Scott Peterson- Unfaithful and a Killer?

  • Thread starter Blazing20
Originally posted by pupik
Since Cobraking's from New Zealand, I seriously doubt a single missing person and their unborn child makes much news in that part of the world.

I'm sorry Cobraking...I didn't know. My fault. :banghead:
With a loose interpretation (something I know the media would never do...) these facts pretty much lend credit to RER.

All found from this page:

I'm not sure what to think at this point. Do I believe that Scott Did the deed. Yes. Will the court be able to prove it? I think so. If the concrete used in weighting the bodies wrapped in plastic matches the concrete found in Peterson's boat. If the bleach used at the Peterson house matches traces of bleach on the body. A whole lot of if. But perhaps the biggest "If" is will this trial be fair "if" the county can provide an impatrial jury?

This has to be the most depressing news topic going right now. Having just been blessed with a son seven weeks ago (who was almost named Connor), the horror of this event really affects me. I just can't wrap my thoughts around what could compel anyone to commit such an act, especially a husband and father, if he did it. And in struggling to understand it (i.e. a mother getting dredged along the bottom a shipping channel... wondering when the fetus of Connor fell out, and why or how) I get emotionally exhausted and pretty screwed-up-feeling in general. It definitely makes me even more grateful to have a happy, healthy family.

Whoever did it... I hope they catch him and kill him.
yes,... gruesome indeed.

String him up......
Originally posted by milefile
This has to be the most depressing news topic going right now. Having just been blessed with a son seven weeks ago (who was almost named Connor), the horror of this event really affects me. I just can't wrap my thoughts around what could compel anyone to commit such an act, especially a husband and father, if he did it. And in struggling to understand it (i.e. a mother getting dredged along the bottom a shipping channel... wondering when the fetus of Connor fell out, and why or how) I get emotionally exhausted and pretty screwed-up-feeling in general. It definitely makes me even more grateful to have a happy, healthy family.

Whoever did it... I hope they catch him and kill him.

I totally understand what you're feeling milefile. I have a 9 month old brother, Trey, whom our family is absolutely crazy about. Even though I'm 15 1/2 years older than him, I'm so close to him. So to hear about this is just depressing.
The thing that commited this crime ..I feel very strongly about this should have his skin peeled off while still living and his spine ripped from his body over a course of say two days . And that still wouldnt be enough and sadly wouldnt bring the wife and son back. I watched both my children born and I love my wife..WTF could possibly had gone through the mind of the crumb basard that cold bloodedly killed ..then weighted down the body and took it out into the bay for disposal..I'd like to put a hollow point through that mind. just when I thought I was getting a hard skin against this kind of stuff I read the links and had to hit the heavy bag for an hour to get the poison out of my soul.
Originally posted by Der Alta
Someone else hit upon this earlier. I'm adding a few facts into the story.

Ugly facts as it stands.


How can anyone be so self-centered? I mean, I don't even get how they can entertain the idea for a sceond. If you knock up your girlfriend it's time to step up and pay the piper, as it were. If your wife is pregnant and it was planned, you should be looking forward to it. If you're such a frickin' baby that you feel ignored or less important, threatened by a baby, and you make the baby and it's mother suffer for it... AAAAHHHHHHGGGGG!!!! What is justice in this context?

I'm blowing a fuse.

I was better off not thinking about it.
Originally posted by milefile
How can anyone be so self-centered? I mean, I don't even get how they can entertain the idea for a sceond. If you knock up your girlfriend it's time to step up and pay the piper, as it were. If your wife is pregnant and it was planned, you should be looking forward to it. If you're such a frickin' baby that you feel ignored or less important, threatened by a baby, and you make the baby and it's mother suffer for it... AAAAHHHHHHGGGGG!!!! What is justice in this context?

That is EXACTLY why I'm saving it for marriage and the man I love and will spend the rest of my life with- where it belongs as always. Raising a baby is a HUGE responsibility. Just helping out with my baby brother is a challenge. It annoys me to no end when teenage girls say stuff like "I want a baby!" "And I'll get preganent so my boyfriend can't leave me and I can leave my parents house!" It DOES NOT work like that. It's a job. If you can't take care of yourself properly, there is no way you can take care of a child.

Whew, back on topic. Sorry about that. Anyhoo. Yes that makes me sick too that any man could kill his wife- preganent at that. And if Scott Peterson did do that...AAARRRGGHHHH!!! That man will be lucky if he even makes it in and out of the court room alive. I feel absolutely terrible for both families. Both sides have to suffer equally. It's just so tragic.
there is no concret evidence against scott like blazing said, but if he did't kill lacy than why where his wife and son's body's found only a few miles from where he was "fishing"??? :confused:
Originally posted by AgentDark006
there is no concret evidence against scott like blazing said, but if he did't kill lacy than why where his wife and son's body's found only a few miles from where he was "fishing"??? :confused:
Coincidence, here's what actually happened, according to a very accredited tabloid:

Scott hired a Satanic Cult to pretend they did it, though the truth was that Pam Anderson is the killer and they don't want to drag her good name through the mud.

