school of tune

United States
Ok I'm am posting this to explaine how tuning will affect their car and how to tune. Now for starters asking someone for their tune will not make u a better driver, that comes with experience of driving your car . You will not be as fast as they are just from their tune, it took them a while to tune their car and well learn how to drive it. It's all in driving style. Ok now one might say hey but idk how to tune a car. Well if u are that person or just don't know what camber, toe, spring rates, anti roll or drive hight is of how they all affect each other then this is the place to be.

Ok nowvyo get started. First off drive hight. What I's it? Well it's how high your car is sitting from the driving surface. Not only does it give you a nice looking car. But also lowers the center of gravity of the car allowing it to handel better. Now on to camber. Camber is how you tires are leaning. For road racing and almost all racing you are going to want positive camber. Which means your tires are leaning in to the car. Why would one want this some one might ask? Well one would want this because when you go around a corrner the body of the car rolls which will lean the tires back to 0 camber and you will have much much much grater traction. Now your spring rates will affect how much the car leans in a turn and thus affecting camber!! So one will want a soft enough spring rate to allow maximum use of camber but not to much as the car will bottom out.( this is where we can use that fancy tire load indicater we got now!!!) antiroll will aslo affect this. Antiroll is how much the body of your car will roll when ur in a turn. This will affect spring rate and camber. If the body is not allowed to roll ur spring rates don't work in a turn and niether will your camber!! Now on to toe. Toe of a tire o's where the tire is pointing. Such as tested the car or away from it. Now how do u use it. Well in the frount of the car you are going to mainly wnst negitive toe. This means the tires are pointing away. So why do u want this. Well when ur comeinf up to a turn one tire is already pointed there so u can turn later and sharper. One tore leads and the other followes type of deal. Now in the rear toe affects tracing of the vehicle. I use positive toe in the rear so my cars rear end is pushing in on it's self so it has less of a chance to wounder off.

Ok so this is a very very very dumbed down explination of everythis that's mostly important when you are tuning a car. If any one has any questions about anything just ask I'll awnser. Just remember when you tune your car you learn how to drive it. And that allown makes you faster and a better drive then the tune. So for you biginers someone elses tune won't make you as fast as them. Because Your not as good of a driver as they are!!!