Server down?

  • Thread starter suprajef
Hopefully server maintenance isn't daily, between lap times not being able to save online, and then having to wait to even get online at all, I think this might cause a lot of people to return their game copies very soon.
A game that is vastly online oriented can't succeed if online is cut off.
Although there have been some server down times and the recent qualifying bug. I'm actually pretty surprised at how smooth the game has ran once you're in a race. I don't have the best internet here and after Racing for more than 20 hours online during the open beta and the game being released, I haven't had one time at all where any competitors cars acted weird in front of me (due to lag)

Hopefully this is just some Growing Pains, it's really hard to program for a server and adjust for user load until you kind of know the specifics. You can't just make it run for millions of people when it's run by fewer and vice versa. So hopefully they get their eggs in a basket here in a week or two because otherwise the game has been running almost to perfectly for me once in the game. But then again, today is my first day having to deal with a server being down.

Too many examples of online connected games having growing pains for a week or two and then running pretty darn good. Friday the 13th, rocket league and whatnots..

I'd rather they keep a close eye on everything for a week or two and take down the servers as much as they think they need to to get their product working as good as it can.
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I think this is the price we are paying for the FIA license tie in. They have to be absolutely sure no one is cheating, hence the online-only saves and locked content when the servers are down. Sadly I think it's a fundamental part of the way they built the game. I'm trying to view these current downtimes as par for the course because I bought in early. I'm wondering how much I'll tolerate not being able to race a few weeks or months from now if it's not stable...
Guys, they're not just rebooting servers, there's likely a lot of behind the scenes tweaks going on. Matchmaking alogirthms, the qualifying lap bugs, car class exploits, etc. It's more than just "maintenance," it's also fine tuning gameplay mechanics based off live usage.

We get this, but it's a real kick in the teeth for us Pacific Coast folks who have now twice in less than a week come home, relaxed, had dinner, sat down to play for an hour or so, and then had to leave the game running in the menu for hours until server maintenance ended just so we could save. If it were midnight I'd understand more, but to take the servers offline at ten, when most of us older folks (is mid 30s old yet, it feels old with a mortgage and car payment) are trying to save and shut down for some sleep really just smacks of piss-poor planning.

And then to have the servers down 45 minutes past the time they said they'd have them back? Poor planning yet again. I know it's unpredictable, but for heaven's sake. The proper way to do that is announce the down time as longer than you expect to need and then, hopefully, have the servers up earlier than announced.

At work, we're moving a data center this weekend. They announced the downtime as a full 24 hours. I know for a fact that IT expects it to be up again in 16 hours. They built in the rest of that time in case something goes wrong. That's how you publicize server maintenance. You never just give the best case scenario. This is just bad planning.
@Zenmervolt, I hear ya. I'm on the east coast, but I can appreciate the bad timing for PDT folks. I think this comes down more to normal work hours in Japan than it does convenience of the American users.
Going to wear out my X button clicking reconnect over these next few months.
I found out that closing down the game and starting up again gave access faster, friends were already playing while i was still bashing reconnect...
According to their website it should be up and running for my time zone. Sadly this is not the case. Still down for me..... just got the game today...
According to their website it should be up and running for my time zone. Sadly this is not the case. Still down for me..... just got the game today...

We will extend the scheduled server maintenance time to about 1 hour.
The latest scheduled end time is 16:30.

The time for new server maintenance will be as follows.
2017 October 21 14:00 - 16:30 JST

※ The maintenance time may be around.

We apologize for any inconvenience to everyone using it.

We will extend the scheduled server maintenance time to about 1 hour.
The latest scheduled end time is 16:30.

The time for new server maintenance will be as follows.
2017 October 21 14:00 - 16:30 JST

※ The maintenance time may be around.

We apologize for any inconvenience to everyone using it.
15 minutes for me. We’ll see about that lol

On the other hand, anybody have a recommended drift car for a newbie like myself?

It’s up and running fellas
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