Share your race car paintjob designs!

It's not a competiton, just a chance to show of your creative side, Design a paintjob for any type of race car, Nacsar, Openwheeler, Touring car, etc. Does'nt matter what type of race car it is, just let your creative side do it's best. I'm going to post mine soon. Also, if you are out of ideas, and there is a big bare patch on your paintjob, just add some sponsor logos. It will also make the car look better with them in the first place!
So we photoshop/edit cars to look like race cars?
No, I didn't explain this properly. Get a picture of an actual race car then put your own paintjob on it. This is what I mean by a paintjob...



I hope that helps you understand. :) 👍

Edit: Sorry I haven't posted mine yet. The only program I have to do this is MS paint, and Paintshop pro would be very useful right now.
Sounds like fun, I'll give it a go

EDIT: everything in my photoshop colours turn grayscale! :'(
Sounds like fun, I'll give it a go

EDIT: everything in my photoshop colours turn grayscale! :'(
Cool, go for it. I've just realised mine's gonna take sometime, but it will be worth the wait. I'm doing an Alfa Romeo 159 Touring Car. Thing is, there is no such thing. So, i've had to get a blueprint of the road car, and modify it. Anyway, it will be worth the wait, trust me! :) 👍
Progress report on my car:

Side view:50% complete- Car modification finished (paintjob not yet applyed)
Front view: 25% complete- Bumper modifyed (other modifications and paintjob not yet done)
Rear view: 0% complete
Birdseye view: 0% complete

(I am modifying a road car to make it a racecar before I apply paintjob)
Remember the edit button Skid Mark 33 :)
Please don't double post, Skid.

And could you not have waited and created this thread when you actually had a car to post in it?
Please don't double post, Skid.

And could you not have waited and created this thread when you actually had a car to post in it?
Sorry, I keep forgeting to use it. Bad news, I'm back to square one with mine. I made a huge mistake with the modification. Oh well, shouldn't take to long to redo!
I know I've double posted. However, the last post, (posted by me) was posted more than 10 hours ago, therefore I thought I should post a reply. This is what I was told I should do by a certain when I first joined the site. Don't ask what their name is, I can't remember. Anyway, just a little progress report. I've finished modifying the road car into a touring car, and now all I need to do is apply the paint job. By the way, it is going to be a World Touring Car!
Yeah, did that one. I do alot of liveries for the batracer browser game, some real, some made up.
Ok, and now, here is mine. Well, some of it anyway. This is just the side view, but I think I've kept everyone waiting long enough now!

Ok, for some reason, it will not let me upload the image. I got the file on paint, so I go into Manage Attachements, click on browse, click on the file I want to upload, then click on upload. However, for some weird reason, it always fails.

Since I could not upload it here because it will not upload, I've uploaded it on my website.

Use that link, and it will take you straight to it!

Edit: Be patient, as it might be a bit slow loading!
Has anyone used the link on the post above to view my paintjob. It's not finished, so I have only posted the side view. This is because this is the only view that is complete. So what do you think!

Edit: I have now added the front view as well. Remember, it is not on this website. Instead I added it onto my own website!
Has anyone used the link on the post above to view my paintjob.
It asked me to log in. It appears you have posted the link to it that is within your own gallery, not the public link.
Yes, but there is also another way. Go on to this wbesite link below. Click on a manafactuar, then select the car you want. Copy it into paint, and put a new paintjob on it. You don't even have to use a blueprint of a racing car. Just use a road car, and dress it up to look like one.

Wow i love this site 👍 The blueprints are great practise tools, i used it to learn some shading.

Not entirely correct, but it helps :)