Seasonal TT should be same as the AMG event. Car provided etc

  • Thread starter sgllocal
What does it hurt you how everybody else plays the game?


let me guess your a cheater. it ruins it for others thats why. if they release stuff for us all then it should be fair. quite simple really. now go back to cheating lil boy
let me guess your a cheater. it ruins it for others thats why. if they release stuff for us all then it should be fair. quite simple really. now go back to cheating lil boy

Assumption is what starts problems. If you dare assume that someone that disagrees with you is a cheater, then you have problems.

If PD didn't want us to use the high-end Race cars in the time trials, then they woud've put "road cars only". They've done that in the past before, with an Indy Speedway time trial that consisted of road cars. If they allow it, then it's legitemate. The only "Cheaters" are the break-out-of-map people, and those are promptly deleted.
let me guess your a cheater. it ruins it for others thats why. if they release stuff for us all then it should be fair. quite simple really. now go back to cheating lil boy

Well, he's not a cheater if he uses a legal game-provided option to make car he owns in compliance with restrictions of particular Time Trial.
Well, he's not a cheater if he uses a legal game-provided option to make car he owns in compliance with restrictions of particular Time Trial.

PD has controls over these, and will change them accordingly.
Yea, it would be nice to have the car always given to you because,
1) I dont always have the fastest car
2) I cant tune a car (not very well anyway)
What does it hurt you how everybody else plays the game?

Regardless of whether you are a cheater or not, this statement makes no sense.

How does it hurt him how other people play the game? It's an online time trial where the goal is to get as high a position as possible. If people cheat, it does affect his ability to do so.
Regardless of whether you are a cheater or not, this statement makes no sense.

How does it hurt him how other people play the game? It's an online time trial where the goal is to get as high a position as possible. If people cheat, it does affect his ability to do so.
This was the glitchers argument last week. At leaat then it was used for offline events.

While I do agree that all these holes are pd's fault try telling the police to write your 140 mph speeding ticket to porsche because they made the car able to go that fast.
Regardless of whether you are a cheater or not, this statement makes no sense.

How does it hurt him how other people play the game? It's an online time trial where the goal is to get as high a position as possible. If people cheat, it does affect his ability to do so.

The OP considers Power limiting a "cheat". Although I disagree, this is certianly open for debate.
let me guess your a cheater. it ruins it for others thats why. if they release stuff for us all then it should be fair. quite simple really. now go back to cheating lil boy

How predictable!

No, i am not a "cheater", but what difference does it make to anybody else if i was a "cheater"?

Regardless of whether you are a cheater or not, this statement makes no sense.

How does it hurt him how other people play the game? It's an online time trial where the goal is to get as high a position as possible. If people cheat, it does affect his ability to do so.

Since GT5 has no inherent cheat system (not counting glitches, bugs or abuse), how the hell is it cheating since the game/event allows the use of limiting power?

What if an event comes up for a car i already own but have maxed out, should i not be allowed to limit the power/pp and instead have to go out and buy a new car which might end up being useless to me afterwards?
Current format is good. If anyone wants to go on leaderboard juz check out which is the best car detuned to meet regulation. Drive that and see if u can do any better with the same. All leaderboard gamers have a combination of good car, great tuning, great skills in exploiting all tracks and fantastic driving skills. If it is juz all the same car then only driving skills is tested like in Asia gt academy which is not too bad as well but dun test as comprehensively. Only glitchers are to some extent cheaters. Even glitchers deserves respect cos it takes skills luck and time to find them. only time I'll be pissed is when glitchers wins the time trial
If the issue is the power limiter; I agree in part. If you're limiting the power, the power band should not "flatten" out. It should shrink accordingly. IMO that's why the limiter doesn't work. You'll max out a car to just tune it back and have max HP for the majority of the RPM range you're driving in.
Can not see how people tuning down cars is a issue, you still have to stick to the event rules ie normal tyres or sports or race tyres the same for waight of the Car.

The big issue that need fixing is lap time cheats cutting corners bouncing off barries & so on.

For this all Seasonal events should use a full damage system.

You can use these setting ingame or online as we know but they are never part of the stock setting for Seasonal event.

if you hit a wall in a online race to hard you get a time Penalty and the same for cutting the track or hitting a car to hard, why is this not used for these type of events ?

These event need a better solution in place to stop the cheats,no doubt PD are working on some future fix & they are still new to the online side of things.

It all takes time but it will be nice when its stopped.

As for pre set events with a fixed car & setting thats ok for a levaling effect, but its also nice to use a car of your own choice with in the rules of the event.

Have fun out there all:tup:
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PD should provide the car so knowone has to touch their power limiters. they did it in nascar and also the amg event. its not hard to sort out,
PD should provide the car so knowone has to touch their power limiters. they did it in nascar and also the amg event. its not hard to sort out,

i think that is booring. I have 670 cars in my garage. I want use so many i can in seasonal time trials. Drive the nascar and amg event then and stop complaining. 👍
How predictable!
Since GT5 has no inherent cheat system (not counting glitches, bugs or abuse), how the hell is it cheating since the game/event allows the use of limiting power?
I agree with this, to an extent, but that's not what you said. I was responding to your claim that how you play the game doesn't affect others, which is not true when cheating is possible. I'm not just talking about power limiting, but cutting corners, break out glitching, etc. all of which have ruined several time trials for everyone in the past.
What if an event comes up for a car i already own but have maxed out, should i not be allowed to limit the power/pp and instead have to go out and buy a new car which might end up being useless to me afterwards?
You can remove parts you know, but that's irrelevant. The OP is suggesting the required car be provided for everyone, which would technically be the purest test of driving skill, as long as people didn't cheat and ruin it.

For the record, I don't do the time trials, but even if I did I don't think they should provide the car for all of them. Perhaps just some of them.
the issue isn't so much that the limiter is there.. it's just that it is way too generous. Before the limiter was introduced I remember the annoyance of tuning a car and being frustratingly over the PP limit by a few points. In this instance being able to reduce the PP by 30 or so would be ok in my opinion.

The limiter at the moment simply allows the power to be changed by too much, thus changing the characteristics of the car and spoiling the realism.

It should be a scalpel .. instead it's a dirty great sledge hammer....
let me guess your a cheater. it ruins it for others thats why. if they release stuff for us all then it should be fair. quite simple really. now go back to cheating lil boy

You had a good point in the OP that I could theoretically get behind, but the massiveness of this assumption completely undermines the original idea.
Is it just me or does this argument about detuned cars spring up every time there are new time trials? :ouch:
I had more fun chasing times for GT Academy because I knew the cars were provided and there was no tuning involved. These open TTs are fun in a different way, but I think what the OP and many others would like to see is a driver's TT opposed to a tuner's TT.
So long as your car fits within the regulations stipulated by the challenge it doesn't matter how you get there, it's all about how you conduct yourself once on the circuit. If you feel that breaking out is a legitimate way to get "your name in lights", so to speak, then go for it - just don't expect any respect for doing so. I only ever compare my times with those of my friends anyway, the glitchers mean nothing to me.

I also wonder why this debate doesn't get brought up in relation to drift trials? The only car that populates the top of the board is generally the Speed 12, not well known it the real world for it's drifting prowess!

As for the power limiter, if I have a 296bhp Honda Integra and want to take it into the latest time trial, are you saying that I should remove something to make it ridiculously underpowered, or just move the the limiter 2 places backwards? I know which I, and pretty much every racing team in competitive motorsport, would rather do.
One of the main attractions of Gran turismo series to begin with was the variety of cars that you can drive in the game and the good range of tuning potential enabling people to spend whole evenings getting their favourite car just perfect.

It does annoy me to some extent seeing the same car in the rankings for 4 or 5 pages as its just alittle boring to read down through but I don't see why you should be made drive one particular car for an event and not being able to tune it as, more or less the whole point of GT5 is to have over a 1000 cars to drive and tune them.
I think it is mostly because one driver finds a good car and others follow. You can probably get close to the time in other cars that are similar...but you've got to abuse the power reduction feature on whatever you pick and tune for maximum grip.
As for the power limiter, if I have a 296bhp Honda Integra and want to take it into the latest time trial, are you saying that I should remove something to make it ridiculously underpowered, or just move the the limiter 2 places backwards?
The OP only has a problem with ridiculous limiter usage, like 75% or 50% shouldn't be allowed.

I know which I, and pretty much every racing team in competitive motorsport, would rather do.

In the form of restrictor plates? (I just want to know)
Engine management computers in most race cars are complex enough that they could do most things from the pit wall now, so restricting the car's output is a synch.

I'd also say that the higher the level of limiter usage the more you disadvantage yourself, as you no longer have progressive power delivery. This may be more true for us DS3 users than those using pedals, but that's my experience anyway. Having 400bhp's worth of torque hit all at once is a nightmare to control properly rather than have it "build in" as it would for a less limited car.
(Hope you understand what I'm trying to say there?)

If it were down to me, and it had to be an enforced car, I would also put in adjustable suspension - and nothing else. That way you get to tune the car to a very restricted level, but to a degree that allows you to actually control the car, rather than just manage it's flaws, or even that of the ridiculous tyre choices.
Even when the car's suplied, people still find 'workarounds'. Have you watched the top time replays for the Top Gear event?
I don't care what the competive guys at the top of the leaderboard do. They will always be at the top of the leaderboard because they are FAST, not because they are taking advantage of the tools (or lack thereof) provided.

I do however really enjoy the stock car/appropriate tyre format and I also really like the challenging tyres and tight penalties (bar a couple of corners). I would certainly say this seasonal has improved my driving/taught me more than any other so far.

Maybe I am a GT5 masochist? x D

No reason why there can't be a stock AND tuners time trial. They could even brand them as such and use the same tracks and a stock car that fits the regs of the tuners trial. That format would give some interesting comparitive data as a bonus.