Scott Peterson- Unfaithful and a Killer?

  • Thread starter Blazing20
So who here has been keeping up with the tragic Laci Peterson case? Do you think her husband Scott killed her and their unborn son, Conner? Sounds kind of sick if you ask me. Here's what the public knows about him.

*On December 24th, Christmas Eve, Scott called Laci's mother and asked if she had seen Laci. No one had so they sent out a search party for her.

*Scott says he was out fishing that day...Laci and her sons bodies washed up on shore, a day apart from eachother, just miles from where Scott said he had gone fishing.

*Shortly after Laci's disappearance, Scott had sold Laci's SUV and THEN put his house up for sale.

*A month after Laci was reported missing, a mistress- AND NOT HIS WIFE- steps forward to the public and admits that her and Scott had a romantic relationship together. Tearfully, she said though, Scott had told her he was not married. She did not know about that until Laci was reported missing.

*Scott does an interview with Diane Sawyer, he does not (like all of his public appearances) appear to be the grieving, terrified and mourning husband.

*Scott continues not to cooperate with police.

*A full grown fetus of a baby boy washes up on shore. The next day, the torso of a woman wearing Maternity clothing washes up as well. They are found just miles away from where Scott said he was fishing the day she was reported missing.

*A few days later, Scott is arrested hours before authorities announced that the woman and infant are Laci Peterson and her son Conner.

*Scott's hair was dyed blonde, along with a gotee growing. He had $10,000 in his pocket and was reported to be close to the Mexican border.

*Scott Petterson now awaits trial. He has been charged with the death of his wife Laci Peterson and their unborn son, Conner. He is being charged with Capitol Murder (a double homicide) in which prosecutors are seeking the death penalty if convicted guily. As of May 16 they must announce if they seek it or not.

What do you all think?

My opinion: Guilty as charged...unless God brings to us an unusual miracle of proof it isn't.
Judge not, lest thee be judged. But that is one mountain of evidence against him...
Last I looked people are tried in court after a jury gets to look at and hear ALL of the evidence. Do you really think its a good i dea to try a case at GTP ? remember O. J. ?
While I will say it doesn't look good for Scott Peterson. All the evidence against him is circumstantial.
He says that Laci hated the SUV and that they were going to sell it anyway.
Some people also prefer to be "panic stricken" out of the public eye.
After my dad died, I did most of my crying, after that first day, alone. I put on my stong face for others.

Lots of guys go fishing without their wives and toddlers.

Most guys with mistresses tell them that they aren't married.

Now as for the blonde hair and goatee, Maybe his mistress prefered blondes.
The 10 g's to buy her an engagement ring, or some other thing. 10 grand is certainly not enough to "go on the lam" with. And this is a guy who is fairly affluent anyway.

Am I saying the guy is guilty or innocent. NO. I am saying that there is no concrete evidence that Scott killed Laci and Conor. Under those circumstances, there is "reasonable doubt".
Guilty until proven innocent. Any chances of a fair trial are thrown out the window for this guy.

Staggering evidence, but nothing concrete like Gil said.
Those are all good points. Gil, you do have some good pointers. And I do agree with some of them. I just think he was acting a wee too suspicious. Now the police might have some concrete evidence against him and just aren't sharing it with the public. Like cause of death and what was used. I am hoping that this is all circumstantial. I would hate to think that this man really did kill his wife and son. But for right now, I do have "reasonable doubt" (I take back my 'guilty as chagred' tibit. My mind can be easily changed at times.)
True... all of the evidence listed above is circumstancial. In court, if that was all they had, he'd go free, and that's probably why they waited so long to arrest him... waiting for something to hang him with.

The evidence is damning, though.

My personaly opinion (even though a couple posts here seem to imply that you're not allowed to have one) is that he did it, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they prove it.

Oh.. What about OJ now?
Sarcasm does not drip as well in writing it as it should. O. J. is innocent...and I'm the easter bunny. I thought the picture of the dude with the blonde hair the beard and the 10,000 in his pocket , heading for Mexico said at least 900 words. I brought up O J to illustrate you can go to trial and be as guilty as hell and be declared innocent. the only problem with trying Peterson in the GTP court is we do not have any information for the defense. We could probably make some up..lesse ,,"I didn't do it" ,,thats my contribution. We are presumed innocent until proven guilty blah blah blah...then we go to court and with all the publicity we become the NBC movie of the week and roll the dice. This dude don't have the O J cash and he's white so if I was him I'd try to escape.
Ok, not that I'm defending the guy, but with his resources he should have had much more money on him for fleeing the country.
He MAY have been going to Mexico for a drug buy though.
Now the evidence is damning. However, just as we can't conclude that OJ killed Nicole and Ron (though he likely knows who did), we can't say with SURETY that Scott killed Laci. unless the po-po happen to have an eyewitness stashed somewhere, this guy will likely get off.

We can say that it looks like he did it.
We can say that he had 10 grand in his pocket, near the mexican border. (He may have indeed been on a drug run).
We can say that he altered his appearance, Maybe for the drug buy, as his face has been plastered all over newspapers and TV.
We can also get him for bizarre behavior.
But, none of the above listed is a crime.

Again, I am not protecting the guy. I do believe that he likely had something to do with the disappearance of his wife and son. (maybe the 10 grand was the pay-off for the real killer).

But our "justice" system tries very hard not to put the wrong people in the "greybar motel." And without DEFINITIVE proof that Scott killed Laci and Colin he will likely go free, (and be run over by Laci's mother in her SUV as he leaves the courthouse.)
Originally posted by Gil
Ok, not that I'm defending the guy, but with his resources he should have had much more money on him for fleeing the country.
He MAY have been going to Mexico for a drug buy though.
Now the evidence is damning. However, just as we can't conclude that OJ killed Nicole and Ron (though he likely knows who did), we can't say with SURETY that Scott killed Laci. unless the po-po happen to have an eyewitness stashed somewhere, this guy will likely get off.

We can say that it looks like he did it.
We can say that he had 10 grand in his pocket, near the mexican border. (He may have indeed been on a drug run).
We can say that he altered his appearance, Maybe for the drug buy, as his face has been plastered all over newspapers and TV.
We can also get him for bizarre behavior.
But, none of the above listed is a crime.

Again, I am not protecting the guy. I do believe that he likely had something to do with the disappearance of his wife and son. (maybe the 10 grand was the pay-off for the real killer).

But our "justice" system tries very hard not to put the wrong people in the "greybar motel." And without DEFINITIVE proof that Scott killed Laci and Colin he will likely go free, (and be run over by Laci's mother in her SUV as he leaves the courthouse.)

Well said. I agree, I'm not saying the guy is innocent (I too feel he had something to do with it...I just want to see harder evidence presented.) Here's my theory on a couple things: Maybe he altered his appearance because his face was being plastered all over the media. He wanted privacy. And maybe the $10,000 was extra cash--because I heard he was staying with his parents (I think? Who live near the border?) But then again unless your Bill Gates or Donald Trump or very well off, not many people wander around with 10 grand in their pockets (that's what credit cards and check books are for.) And that's true, Gil, he could have very well hired a killer.

Another theory: When the police obtained his computer, they said he had tidal records of the lake he was going fishing at saved on his computer. Unless they can prove he was doing this research because he was going to throw his wife's body in there, this really doesn't mean a lot to me. If Scott Peterson did kill Laci and Conner, my guess it that it could have been a "I just did it, didn't plan it" type thing. He might have truly planned to go fishing that day, and decided to do tidal research. But it's very confusing.

One thing I find very suspicious: How in the name of our Lord is it likely that a mother and son(a son that isn't even due for a few more weeks) end up just MILES away from where Scott said he was fishing that day? And that mother and son being his wife and son? I would say his attitude is suspicious, and it kinda is at times, but maybe he's trying to be the anchor of the family. The strong one. I dunno. Remeber the Sandra Levy case? Where did that ever go? They found her bones in a park sometime last year. Her boyfriend, Gary Condet (or however his last name is spelled) was a political figure in Modesto, California. Same place where Laci Peterson is from. EVERYONE seemed to suspect him of being involved in the killing and disappearance of Sandra Levy. Heck, good ol' Gary was even cheating on his wife with Sandra Levy. But a year or so later, and it's not him.

So maybe Scott didn't kill his wife (though I still think he might have been involved some way.) It could be a scary "wrong place, wrong time to cheat" type thing. We'll just have to wait and see...
Originally posted by milefile
To dump the body(s) where he was that day?
That is true. But if he had indeed studied to tidal patterns of the place where he was fishing, wouldn't he have picked a time to dump the bodies that would have washed them out further? and not in to the shore.
Of course if the bodies were weighted down, I guess who ever dumped them didn't think that they would be found...

Or the killer, thinking the bodies would indeed wash up on shore dumped them where he did to implicate Scott for the killings.
Whoa - Disco. Looks like the same year I had, too. I totally back Scott if he says she hated it. It's way out of date and trucky. I never really liked mine.

i beleive he killed her and i think he deserves to die for that to. i can't tolerate people who kill theirs wives. and on top of that, he hill his pregnent wife! so therefore he killed his kid to! that mother****er! thats a double homoside and scott dies to die immediatly for what he did i believe.
Since Cobraking's from New Zealand, I seriously doubt a single missing person and their unborn child makes much news in that part of the world.

Basically, the media's been focusing all their efforts on this case since she went missing on December 23rd-24th of 2002. Nationwide media loves to subdue us with type of glurge; she was pregnant and missing right during Christmastime...enough to make many people both worried and outraged. Throw in a well-to-do family, a cheating husband, and the case becomes top choice "news" for newspapers and TV around this country.

Mind you, what's happened was a horrible thing. But around the country, there are probably another half-dozen cases just like it; however, this one gets national attention, the others don't.
What do you guy's think about the new info, that the police knew where the bodies were, but didnt disclose the info beacuse the thought the dude would run? But then the bodies were, excavated from the river bottom by an oil tanker, and pushed down-stream, force law enforcement to perform a new search? Stupid? Or good stratagy?
This does bring about a new turn of events. RER, where did you find this info? I'd be interested in reading the whole article.


OMFG I wanna smash this friggin computer.

Just watched WOOD TV 8 news last night and they expained everything I just said. Now, whenI goto their web-site, barely 12 hours later, I cant find diddly-squat on the subject. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! Their search function doesnt even work. I wanna e-mail them an scream but I can even get a link to their web master. AAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGGGG!!!! It's reason like this I aviod that channel as much as possible.,........

still looking..............