September 2015 Asteroid

What do you think?
I think that the Daily Mail is a Nazi-sympathist rag full of what would be clickbait stories, and I would no more give them a click through and a number for them to take to advertisers to perpetuate their brand of hatred than I would piss on Paul Dacre if he was on fire.

However, what I think about the story I assume is contained within... The post above this one will suffice.
Even scarier considering its highly unlikely we would be warned if they knew an asteroid was due to strike the earth.

Citation required.

I think it's scary enough that we don't know so much of what's out there. NASA needs tons more money to spend on cataloging asteroids, seriously, I have no idea why this is not a bigger deal*.

*The cataloging, not the Apophis discussion.

We didn't know about this one, for example, and it turned out not to be that big a deal, but it could have been.

I saw a bit on that asteroid yesterday. Because the angle of entry was roughly 20 degrees, it exploded so high up in the atmosphere, causing the shock wave to lose momentum before reaching the ground. If the angle was more steep, 40-60 degrees, the rock would have been able to travel further into the atmosphere before exploding, causing a much stronger shock wave.