Selecting your car

When you finish a championship series or an endurance race the screen with the trophy will appear and you will be rewarded your prize money. Dont press the button twice to speed through to make the cash go faster. Just let it sit and after its done adding to your credits you have already...the OK button will begin to flash. Count how many times it flashes. To get a different car each time this is what you do. The intervals are 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on. Thats in blinks. So if you want a different car each time you finish an endurance. Just start by waiting for the ok button to blink 2 times then click x. Then next time you finish it wait for 4 blinks. I have tryed this MANY MANY times and it works every time. Its the only way to get a different car each time. Try it and let me know if your results are the same.
I'll try that out and let you know how it two weeks :(:(:(