Serious performance issues on PC. Kinda.

Rotary Junkie

United States
Canton, MI
Well, here goes.

Seems GTAIV runs fine directly after a reboot for a good period of time then starts lagging like hell. If I try running it after I've had the comp running for a while it buggers up completely and either lags badly once I get into the game or won't even let me move the cursor on the main menu.

Comp specs:
AMD 5000+ Black Edition at stock clock speed
Asus M2N-SLi mobo
4x 1gb DDR2 OCZ RAM
PNY 8800GT 512mb vid card
XP 32-bit SP3

Ideas to fix this other than ZOMG GET NEW COMPUTER? Considering this thing sits back and laughs at basically everything else I'm not really inclined to buy anything new for it just yet. Especially considering for the same price of upgrading any of the vitals whatsoever I could just buy a PS3 copy of GTAIV and be set.
I have a question is your hard drive memory full? I say this because i had similar problems and it was because the memory was full.
The problem is your processor. GTAIV runs terribly on anything less than a 4-core processor, and that isn't even a good dual core one. If you desperately want to play GTAIV on your PC you will probably need to upgrade. The easiest thing to do would be to buy a PS3, then you're set for GT5 too! :)

Your computer will run anything else great, the 8800GT is still a very competent card, and barely any games (bar GTAIV) really stretch modern processors.
The problem is your processor. GTAIV runs terribly on anything less than a 4-core processor, and that isn't even a good dual core one. If you desperately want to play GTAIV on your PC you will probably need to upgrade. The easiest thing to do would be to buy a PS3, then you're set for GT5 too! :)

Your computer will run anything else great, the 8800GT is still a very competent card, and barely any games (bar GTAIV) really stretch modern processors.

Oh yay.

Meh. Already have the PS3, just need a copy of GTAIV. Although, what throws me off about this is how it does indeed run fine for anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour after a reboot and only then goes to hell...

What type of comp is it?

Whatever I want to call it is what it is. Custom built.
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That's what it sounds like.

Not like those things don't happen in the PS3 copy of GTAIV, either. There's slowdown and pop-up as it loads between areas, sometimes. It's not quite as bad as the Tokyo Extreme draw-in bug (where you could drive faster than the processor could create scenery) but it does get to the level of mild irritation sometimes.