Story like that's gotta be true.
I have heard facts about this case that the media hasn't been notified of and trust me on this one, he is guilty!:D
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
I have heard facts about this case that the media hasn't been notified of and trust me on this one, he is guilty!:D

Oh, I see - you're privied to information which is somehow more conclusive than the literal mountains of dirt we've already got on this guy.

If you say so.
Scott Petterson

With all my heart and soul, without a doubt, I feel that Scott Peterson killed his wife.

The evidence is too strong, his character was one of unconcern for his wife.

Scott did not act like a man who was worried or scared for his wife when she came up missing. He showed very little emotion through out the entire search, his behavior was very strange, he was too calm and what was up with changing his hair color???

No, there is no way that anyone could ever convince me that he did not kill his wife.

Okay lets say just for the sake of arguement that he did not kill his wife; if that were so , then why did he not show any emotional behavior when the bodies of Laci and Conner were found? Why was he not beside himself with grief and pain and anger?

He showed NOTHING at all. It just does not make any sense, nothing he said seemed to fit. This man killed his wife, he killed his son, and if there is an ounce of justice in the jurors of this case, they will find this man guilty, they will send him to the death chamber, but if it was up to me to dish out his punnishment....I would take the SOB fishing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is the probability that Scott Petterson was set up? (I would love to hear opinions!!)There obviosly is evidence that points questionable doubt towards his innocence. I whole heartedly want whoever killed Lacy and Conner caught and locked away forever, but just because Scott is really the only prime suspect doesnt mean he murdered them, does it?
Just like we'll never know beyond a shadow of a doubt that OJ killed Ron and Nicole, I feel that we'll never know beyond a shadow of a doubt the Scott killed Lacie and Connor.
All that we've proved so far is that the guy is a jerk.
While that isn't nice, it isn't punishable by jail time or the gas chamber.

Again, I'm not supporting either OJ or Scott. But we saw all of OJ's trial. He was aquitted. Do I believe that he is in possesion of knowledge of who did kill Ron and Nicole? You Betcha! But I'd like to believe that of all the movies that OJ has been in and played a cop, he'd have known to put a couple of soft point .22's in each of their brainpans, and walked away.
*shrugs* but who knows?

As for Scott, there are a few things that don't add up. A Range Rover is not an inexpensive vehicle. They didn't live in a poor part of town. (So they obviously had money.) If he was running around with 10 g's in his cargo shorts, was he doing it so that he would'nt have to write a check? After all his face and name are plastered all over the news, and conveniently enough his name is plastered all over his checks and his credit cards. Could be a misguided attempt at anonymity.
If the cops put a hold on his funds, then how would he have gotten $10,000? And why not much more if he was going to "light out" for parts unknown? Further if his funds weren't frozen, how serious a suspect was he? Again, unless they have an eyewitness, or a videotape of him doing the deed, he will only be guilty of philandering, and being an A-hole. But look where that got William Jefferson Clinton.:lol:

There is a lot of pressure to find this nut guilty. But all we know for sure is that he's an idiot, a cheater, and doesn't do the "showing of emotion" thing. That can be looked at as just about anything. There is the slightest possiblity that he may not have done the killing.
I didn't follow the case, I was in Iraq during the whole mess anyways, so i think i had more important things to worry about. However, there is something about this that really really pisses me off....

How in the world can someone make a movie about the murder before the suspect is even tried?????????????????? I don't care if he did it or not, How can it be allowed for someone to make a movie about a murder when the trial hasn't even started?????? Because the movie will have a spin. you can't refute that. And i'm pretty damn sure the movie portrayed Scott as guilty. but i didnt' see it so i'm assuming. maybe it didn't. But still, how can a movie about a crime be aired while the trial is going on?! If i was the defense i'd be raising HOLY HELL!!!!!!!!
I didn't follow the case, I was in Iraq during the whole mess anyways, so i think i had more important things to worry about. However, there is something about this that really really pisses me off....

How in the world can someone make a movie about the murder before the suspect is even tried?????????????????? I don't care if he did it or not, How can it be allowed for someone to make a movie about a murder when the trial hasn't even started?????? Because the movie will have a spin. you can't refute that. And i'm pretty damn sure the movie portrayed Scott as guilty. but i didnt' see it so i'm assuming. maybe it didn't. But still, how can a movie about a crime be aired while the trial is going on?! If i was the defense i'd be raising HOLY HELL!!!!!!!!
Good point.

Oh, clear your private messages! And Happy birthday! :cheers: