Seperate Wheels and Pads. Big Awesome Idea

  • Thread starter Emthree
Ive been thinking about this for some time, but its obviously possilbe if GT5P can detect what wheel you are using.

It'd be nice if they could either add a Lobby and have a Wheel only or Pad only option.

Theres plenty of good reasons for this.

One would be the advantage of sight a Pad user in 3rd person has over a wheel user who uses the cockpit or first person modes. Especially when it comes to Pad users who ram people who get beside them.

Also, if you've played alot of online games in GT5P you can tell who is a wheel user and who uses the pad. Wheel users generally drive much smoother while alot of pad users make jerky motions all over the track which makes passing cleanly fairly hard.

Pads are also more forgiving. They have to be because not everyone is willing to go out and pay an extra $100+ dollars on their game. Which can be frustrating when you use a wheel and see them recover from some terrible driving.

Drifting Scors. The same way there is a Pro or Standard set of physics, a wheel option would be nice as currently Drifting is way easier with a Pad. Not to mention watchin replays always look nice without those crazy warbly front wheels going back and forth at a crazy pace.

Watching a smooth replay without all that jerkyness is always nice.i

And overall online enjoyability. For those who do still play GT5P online, its alot more fun running againts other wheel racers, and the games are usually much cleaner.

This would also benefit Pad users as they would all be in the same playing field when it comes to smooth corners ect.

Not to mention game balance. With all the options people have in gaming peripherals and what not. Having the Option to race against people using the same type peripherals would even out alot of advantages that each peripheral would add the the game.

And finally when it comes to purists players. Alot of Racing Game fans tend to be sort of purists. Running Cockpit, wheel, manual, ect. As much as they can do to make it more like the real thing. They also tend to do whatever it takes not to have an accident. And this is always much more enjoyable when running against other purists.
Yes this needs to be in the final GT5 - I've posted this suggestion on this site - i think in the prologue section - this will sort out the men from the boys so to speak and like you say will make the racing beter but overall fairer too.
So how do we get ideas like this to them so they will have a chance to make it to the final game?

Cuz this would really improve overall gameplay for both types of players.
yeah, but wouldn't that kinda kick us that use the controllers out of GT5 completely? I bought myself a wheel to use for ALL my racers, and the bleepin thing is too SMALL (it's about 10 inches/250 mm), and only turns 270 degrees.
This is a great idea first of all.
Wheel sets have seemed to be almost required for the new GT series.
But I think we have to take into consideration the pad users that have mastered the DS and have more advanced skill.
I haven't seen any of these drivers personally but I've heard here and there.
yeah, but wouldn't that kinda kick us that use the controllers out of GT5 completely? I bought myself a wheel to use for ALL my racers, and the bleepin thing is too SMALL (it's about 10 inches/250 mm), and only turns 270 degrees.

I dont think that it would. You could have it both ways. Controller Only and Wheel Only. As an option in the Lobby.

The same way alot of games have a specific car option to keep everyone close in the race.

Besides, there are still and will be alot of controller users in GT5P and most any racing game.
this is a great idea. in the wheel only rooms i have a feeling there will be a lot less punters. . . er, i hope there is at least :P

p.s. this would include combo rooms also, right?
this is a great idea. in the wheel only rooms i have a feeling there will be a lot less punters. . . er, i hope there is at least :P

p.s. this would include combo rooms also, right?

For Sure.

The point really is, when you get a good game going with racing games, and people want to keep racing each other, thats all that matters.

Having more options for creating races is where its really at.

Controller users are going to be starting their own races also, and of course people want to invite their personal friends who may or may not have a wheel.
Oh guys, do you really mean this serious?

I played GT Legends for a long time and you could never be absolutely certain, who is using a pad or a wheel.

I used the XBox 360 pad on my pc for driving GTL and I was a absolutely clean and fair driver. You could say, the other guys pretty enjoyed racing with me. :)

It doesn't do any matter which device you use to controll your car, it's only important THAT you controll it - and that the other racers can trust your driving.

Unfortunately, GT5:P's controller settings are way to sensitive.
Let the players configure it, and everything will be fine!
Very Serious

Some people may be great with the controller, but not everyone. And yes its easy to see who is using a controller online. One tell tale is the quick 45 degree angle they are able to recover from instantly, and another is the ugly warbly wheels watching drift replays.

If you cant tell then they are very good with a controller.

But one big deal, is not who is good or bad with which, its that the controller is more forgiving. Its like that in most console racing games to keep sales up. They cant force people to use a wheel only. Its asking too much to force people to spend that extra money.

This is not something to be forced upon people, its an option. The same way racing games often have a Forced Cockpit Veiw. This is a server option when creating a race.

Also, for racing enthusiast, or car enthusiasts are often times looking for the most authentic driving experience. Meaning they either want to or do use a wheel. Knowing that the people you are racing against are most likely looking for the same experience is good to know, and will often bring the same type of racers to the same race.

Are you actually serious that an extra option isnt a good thing?

How many rooms are created in other racing games where a couple friends get together and race the exact same cars with the same specs and have to lock the room so they can get that sort of an enjoyable game?

This is nothing more than trying to promote players to play with other players that may have common practices in racing games.
Great Everyone!

Spread the news however you may think Polyphony may get it, and feel free to sign here just to show support.

But please know that I personally support people being able to use their controller. A console gamer shouldn't be forced to pay extra for a peripheral just to be able to play, however should buy one for their own gaming experience if they can afford it.
And I have one other thing to add:

Please let us that have wheels and separate pedals use them too.

(Like my PC setup - DFP with a pair of BRD Speed 7)
Oh guys, do you really mean this serious?

I played GT Legends for a long time and you could never be absolutely certain, who is using a pad or a wheel.

I used the XBox 360 pad on my pc for driving GTL and I was a absolutely clean and fair driver. You could say, the other guys pretty enjoyed racing with me. :)

It doesn't do any matter which device you use to controll your car, it's only important THAT you controll it - and that the other racers can trust your driving.

Unfortunately, GT5:P's controller settings are way to sensitive.
Let the players configure it, and everything will be fine!

Well said:tup: