licensed paid for copy, otherwise, your data would automatically tranfer when you sign in, just like it does on my free game.
If you can not retrieve my lost content, then there is nothing you can say to help me. Except to say you understand my gamer pain.
The difference is your free to play game keeps all their data stored on their own servers so your argument there is moot.

It is not Sony's fault that you don't have PS+ and failed to transfer your own save to a separate console.
Erase evrrything Ive said from your brain, and read this: failing to transfer my game data to my familly friemd's console is my ignorance, thanks everyone for pointing that out. My free to play game, does not need this data transfer to play on second console. Nor do I need to have PS Plus to play multiple players on it. So why do I need to transfer data on GTS to play on a second console? Why do I Need to buy PS Plus to play anyone online with GTS, when I do not with my free game? Paid $450.00 U.S. for my console, then I need to pay to play other players. Greed. I lost a years content because I treated GTS like my free, which I updated on the family friend's console as well. Did not lose data on free game, lost data doing the exact same thing when I updated GTS. How is it possible to lose my progress. Answer: they prefer your second console to have a licensed paid for copy, otherwise, your data would automatically tranfer when you sign in, just like it does on my free game.
If you can not retrieve my lost content, then there is nothing you can say to help me. Except to say you understand my gamer pain.

You should've just had PS Plus and did it the same way as I. I knew beforehand that I had to redownload my game save, in order to make it up to date on another machine.

The mistake you've made is that you've played a free to play game without ps plus, and expected a ps plus title to function in the same way.

You live and learn from your mistakes in life. And i'm sure you'll know next time you want to transfer a proper games data over, that you should back up and redownload beforehand.

It's common sense that a free to play title wouldn't need a ps plus cloud download to re instate its game save.

The clue would be that it doesn't need ps plus and your game data is held on their servers and re uploaded to your machine.

I played a ton of Planetside 2 back in the day. And, as it's free to play, it works in the same way. You can delete your save, or take it to another machine, and you'll always get your save back.

The clue being "free to play" here.

It's not Sonys greed that's at fault. You didn't educate yourself enough on how your system operates in its various functions. And now you paid the price of losing your progress.

But please. Continue to blame others for your mistakes.
You can transfer the game save to a flashdrive or external hard drive via USB. Then transfer it to the other console.

I thought we found out that the flashdrive saves are overwritten by the server saves no matter what. So how would that work with another console?
You should've just had PS Plus and did it the same way as I. I knew beforehand that I had to redownload my game save, in order to make it up to date on another machine.

The mistake you've made is that you've played a free to play game without ps plus, and expected a ps plus title to function in the same way.

You live and learn from your mistakes in life. And i'm sure you'll know next time you want to transfer a proper games data over, that you should back up and redownload beforehand.

It's common sense that a free to play title wouldn't need a ps plus cloud download to re instate its game save.

The clue would be that it doesn't need ps plus and your game data is held on their servers and re uploaded to your machine.

I played a ton of Planetside 2 back in the day. And, as it's free to play, it works in the same way. You can delete your save, or take it to another machine, and you'll always get your save back.

The clue being "free to play" here.

It's not Sonys greed that's at fault. You didn't educate yourself enough on how your system operates in its various functions. And now you paid the price of losing your progress.

But please. Continue to blame others for your mistakes.
Not blaming anyone for my ignorance.It is ingorance after all, we don't know what we don't know. If it is not greed,why is something I paid for not as easy to use as something free?
. My free to play game, does not need this data transfer to play on second console. Nor do I need to have PS Plus to play multiple players on it. So why do I need to transfer data on GTS to play on a second console?
They're different games, and they handle save game data retrieval and storage differently.
Why do I Need to buy PS Plus to play anyone online with GTS, when I do not with my free game?
All full PS4 releases require PS Plus to play online multiplayer. Your free game is not a full PS4 release. Your first clue here is that it is free. The second is that it doesn't have a Platinum Trophy.
I lost a years content because I treated GTS like my free, which I updated on the family friend's console as well. Did not lose data on free game, lost data doing the exact same thing when I updated GTS. How is it possible to lose my progress. Answer: they prefer your second console to have a licensed paid for copy, otherwise, your data would automatically tranfer when you sign in, just like it does on my free game.
No, the answer is that GT Sport - like all GT games before it - requires a local save file, in addition to any profile data stored remotely. You can transfer the save file with a USB flash drive at any time.

You simply don't need a second copy of the game, no matter how many consoles or accounts you have, unless you (or the people in your house) want to play more than one copy at once.

Paid $450.00 U.S. for my console, then I need to pay to play other players. Greed.
I wonder if you're aware what it costs to maintain the equipment required for you to play any game you want against other people all over the world at any time. Do you think it's part of the research and development costs behind creating the console hardware for some reason?

Playstation Network was, in the PS3 (and PS2) days, free - although you could pay for PS Plus for additional benefits. It was also... suboptimal compared to the paid XBox Live. Sony revealed it PS Plus would be mandatory for PS4 online multiplayer more than six years ago, so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise - but there's a two-week free trial available for you if you'd like to try it.

This is also the first time I've ever heard someone compare a F2P game favourably in the greed stakes, given that your free-to-play game also charges you for online play through the small pieces of content it sells you at prices not proportional to the development time. It'd take 65 years of paying for PS Plus to rack up $2,000...
Not blaming anyone for my ignorance.It is ingorance after all, we don't know what we don't know. If it is not greed,why is something I paid for not as easy to use as something free?

It is easy to use. Just click upload/download save data. And within seconds you've protected your progress both ways.
I thought we found out that the flashdrive saves are overwritten by the server saves no matter what. So how would that work with another console?
I don't know which takes priority. I was just replying in that the person, as far as I understood, thought you needed PS+ to transfer save files, which is untrue. This would of course be the first action to take when moving to a new console to prevent discrepancies in the local and server saves.
I thought we found out that the flashdrive saves are overwritten by the server saves no matter what. So how would that work with another console?
It's just the local console save. Whether it got there via flash drive or cloud is of no consequence.

But it seems more common for it to work the other way.
The server reads the console save and that then changes the server save.
(This applies when the console save is 'older' than the server save. Trying to push a 'newer' console save onto the server seems to fail.)
This is why people are losing progress by not having the latest console save transferred to the other console before starting the game.

If the server save was always pushed onto the console to update the console save people wouldn't be losing progress.
But if this was the case, you would never be able to 'restart' the game and start again using the same profile.

I recall while testing a long time ago and being prompted by the server regarding it finding save progress and do I want to use it.
I could test it again but I'm being lazy. :P
This may have been when I deleted the console save completely.
The server is basically saying 'you have no save file, we have one, do you want it?'
@Famine may know if this is still the case.

If so, the thing to do would be to either have the latest console save transferred to the other console, or not have a save file at all on the other console.
But don't have an older save on the other console or the server will read it and that then becomes your new server save.

*Edit 2*
I just re-read that and apologies if it all sounds confusing. It's possibly my fault for making it sound more complicated than it really is.
Think of it this way.
In the good old days, you would be playing a game and get to a save point and save.
You then continue to play the game but don't like how it's going, so you reload your old save point.
This is what's happening here.
You are starting the game with an old save point, the server recognises this and updates the server save accordingly.
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It's just the local console save. Whether it got there via flash drive or cloud is of no consequence.

But it seems more common for it to work the other way.
The server reads the console save and that then changes the server save.
(This applies when the console save is 'older' than the server save. Trying to push a 'newer' console save onto the server seems to fail.)
This is why people are losing progress by not having the latest console save transferred to the other console before starting the game.

If the server save was always pushed onto the console to update the console save people wouldn't be losing progress.
But if this was the case, you would never be able to 'restart' the game and start again using the same profile.

I recall while testing a long time ago and being prompted by the server regarding it finding save progress and do I want to use it.
I could test it again but I'm being lazy. :P
This may have been when I deleted the console save completely.
The server is basically saying 'you have no save file, we have one, do you want it?'
@Famine may know if this is still the case.

If so, the thing to do would be to either have the latest console save transferred to the other console, or not have a save file at all on the other console.
But don't have an older save on the other console or the server will read it and that then becomes your new server save.

*Edit 2*
I just re-read that and apologies if it all sounds confusing. It's possibly my fault for making it sound more complicated than it really is.
Think of it this way.
In the good old days, you would be playing a game and get to a save point and save.
You then continue to play the game but don't like how it's going, so you reload your old save point.
This is what's happening here.
You are starting the game with an old save point, the server recognises this and updates the server save accordingly.
I have 1 console to one account and my GTS server save gets corrupt, well I have lost that save forever even though I have a backup save, the backup save will not overwrite the sever side save.
I have 1 console to one account and my GTS server save gets corrupt, well I have lost that save forever even though I have a backup save, the backup save will not overwrite the sever side save.
Yep, that sounds right to me.
To my knowledge, should the GT server save become corrupted for whatever reason, the fact you have a copy of a more 'advanced' console save, be it cloud or USB, will not help revive the server save. Especially if the server now has you back at 'Day 1'.
That sounds like a 'contact support' issue to me.
It's just the local console save. Whether it got there via flash drive or cloud is of no consequence.

But it seems more common for it to work the other way.
The server reads the console save and that then changes the server save.
(This applies when the console save is 'older' than the server save. Trying to push a 'newer' console save onto the server seems to fail.)
This is why people are losing progress by not having the latest console save transferred to the other console before starting the game.

If the server save was always pushed onto the console to update the console save people wouldn't be losing progress.
But if this was the case, you would never be able to 'restart' the game and start again using the same profile.

I recall while testing a long time ago and being prompted by the server regarding it finding save progress and do I want to use it.
I could test it again but I'm being lazy. :P
This may have been when I deleted the console save completely.
The server is basically saying 'you have no save file, we have one, do you want it?'
@Famine may know if this is still the case.

If so, the thing to do would be to either have the latest console save transferred to the other console, or not have a save file at all on the other console.
But don't have an older save on the other console or the server will read it and that then becomes your new server save.
Finally someone who is making sense. Lost my progress by logging into a familly friend's console, after updating GTS. Hoped so hard that when I logged on to my primary console the data would simply be there. It was not. It is gone. My question is, why is my free game saved on a server, and my GTS is not. Seemed this is a way to push PS Plus on me, which I have An issue with paying for server serice when this house has two $300.00 PS4 onsoles and my $450.00 PS4 Pro. Don't even play other players on GTS because it will cost me more money I doen't feel is justifiable. Called it greed, someone thinks my point of veiw has no merit. Have not lost progress playing a free game for many years, now, on a game, which I paid for the premium package on, an entire year of progress gone, due to my ignorance. Not happy grinding to get my 20,000 000 credit car back, and a hundred more. Its a racket. They can say they need money to run servers, that my game data was not protectef because I was ignorant, but my free game does this automatically. Guess which company has recieve more of my money. The free game, buying ingame content, which I need not worry about losing. Cannot remember which GTS cars I bougjt with my real dollars, worder if I lost those too? Only see one DLC. Preordered GTS, none of the other DCL cars will download again. Says rigjts not found. Nice.
Finally someone who is making sense. Lost my progress by logging into a familly friend's console, after updating GTS. Hoped so hard that when I logged on to my primary console the data would simply be there. It was not. It is gone. My question is, why is my free game saved on a server, and my GTS is not. Seemed this is a way to push PS Plus on me, which I have An issue with paying for server serice when this house has two $300.00 PS4 onsoles and my $450.00 PS4 Pro. Don't even play other players on GTS because it will cost me more money I doen't feel is justifiable. Called it greed, someone thinks my point of veiw has no merit. Have not lost progress playing a free game for many years, now, on a game, which I paid for the premium package on, an entire year of progress gone, due to my ignorance. Not happy grinding to get my 20,000 000 credit car back, and a hundred more. Its a racket. They can say they need money to run servers, that my game data was not protectef because I was ignorant, but my free game does this automatically. Guess which company has recieve more of my money. The free game, buying ingame content, which I need not worry about losing. Cannot remember which GTS cars I bougjt with my real dollars, worder if I lost those too? Only see one DLC. Preordered GTS, none of the other DCL cars will download again. Says rigjts not found. Nice.
Yeh, as I mentioned earlier, you essentially loaded the game with an 'old' save point. The server has therefore made this it's 'latest' save for your profile.
It's happy to update the server save with an 'old' console save, but doesn't like to update to a 'newer' version.
One logical reason for this would be to protect against illegally modified console save files.
I don't know the technicalities behind it, but perhaps a solution for this circumstance would be for the game to prompt, saying 'We have a later game save on the server, do you wish to use it?'
But as it stands, that isn't the case.

Regarding PS+, there's very little that Famine has said that I would disagree with.
PS+ is required for multiplayer on the PS4, regardless of the game title. It is not required for multiplayer on the PS3.
The exception to that rule are some free-to-play games on the PS4.
If you don't think that the price for PS+ is justified, then that is your call.
But it really has nothing to do with you starting a game using an old save point, and having PS+ or not isn't going to change the situation you are in.

Yes, PS+ also comes with access to a 'game save online cloud', but that isn't something that a game reads from when you start a game.
It's nothing more than a digital USB flash drive, and there for your convenience if you wish to have backup copies of your game saves, either for piece of mind that you have a backup should your console die, or for easy transfer of save files between consoles.

So suggesting the GT console save file problem you have is related to PS+ and therefore is 'greed' doesn't seem to follow logically to me.

As for your cars, yeh, I also have some DLC from the pre-order that 'require Rights'.
I believe it's an issue with the PS Store and the codes that were issued with the game.
Regarding any cars you have purchased with real money, you should still be able to access those cars by going to the Brand Central front menu and looking for the "Purchased Items' button.
Yeh, as I mentioned earlier, you essentially loaded the game with an 'old' save point. The server has therefore made this it's 'latest' save for your profile.
It's happy to update the server save with an 'old' console save, but doesn't like to update to a 'newer' version.
One logical reason for this would be to protect against illegally modified console save files.
I don't know the technicalities behind it, but perhaps a solution for this circumstance would be for the game to prompt, saying 'We have a later game save on the server, do you wish to use it?'
But as it stands, that isn't the case.

Regarding PS+, there's very little that Famine has said that I would disagree with.
PS+ is required for multiplayer on the PS4, regardless of the game title. It is not required for multiplayer on the PS3.
The exception to that rule are some free-to-play games on the PS4.
If you don't think that the price for PS+ is justified, then that is your call.
But it really has nothing to do with you starting a game using an old save point, and having PS+ or not isn't going to change the situation you are in.

Yes, PS+ also comes with access to a 'game save online cloud', but that isn't something that a game reads from when you start a game.
It's nothing more than a digital USB flash drive, and there for your convenience if you wish to have backup copies of your game saves, either for piece of mind that you have a backup should your console die, or for easy transfer of save files between consoles.

So suggesting the GT console save file problem you have is related to PS+ and therefore is 'greed' doesn't seem to follow logically to me.

As for your cars, yeh, I also have some DLC from the pre-order that 'require Rights'.
I believe it's an issue with the PS Store and the codes that were issued with the game.
Regarding any cars you have purchased with real money, you should still be able to access those cars by going to the Brand Central front menu and looking for the "Purchased Items' button.
Reasonable, like your style. So, PSPlus would not have helped my situation, therefore my idea of them pushing it on me is mistaken. I get that now.
So it is not greed that broke my progress, it was something else, and that something else was my ignorance.
Playing my free game for so many years without the required PS Plus has spoiled me. Wish my favorite racing game worked more like my free game. Still think my free game has a better business model, as I have spent thousands of dollars on it over nearly the last six years. They earn enough to have their own servers, I guess. Did not know I had to have PS Plus to play other players when I bought GTS. It felt like a slap in the face after waiting so long for it to come out, and the fact I did not need PS Plus to play other players on PS3, on top of paying for the premium pre-order package, as well as a $400.00 console, upgraded to the $450.00 PS4 Pro. Seems like they got enough of my money already, now I have to pay for server service? Then lets make a game where the point is to earn content, but also make it possible to where it can easily be lost. Not a happy camper.
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I hate to jump in but your post is very contradictory with itself.

Still think my free game has a better business model, as I have spent thousands of dollars on it over nearly the last six years. They earn enough to have their own servers, I guess.

So you're happy to pay 'thousands of dollars' on one game and then go on to complain that a $450 console plus, what, another $40 a year "seems like they got enough of my money already"?

paying for the premium pre-order package, as well as a $400.00 console, upgraded to the $450.00 PS4 Pro. Seems like they got enough of my money already.

It's already been pointed out that the free online service we had on PS3 was sub-par. We now have to pay for it, and it is much improved.

I get you're frustrated, but you've now learned something so perhaps move on and stop trying to force the blame on someone else.

Starting from scratch in Sport Mode could be fun. You now have a whole load of knowledge you didn't have before. You don't need to waste credits on cars you know aren't for you and concentrate on getting the credits for the cars you know you enjoy racing. Have fun with it 👍
Reasonable, like your style. So, PSPlus would not have helped my situation, therefore my idea of them pushing it on me is mistaken. I get that now.
So it is not greed that broke my progress, it was something else, and that something else was my ignorance.
Playing my free game for so many years without the required PS Plus has spoiled me. Wish my favorite racing game worked more like my free game. Still think my free game has a better business model, as I have spent thousands of dollars on it over nearly the last six years. They earn enough to have their own servers, I guess. Did not know I had to have PS Plus to play other players when I bought GTS. It felt like a slap in the face after waiting so long for it to come out, and the fact I did not need PS Plus to play other players on PS3, on top of paying for the premium pre-order package, as well as a $400.00 console, upgraded to the $450.00 PS4 Pro. Seems like they got enough of my money already, now I have to pay for server service? Then lets make a game where the point is to earn content, but also make it possible to where it can easily be lost. Not a happy camper.
In a nutshell mate, yeh.
PS+ or not, you would still be in the same position you are now.

Unfortunately you assumed the save system for the two games were the same.
That's what has brought you undone.

We've all accidentally deleted or over-written a save file at some stage.
Be it on a game console or work computer.
Stuff happens, and it sucks when it does.

You could try getting in touch with your country's Playstation Support.
Explain what happened, mention that the game didn't warn you that you would lose progress, and ask if anything can be done about it.
Other than that you'll have to just rack this up as one of life's lessons.
This is bad news, and sorry for the OP who lost his save.

My experience with this is thus:

Myself and my girlfriend bought another PS4, so one each in a sense. My GTS save was on the old PS4 and I wanted to transfer the data over to have the new PS4 my main and only GTS station.

So before I did this I thought very carefully about data loss and ensured it wouldn't happen.

I backed up my old PS4 save into the cloud. I left the old PS4 as the main account PS4 so my girlfriend could play other games of mine without issue.

I then installed GTS on to the new PS4, downloaded my cloud save, then proceeded to open the game to make sure all was well.

The only 2 issues I had were:

1.Most car thumbnails were blank, but they came back after a while by themselves.

2. My saved replays from the old PS4 GTS save were not present. However the folder I created for them was.

So in conclusion, I lost zero progress, had all money, cars and xp. And continue to use this PS as my GT PS.

Did I do this the correct way and order? Or am I just extremely lucky that it didn't bork?
It doesnt matter if U transfer anything or not after installing the game. When U start the game on a new console it asks if U want to use the data stored on server or start a new game so if U select to use the server data all the progress is back and shining.

My bad was that I start a new game cause I thought I could reload data from my cloud but for some reason its NOT possible because of some stupid moron from PD. U could play offline but couldnt buy new cars when offline so useless and in fact thats the reason I will never play it again - PDs fault!
Hi All,

So I have two PS4's and my primary one is my old one. Which obviously contains older GT Sport backup. I fired it up and now my progress for the past 3 months is lost which mean that I need to spend 3 months grinding for cars. Is there anything that could be done as at that point I might as well delete that game. I'm happy that I didn't spend money on cars but if I did I would have been really pissed right now.
I have the same exact problem right now, but I'm kind of more lucky, since I backed up my new save file into a usb stick before starting the game. I don't know what to do, can someone please help?
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