Shagged laptop

i have a laptop...its a P3 1Ghz...dvd 256 ram 20g hdd...

its cool, 3 years old now but its developed a fault in the display adapter (integrated into the mainboard)...the rest of the components are top quality and work beautifully..

it now crashes every 5 mins...even when sitting idle with no progs running except explorer.exe

now i have tried win98, winME, win2000pro, XPhome and XPpro....same **** with each one...

whats a guy to do? can i sell this on ebay and explain the fault, maybe oneone with expertise can fix much wil i get for it..?

does anyone here wana buy it?

before i do sell it...would linux install solve the prob....can i disable the display all togther so the adapter is never used...

cost £1,500 UK pounds when new...

its currently used as the worlds most expensive door stop...
why are you sure that the fault is in the display adapter? What are the symptoms when it crashes?
well, i have researched this extensively....

most of the stop error codes are display related, i have desribed this in the windows harware forum and a guy said this most likeley corrupt adaptor...

how much do you know about these things?..i would love to get it up and running again
I assume you've contacted the manufacturer for their supported drivers...

If you have, then it's looking like a new motherboard.
ahhhhh Giles, i did contact them but they said that thier support is dealt with by Time Computers ince Tiny went bust....Time says that they only deal with cstomers with an extended warranty...(which would have cost £600 at the time)

no warranty, no support...

and to prove that this is the case....go to and try and log into their support require a current warrany send an technical email....

i dont need detailed info...i know this PC down to the very resistors and capacitors on its mainboard...
Well that sucks a bunch. I'm sure someone could use it as a cheap server. It might be worth something on Ebay. Maybe someone would want it for spare parts.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
ahhhhh Giles, i did contact them but they said that thier support is dealt with by Time Computers ince Tiny went bust....Time says that they only deal with cstomers with an extended warranty...(which would have cost £600 at the time)

Oh dear.

You're knackered then, aren't you really.

Sorry about that.

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