Scary Thoughts: Zombie Apocalypse CAN Happen

  • Thread starter YSSMAN
That was a interesting read, it seems far froma zombie apoclypse though. I would be more worried about rogue robots, with High intellegence.

IDK, I personally find Zombies a bit more scary than Terminator. Then again, we could make a conscious decision to be peaceful with robots...


They just want to eat our brains to gain our knowledge.
I think of the Animatrix when I think of signing treaties with AI robots. :eek:
Zombies are indeed worse on a psycological level but on a survival level I'd say the Mechs have the upper hand.
Then again, situations change and a war of these sorts could play out many different ways. For example... Are we talking about "Night of the Living Dead" zombies or "Dawn of the Dead" (2004) Zombies? For that matter, what about 28 Weeks later zombies?

Survival rates on Original Romero Zombies- High, slow walking head shot targets. :lol:
Dawn of the Dead 2004 Zombies- Low, fast and still undead. :scared:
28 Weeks Later Zombies- Medium, fast but not undead (multiple body shots can kill) and you can win out with time (as they die not too long after infected).

Mobile Suits controlled by AI... Hard to say...
We talking about robot civilizations from the Animatrix or something along the lines of "Christine" crossed with Gundam?
With a Christine MS I'd say we could take it down no problem.
With an Animatrix civilization producing AI controlled Gundams like Corollas... :ouch:

I suppose any of those could be a good story somehow. :D
Yes. it's the Manga only Casval RX-78 that has chrome trim, and it regenerates itself every time it gets destroyed by the Solar System. It makes total sense, Kent!

Then the Clans invade the inner sphere...
I'm ready for them!

I'll be ready.... with or without previously stated permit.

I'll have this, for the undead that are at a distance, these for large groups, this guy for those pesky 'too close for comfort' zombies, and either this, or this for the sad zombie SOB that's in my bubble. I can't really decide which would be more fun. The machete is more practical, but the thud that the mace makes when it crushes a skull is delicious.

first person combat...

going through groups...

going through groups after I'm already dirty and pissed off enough to be crazy...

And, this for when I know I'm screwed and activate RAGE MODE!!!!!!

I am SO building one and bringing it to school...
This is alarming. (deadpan face)

The interesting thing is that while we make movies and glorify zombie apocalypses, it may actually happen. So, they could be non-fiction movies in a few years. Is there any way to counter this silent threat?

In my own perspective, it seems quite ghastly at first, but the way Kent put it is somewhat neutralizing its initial effect...
If the world has to end in our time, I perfer zombies to a damn meteor anyday.

I'm really looking foward to this happening, I'm dead serious. :D
No. No it wouldn't. Read the Zombie Survival guide. Then say it would be awesome. I'm reading it right now. I'd be proper 🤬 if this happened.

I want to go to YSSMAN's house. He knows what he's doing.

If you can't find the book in stores, I'll email my eBook of it to you.
I like to think that I know, but all of my friends say the same thing... Apparently I've got a plan for everything.

My guess?

I often have quite a bit of time on my hands, lets me think about crap like this...
No. No it wouldn't. Read the Zombie Survival guide. Then say it would be awesome. I'm reading it right now. I'd be proper 🤬 if this happened.

I have that and World War Z, I've read both of them 5 times each, and I still say it would be awesome.

What do you think of that? :sly: