Sej's Pix ~ Toyota 7

  • Thread starter sejtur
Thx for the few comments, they're very much appreciated too. :)

Keef, I don't think it won't take long anymore if you're online often from now to be a bronze member, then you can say your own thing in it. Well, not much.... but something is something! :dopey: Also, LOL @ your news section post. :lol: 👍

Anyways, I wasn't online often this week, because I had some private things going on.
What's sexy? The pictures or Sej's girlfriend minglings? Good for him, he's a step ahead of me.:irked:
Nah, Keef, that ain't what I meant with private things man. I don't know how I could explain it really, but I'll just send you a PM.

Getting A Driving License





How the hell did you get the first and 3rd picture from the cones like that? You saved the replay?? Any ways, damn sweet pictures dude. I love them a lot. Great talent man.
Whoa. This...this is a new concept to my mind. I've never thought of taking pictures of the coffee breaks. I feel like a toddler who has just seen his mom use a fork to eat her food. It's like a revelation.
Hang on, I have to get my ideas straight....

OK. Number 1 is like a new science. You have to stick with this theme for a few updates, just take pictures of you driving the coffee break courses. I really think it's never been done before.
I love the Le Mans shots you take. Like in #2, you really take advantage of the whole "morning/evening" theme. This is a beautiful shot. I love the deep colors of the sky. There really isn't anything wrong with it.
I like #3 because of the modern look it has to it. The top half, anyway, with the buildings in the background and the floodlights floating up in the sky. That half of the picture clashes badly with the car and grass at the bottom for some reason. It makes me crave a picture of modern architecture; like I didn't get enough from this pic. As long as I only look at the top half, I'm fine, but I despise the bottom half for some reason.
Number 4, again, is one of these new coffee break pics. I'm telling you, you could be the first to make a set like that. You'll go down in photomode history!
The last one is sweet because of the blur effect on the Fiat. It's just insane! There's like 23 antennas on top of it! The pic is just going crazy! Just vibrating like your girlfriends toy! (you know she's got one:sly:) Anyway, I like the colors of it, too, the pink, err, uhh, get your mind out of the gutter, Keith! <That's me. What I meant to say was the blue and white of the sky and Punto, and how the red GT-R kind of busts in and disturbs the peace. This is my favorite shot of the set.
That is sweet sejtur, I had never though of that> Now that I have seen your pics, I want to go do that for myself, but It won't be as cool anymore. What an awesome idea man.
Thanks for all the positive comments! :D

Hehe, thanks for your inspiring coment, Keef, I'll definetly do another coffee break update, but I think I'll take some cafeine-free this time! :) 👍 Hehe, and what a fun thing to compare a shaking antenna with! :lol:

P.S. TVR_FF, the TVR is a Tamora... :rolleyes: ;) And, Keef, the Fiat Punto is actually a Citroen C3. I'll forgive you for that one, it's just too blurred. :)
just browsing through your gallery, (its been awhile:scared:) and i really like the "breaking the sound barier" way cool. nice updates too of course 👍
Nice pics 👍 That angle for the cone maze pic is great. It is usually hard to get that angle in a normal replay, but since I've never tried a picture on that test, i don't know how hard it was for you.

You are messing with me man, that last picture, thats's nvm it's like........

Well offcourse it's absolutely awsome but how the hell do you manage to rape the rest of the galleries like this. Lol your going so frigging fast only a few can keep up with your pictures (thats the quality and beauty, not speed;)).

And the little blurred right back light is making it just absolutely perfect!
NAH It's perfect dude, like he pulled the handbrake in a jamesbond movie and he stopped right at that spot, opening the door and entering some friggin luxurious hotel;):cool: