- 87,840
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
SphinxAnd when they do get around to repairing the 300.000km or so water network, we moan about being held up at road works when going to work
Now, to be fair, most of the complaining at water-related roadworks is because the council has just fixed the road and the water companies come along and dig it up again (or vice versa...)
Considering that they used to be nationalised - that is, run by the same people - there was absolutely no excuse to not have the electric/gas/water companies putting their pipes and cables in and then have the council come and finish the road off. Of course now there is an excuse, but the companies have to replace the crappy lowest-bidder pipes put in by the nationalised "services" 10 years ago.
But it really does rile that they waste so much, tell US not to waste it (when water rate payers like me have already paid for it and water meter users pay by use and so should be "allowed" to use whatever they can pay for) and they STILL turn a profit. Why am I allowed to run every single tap in the house on, straight into the drain, but not use my hosepipe/pressure washer to get flies off my car?