-SGTC series 1- Mrbrendon999 Is the driver champion.Finished 

First event using it, I guess. Everybody seems to be excited about the car. Is it really that good? I haven't been home for a while so didn't get to test it yet (or even install the update).
Its fun, and fast. slides like mad, but the one downside is it understeers unless you know how to drive it.
Room will be up at around 6:30pm (UK) tonight for testing. I'm doing my setup but anyone's welcome, it'll be a friends only room so add me.

Got my time down to a 1:57.653!
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many sigh, @Mc_Crusty_92 you forgot about this race and 1st race. @Malcolm Tucker you should know to tell me situation. @xkubunt I am so sorry you waited all this time like me. 1 more1week delay. But after this no shows without reason WILL result in penalties... Sorry if I seem harsh I am having a horrid week and this has annoyed me...
well next week you and stig will be here, pyrates also and xkubunt seems absolutely commited! To all others set reminders and alarms please

Just came home. Will definitely be there next week. Just couldn't make it in time today. Traffic was a bitch.