SCC -Old Timer Event - 250 Testa Rossa - October 17th, 2009 *New! Results Posted*

  • Thread starter jjaisli
hi guys
Found a bug in the game today.After buying the 250 testa rossa i made a custum livery,saved it and went to challenge turnament to try it out.when i started the race the car was floating in mid air.Tryed online in a lobby with only me and it was the same.I then went offline to hockenheim and the car was still floating,but when the race started,the car fell to the ground and was floated on the grass and track with no wheels.LOL
will update with pic when i get them out of my phone.
maby somebody could try making a custum livery and check if it is a problem that should be reported.


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hi guys
Found a bug in the game today.After buying the 250 testa rossa i made a custum livery,saved it and went to challenge turnament to try it out.when i started the race the car was floating in mid air.Tryed online in a lobby with only me and it was the same.I then went offline to hockenheim and the car was still floating,but when the race started,the car fell to the ground and was floated on the grass and track with no wheels.LOL
will update with pic when i get them out of my phone.
maby somebody could try making a custum livery and check if it is a problem that should be reported.

After seeing those pics... This is going to be an interesting race :D
hi guys
Found a bug in the game today.After buying the 250 testa rossa i made a custum livery,saved it and went to challenge turnament to try it out.when i started the race the car was floating in mid air.Tryed online in a lobby with only me and it was the same.I then went offline to hockenheim and the car was still floating,but when the race started,the car fell to the ground and was floated on the grass and track with no wheels.LOL
will update with pic when i get them out of my phone.
maby somebody could try making a custum livery and check if it is a problem that should be reported.

Hi Henrik,

Well, you've certainly pushed the TR to speeds it was never designed to do. :)

I was scanning the Eutechnyx forums and I believe this may be part of a known bug (others have mentioned it happening to the 333SP) but I would urge you to post a detailed report over there in the Bugs section:,42.0.html

But two questions:
1. Have you updated and applied the lastest patch?
2. Have you tried deleting your custom livery completely to see if the problem goes away?

I'm glad you discovered this now Henrik. It would have been rather frustrating to start the event on Saturday and have it turn into a Testa Rossa Sky diving competition. So much for the physics in this game. Somebody should mention that a 58 TR is not aerodynamically sound enough to reach 717 km no matter how far it falls. ;)
Please note, I have now officially changed the starting time of this event to 19:00 GMT, as reflected in the first post. The date remains the same, Saturday, October 17th.

19:00 GMT:
8:00 pm in the UK
9:00 pm in Continental Europe
3:00 pm US East Coast
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We'll let you know it about 3 days, Biggles. ;) It's not too late to find out first hand.

EDIT: Sorry, I know this was a legitimate question. But the knife is so slippery. :cool: To be honest, outside of the Beta, I've never run in a lobby with more than 6-7 people. So this weekend will really be the litmus test. Generally, from my experience, it's horrible at the start (likely because of the standing starts). Lots of blinking and confusion. But once things get moving, it's noticeably better than Ferrari Challenge. But as you can imagine, it really depends on the latency of your connection to the host and those around you. It's certainly not as good as Shift, that's for sure. But nothing else I've played is.

IMO, and keeping in mind the limitations of SCC's graphics, starts aside, I would say the lag is similar to Prologue.
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hi guys
Found a bug in the game today.After buying the 250 testa rossa i made a custum livery,saved it and went to challenge turnament to try it out.when i started the race the car was floating in mid air.Tryed online in a lobby with only me and it was the same.I then went offline to hockenheim and the car was still floating,but when the race started,the car fell to the ground and was floated on the grass and track with no wheels.LOL
will update with pic when i get them out of my phone.
maby somebody could try making a custum livery and check if it is a problem that should be reported.

Henrik (and anybody else suffering from this issue). I made a post in the PATCH 1.1 IS OUT thread. Direct Link by Clicking HERE

I urge everybody who wants to both participate in this event and create a custom livery for this car, to read this post first.
Hi guys!

Well I made my mind after loosing my temper by the millionth w/ the AI on NFS:Shift - I'm going to get SCC today! I like how Shift feels and drives. However I want to race realistically and not being sent through a destruction derby action like you'll experience on Shift, either off and online.

This should be a great event and I wish you'll some great time behind wheel with great, competitive, clean races tomorrow. I think using this kind of classic cars is a great idea! (I really, really love classic cars - the thrill it gives is unique even if you're driving a 80 year old car at 70km/h!)

I'll not join you because, as I've said, I'm only going to get the game today so I'm not competitive enough and, most likely, since I'm not used to it yet, I would be more of an obstacule on track for you guys rather than another racer. But count me in for future online events! Specially on classic cars!!

Off-topic to Hun200kmh:

I'm sorry I didn't reply to you on the other thread about where to get SCC in Lisbon, but I've only read it today! My fault but it was unintentionally!! Sorry again!

Are you from Lisbon or from the outskirts of the city?
Hi bullie, no problem! :)

If you are going to buy SCC today my suggestion is that you do not install the patch when prompted to do it. Severl things were fixed but something went wrong with the AI.

Before the patch they mess up a lot at the start of the race but from that point on they can give you a challenge (in "Elite" setting).

After the patch they don't mess up at the start, but they keep messing up for the rest of the entire race and that's annoying.

So, if you are going to start this game by playing mostly offline (as I did), install the patch after you have offline mode pretty much covered already. 👍

Thanks for the advice!

Another question - what settings would you advise to get the more 'close-to-real' feel and experience for the game? Either for the controller settings as well as for car/game settings.

I will use the DFP Logitech wheel.

Hi bullie77,

The "mouse" will tell you throttle and brake set to medium and force feedback on low. ;) But if you don't mind the small deadzone, I would choose the FFB on high. It's quite strong in this game and gives really solid, tactile, feedback which is very enjoyable. It feels more like a real car. 👍 I can't help you with the controller settings though.

Personally, I love driving in the new 'dash' view and feel it's the best view available. Keep in mind that SCC does not have the sort of graphic richness that titles like Prologue or even Shift enjoy. For some it's a bit off-putting.

For the record, you can drive any of the cars and tracks on-line. Why don't you take a few practice runs with this car and track combo and see how you do. It may take you a little time to come up to speed and remember, the assists and racing line will be off. But this event is much less about ultimate lap times than it is about the enjoyment of racing. If you feel comfortable with the car and track, look for my lobby tomorrow and you're welcome to join.
Hi jjaisli

Thanks for the suggestion regarding the wheel settings. I've read on other threads/post that you and Hun diverged about the FFB - but that's more about how each of us like the 'feel' of the car, so I was thinking of trying different feelings to see what's the one I would like the most. I just ask if is there's such a big difference on the deadzone from low to high feedback?

I also thank you for your invitational to join you guys tomorrow. I'll give it a try online on the car and track as you've suggested and, if I feel ok with, I'd might give it a go. Otherwise, I'll join you next time - the last thing I'd want to is to be responsible for someone's crash or throw someone out of the track while I struggle to keep the car straight while beeing overlapped...

But, just for the record, and considering that I'm dumb on online gaming, how would I look for that specific lobby?
Are you from Lisbon or from the outskirts of the city?

Missed this part, sorry! Lisbon center, but I already have the game. If you don't have it yet the best I can tell you is that I bought it from the GAME Store at CC Colombo. At the time, FNAC-Chiado (50 meters away from where I work) didn't have it, not sure if meanwhile they got it for sale.

But, just for the record, and considering that I'm dumb on online gaming, how would I look for that specific lobby?

Go "Online"" and you have three options:

1. View invites
2. Create lobby
3. Join Lobby

In this particular case you would select "Join Lobby" and you would see the entire list of lobbies available at the moment, who hosts (created) them, what car theuy are racing, what track and if they are racing, in lobby, or synching.

Very easy
Missed this part, sorry! Lisbon center, but I already have the game. If you don't have it yet the best I can tell you is that I bought it from the GAME Store at CC Colombo. At the time, FNAC-Chiado (50 meters away from where I work) didn't have it, not sure if meanwhile they got it for sale.

I live not far from the airport. I'll probably going to get the game from Corte Ingles - its a 5 minute walk from the office, so I'll get it today when I leave.
* Bump *

I've added content to my main post with details about the lobby and set-up but wanted to repost it here as well so it was clear for everybody:

Let's Get Started!

I will open a lobby approximately 5-10 minutes before the event is due to start under my PSN ID: jjaisli . The lobby will not be private as I feel it would create too many hassles and possible disruptions for people who are not on my friend list. It appears we have about 10-11 people interested but I'm hoping we have enough lurkers in this thread to fill the lobby. Remember, it's on a first come, first serve basis so if you want to assure yourself a spot, get there early.

Ferrari Challenge had various problems with it's online lobby system. Although SCC seems to have addressed many of these issues, I encourage all of you, before the event starts, to go into the XMB and check your network connection settings. [Setting --> Network Settings --> Setting and Connection Status] In general terms, for a successful lobby, everybody should be showing NAT1 or NAT2 for their connection status. If yours is showing NAT3, you might want to check through the FAQs (EXAMPLE HERE) to see if you can sort things out.

I encourage the use of headsets, although to be realistic, we know headsets don't work very well when more than 4-5 people are using them at the same time. And if we really have a large lobby, I would like to ask everybody to turn off their headsets completely once the race gets started as it will save bandwidth. Once back in the lobby, feel free to use the mics again.

If you have already unlocked and purchased the 250TR, you're free to create your own unique livery. But be sure to check THIS POST before doing so. if you don't have this car unlocked, the game allows you to select any one of about a dozen pre-created liveries. Selecting a different livery is helpful to distinguish different cars, especially for those of us who turn off the annoying ID flags.

I will set the lobby up as follows:
TC: Off
ABS: Off
SC: Off
RL: Off
Transmission: Automatic (which will allow you to choose manual, semi or full auto)
Collisons: On with penalty
Penalties: Unlmited
Grid order: Random

- Between each event there will be a 2-3 minute break, longer if needed or requested. :)

- If we lose a single player or suffer a connection drop, I suggest we keep going but if the problem is widespread, I will keep my mic on and will ask people to return to lobby and reform.

- In general, I think all of the tracks I selected have adequate penalty zones and I'm not worried about corner cutting.

- I will write down times, fastest, laps etc after each event. But please keep track of your own times, just in case. I'll post the results either later that night or the following morning.

Let's have some fun. See you Saturday!

EDIT: If you haven't practiced with this car, do a few runs. And don't leave your braking too late!!! :lol:
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It's helpful to have one. But not really necessary. If you have a blue-tooth ear piece for your hand-held phone, you can always sync it with the PS3 as well.
Sorry. I mentioned that in the main post but I probably should have recapped it. Grid order will be random. Without going through an extensive 'qualifying' process for each track (a very tricky and time consuming task with a grid this size) I think it's a fair way to do it. But the way you set it up (no collisions) and two flying laps before hand to set fastest laps is not a bad idea and I will consider it for future events. 👍
Hope it's not too late to signup for this?..Done a few laps around Monza and it is a very cool car to drive,even though you have to Brake a week before the turns:lol:
It's not too late, Warren(?). Welcome on board. 👍

I think having standing starts (in SCC) as opposed to rolling starts (in FC) is actually preferable for this car at Monza. But I'm willing to bet everybody gets caught out on lap 2 when their closing speeds are higher. If you can see the first brake marker come into focus and you're not already on the're pretty much screwed. :lol:

You have to love four wheel drum brakes. :crazy: But it's also the reason I decided to make the first round of this event a test session.
Well, there go my times. LOL Have fun guys. Can't join you tonight.

EDIT: Just as a word of warning, if you guys intend to do any tweaking, keep in mind that the races tomorrow will include:
- a city track with a lot of curbs
- A super fast high speed track with long straights
- an oval race
- a wet race on a tight track

And whatever setup you choose has to carry over for all of them. :mischievous:

Good luck. :lol:
Well now.

There may be more than one winner!

I did a race with Mario on Autoclub oval, and we both won! On my screen it looked like he just about won by a whisker, but the captions on my screen showed me as first by 0.07 seconds. But on his screen, he also won!

Need to put on that song by the band Hot Chocolate.
Jeff, after a few oval races last night, I must stress to you that NEVER the two of us had the same view of what happened during the race.

It was just us two, we know each other since the TRD3 era and we were just experimenting this stuff, so we didn't have any problem.

It was more like:

"Hmmm ... sorry about that"
"about what?"

But ... SCC isn't designed for close bumper-to-bumper racing. Too many lag inconsistencies.

I suggest -again - that at least in this track you change the collision settings to OFF
Important Note: Please read below if you intend to participate.

With the online racing I've done in Supercar Challenge, and Hun200kmh's recent comments, I must admit, I'm starting to have a few doubts about close on-line racing. Already last week, I started a thread in the "bugs" section on the Eutechnyx forum. See below:,1324.0.html

At times it appears to be fine, with no problems and little lag. And at other times, two drivers can come away from an incident with a completely different perspective of what happened. Hun200kmh suggests to turn off collisions but I would prefer not to because I think it makes the racing unrealistic and ghosting cars were one of the things I absolutely hated about GT5P online. I despise the very concept.

I think so long as we all go into this event with cool heads, accepting that we'll be racing hard, but FAIRLY and for FUN, and everybody in the lobby understands and accepts that there could be potential lag issues and nobody is purposely trying to push or punt anybody, everything will be fun.

Depending on the outcome of this event and people's comments will determine how we go forward for future events.

* I will make some comments about this in the lobby before we start as well *