School Violence

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
What I mean is, gun deaths in relation to number of guns in a country. In the US, less than 0.2% of guns are used in any crime yearly, not just murder. While there are over 200,000,000 guns in the US, that is still a very low number.

I do not, however, know the statistic for any other country. Maybe Famine can crunch the numbers for us, since he's good with math and all.

I think we should drag up one of the old gun debate threads and stop littering a completely unrelated topic with gun debates, though :)
I think a kid here in Houston brought a gun into school, and I think it fired in class or something. The kid's could face juvenile detention for what I know.
I think a kid here in Houston brought a gun into school, and I think it fired in class or something. The kid's could face juvenile detention for what I know.

That's pretty much the problem with the US justice system, it's a big revolving door. I'm going to go ahead and relate a story that I'm sure I'll get ridiculed for, but...

Once upon a time in high school, I carried a knife. Not like a knife you'd use for a utility, more like a USMC issue KA-BAR. At this time, I was on probation, in a gang, and had more enemies than I can remember.

One day, one such enemy decided he wanted to hit me in the head. With a brick. I wasn't too happy about this, and wasn't going to let it happen without a fight, so we get into it on school grounds. Instant violation of the terms of my probation.

I chase the kid down, and the only thing that stops me from stabbing him is the fact that there's two officers of the court standing right there. That's assault, carrying a concealed weapon (knife with blade longer than 3"), and posession of a deadly weapon on school grounds. Three felonies.

Ends up, the court drops the assault charge (The two court officers told them I was acting in self defense, which I was), and lets me plead two felonies down to just my probation violation. I served one day in jail, got something like a $1,500 fine, and some odd number of hours of community service.

Moral of the story? The US needs stricter punishment for violaters of school and weapon related laws.
Ghost C
That's pretty much the problem with the US justice system, it's a big revolving door. I'm going to go ahead and relate a story that I'm sure I'll get ridiculed for, but...

Once upon a time in high school, I carried a knife. Not like a knife you'd use for a utility, more like a USMC issue KA-BAR. At this time, I was on probation, in a gang, and had more enemies than I can remember.

One day, one such enemy decided he wanted to hit me in the head. With a brick. I wasn't too happy about this, and wasn't going to let it happen without a fight, so we get into it on school grounds. Instant violation of the terms of my probation.

I chase the kid down, and the only thing that stops me from stabbing him is the fact that there's two officers of the court standing right there. That's assault, carrying a concealed weapon (knife with blade longer than 3"), and posession of a deadly weapon on school grounds. Three felonies.

Ends up, the court drops the assault charge (The two court officers told them I was acting in self defense, which I was), and lets me plead two felonies down to just my probation violation. I served one day in jail, got something like a $1,500 fine, and some odd number of hours of community service.

Moral of the story? The US needs stricter punishment for violaters of school and weapon related laws.

Well , today , I didn't used any weapons , I used my hands.
A guy from the other class hit me with a big nasty snowball (with dog pee on it) right in the face. I got a serious attack on him. I ran after him and fell him and then the only thing I did was punch him in his stomach about 5 times and took some snow and throw it at his face when he was in the snow. And tackled him into the door, the teacher didn't do anything. I was also near to punch his face too ;) 👍
I don't think this is anything do with school violence but I got into a 'fight' today...and the best part was when he was crying and the only thing I could was laugh...well , som am I.
Ghost C
Potentially, a meteor could strike the earth in the year 2008 I believe. Perhaps we should ban meteors, by your logic.

Food could cause you to get a disease, we should probably outlaw that, because really - Who needs it anyway. While we're at it, let's throw out anything that could cause someone harm - TV's, cars, computers, water, stuff like that, since we're banning things that MAYBE could POSSIBLY cause someone harm IF a person - Not the item itself causing problems, mind you - Misused the item.

You would ban meteors if somehow you would have that power - right?

Meteors boo.
( unless of course a criminal wants to shoot them).....wont they ? so genius come up with a way to keep criminals from getting and using fire arms ...but leave me alone with my Ruger I 'll be safer and so will you.
generally criminals don't kill people at random, although there are quite a few cases. robberies usually don't end in death if the person being robbed follows the criminals directions and obeys their commands. there is no object worth losing your life for but not all of us have the same priorities.

for the sake of the topic ghost C told a good story with a good moral,
but can anyone say age of reason? im tired of teenagers acting out and doing something stupid and getting away with very little reprocussions. a friend of mine was recently "sucker" punched by a group of ruffians. they broke his jaw for no reason and they will probably get away with it. oh yeah on another note congratulations for getting out of a bad life ghost C. my father has done some things i won't mention but im proud that he chose a family over most likely death.
Ghost C
What I mean is, gun deaths in relation to number of guns in a country. In the US, less than 0.2% of guns are used in any crime yearly, not just murder. While there are over 200,000,000 guns in the US, that is still a very low number.

I do not, however, know the statistic for any other country. Maybe Famine can crunch the numbers for us, since he's good with math and all.

I think we should drag up one of the old gun debate threads and stop littering a completely unrelated topic with gun debates, though :)

um hello...who needs a gun to spray paint a wall, or plagiarise, or commit corporate fraud? I'll bet 99% of crimes can't be gun related.
um hello...who needs a gun to spray paint a wall, or plagiarise, or commit corporate fraud? I'll bet 99% of crimes can't be gun related.

Nono. 0.2% of the total amount of guns in the country are used in any gun-related crime yearly.
So, define "stricter punishment." Crime can't be eliminated, but can be seriously treated. What needs to be done to offenders in school? Does it involve bigger and stronger crackdowns? Define "stricker punishment."
For one, most criminals get parole way too early. There is a program that's slowly catching on where they have to serve 85% of their time, which is a good start.

But, strictly school-related, there's usually not enough policing done. I think that each city should have a small special response team strictly for school, with only one squad car on duty for that at a time. That way when some dumbass kid starts acting up, they don't call in half the on duty police force (like the usually do when the school doesn't have an on duty cop) which disrupts the hell out of everything.

Second, sending kids home is stupid. Period. In Delaware County, OH if you got suspended from school and were on probation, you did community service from 7 or 8 AM (I forget) to 3 PM. That's a great idea, but it was only for people on probation. I think any school that has problems with alot of kids getting suspended should adopt a policy like that.

Any type of fighting done in schools involving more than fists and feet should be an instant felony. I know it's harsh, but so is slamming a kid's face off of a locker several times, or picking up a brick, throwing chairs, etc. This would put an end to more than half of the violent fights almost instantly, especially if paired with the first thing I mentioned.

Any fighting not involving a weapon should be a one week suspension and community service ON TOP of the program I mentioned. A second offense should be probation, no exceptions. Any offenses for people on probation should be jail time.

Then there's the ever fun "daily status" for kids on probation. What it was, is you'd get put on daily status for say, 3 months. If you acted out at school, you go to jail that night and get out the next morning. Don't show up for community service? Jail for the night, out in the morning. Problems at home? You know the drill. This is a good way of breaking kids of habits really quick, since if daily status proves not to be working, you get to serve out the entire rest of your daily status in jail. I've never seen daily status not work though.

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