- 1,488
Wanna clarify that a little?
JohnBM01I think a kid here in Houston brought a gun into school, and I think it fired in class or something. The kid's could face juvenile detention for what I know.
Ghost CThat's pretty much the problem with the US justice system, it's a big revolving door. I'm going to go ahead and relate a story that I'm sure I'll get ridiculed for, but...
Once upon a time in high school, I carried a knife. Not like a knife you'd use for a utility, more like a USMC issue KA-BAR. At this time, I was on probation, in a gang, and had more enemies than I can remember.
One day, one such enemy decided he wanted to hit me in the head. With a brick. I wasn't too happy about this, and wasn't going to let it happen without a fight, so we get into it on school grounds. Instant violation of the terms of my probation.
I chase the kid down, and the only thing that stops me from stabbing him is the fact that there's two officers of the court standing right there. That's assault, carrying a concealed weapon (knife with blade longer than 3"), and posession of a deadly weapon on school grounds. Three felonies.
Ends up, the court drops the assault charge (The two court officers told them I was acting in self defense, which I was), and lets me plead two felonies down to just my probation violation. I served one day in jail, got something like a $1,500 fine, and some odd number of hours of community service.
Moral of the story? The US needs stricter punishment for violaters of school and weapon related laws.
Ghost CPotentially, a meteor could strike the earth in the year 2008 I believe. Perhaps we should ban meteors, by your logic.
Food could cause you to get a disease, we should probably outlaw that, because really - Who needs it anyway. While we're at it, let's throw out anything that could cause someone harm - TV's, cars, computers, water, stuff like that, since we're banning things that MAYBE could POSSIBLY cause someone harm IF a person - Not the item itself causing problems, mind you - Misused the item.
sn00pieYou would ban meteors if somehow you would have that power - right?
Meteors boo.
generally criminals don't kill people at random, although there are quite a few cases. robberies usually don't end in death if the person being robbed follows the criminals directions and obeys their commands. there is no object worth losing your life for but not all of us have the same priorities.ledhed( unless of course a criminal wants to shoot them).....wont they ? so genius come up with a way to keep criminals from getting and using fire arms ...but leave me alone with my Ruger I 'll be safer and so will you.
Ghost CWhat I mean is, gun deaths in relation to number of guns in a country. In the US, less than 0.2% of guns are used in any crime yearly, not just murder. While there are over 200,000,000 guns in the US, that is still a very low number.
I do not, however, know the statistic for any other country. Maybe Famine can crunch the numbers for us, since he's good with math and all.
I think we should drag up one of the old gun debate threads and stop littering a completely unrelated topic with gun debates, though![]()
PublicSecrecyum hello...who needs a gun to spray paint a wall, or plagiarise, or commit corporate fraud? I'll bet 99% of crimes can't be gun related.