Seasonal TT should be same as the AMG event. Car provided etc

  • Thread starter sgllocal
I think there should be additional leader boards for each car. That way I can use the car I want and compare to others using the same. Then perhaps a top 10 cars page w/ the fastest time for each different car. I don't like the idea of being stuck in one car.
The OP considers Power limiting a "cheat". Although I disagree, this is certianly open for debate.
I disagree, it's not open for debate.
If PD makes a time trial, PD makes the rules for the time trial, if PD wants every TT to be stupidly under-powered LMP cars driving on street tires (which they seem to like) they will continue to be just that.

I agree the TT's have become ridiculous because of the direction PD has taken them, and hope it is changed, but I just had this discussion regarding the DC event, boundaries and rules are the sole responsibility of PD in these events, you'll never be able to "count on people" to not do something they can get away with, the one and only position to enforce "fair play" is held by the folks at PD.
As far as I’m concerned the only real problem apart from obvious cheating, has been allowing any road car that has got front end downforce. If the regulations state it is a TT for road cars, PD should set them so no car with frontend downfore is eligible even though technically it is called a road car.

That’s been why cars such as the Nissan R390 keep getting used.

Power limiting just makes sense after those early TT’s and people grinding for hours to reduce their cars power. Back then until people discovered how to reduce power, power restrictions prevented Road going race cars from taking part and there was at least some variety in the cars used.
Well, he's not a cheater if he uses a legal game-provided option to make car he owns in compliance with restrictions of particular Time Trial.

Right, not a cheater, just a @!#$% that doesn't care he's ruining the time trials for fanboys like a me, who think of GT5 as a racing simulator and not a video game.

I agree with you in part sgllocal, limiting cars past anything beyond common sense is for kiddies. But I disagree with your solution. I propose removing the limiter from GT5 completely.

Outside of that, another option would be changing the limiter to something like a restrictor plate they use in NASCAR, which you can turn either on or off. But the restrictor plate would be set at something like 90% and not adjustable.
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How predictable!

No, i am not a "cheater", but what difference does it make to anybody else if i was a "cheater"?

Since GT5 has no inherent cheat system (not counting glitches, bugs or abuse), how the hell is it cheating since the game/event allows the use of limiting power?

What if an event comes up for a car i already own but have maxed out, should i not be allowed to limit the power/pp and instead have to go out and buy a new car which might end up being useless to me afterwards?
