Sexy & mean car pic thread.

  • Thread starter Poverty
Tell me this isnt the coolest thing you've ever seen

the design brief is "Corvette Summer"-era 'Vettes and Michael Keaton-era batmobiles. Imagine seeing that thing in real life it would have so much presence. Me likey.

The front graphics are too detailed for such an elegant organic shape to the rest of the car. I don't like it very much. The rest looks decent though. The Morgan Aeromax and Maybach Exelero already tried pulling off this look in stages farther than a Rhino rendering.

Nice color and wheels, but I'm not too much of a fan of that front end, it makes the front look a bit too long. On the newer models, with the lights spilling over onto the nose cone, it looks much better.

Oh yea I do think the LS1 years look better. But I love the LT1 year too. They each look great in their own way to me. But I'm a F-body fanatic so I like almost all of them.
While we're on F-bodies, here's some that I think would fit under the mean catagory:





xXSilencerXx, that black LT1 T/A you posted is just gorgeous. :drool:
Lol welding and bending had to be a pain.
Its more like a piece of art work rather than a car part lol.
Lol, yes ive seen these. When I was younger I wanted to build a
dune buggy and thats how I got into the old school V-Dubs.
My dad actually owns a 1969 VW Baja Bug, quite the fun vehicle. It has the exposed engine and dual chrome glasspack mufflers/tips.