Here are some settings that make Shift 2 feel 100% more responsive. These settings are the closest I could get to a simulation feeling. These settings will eliminate that "floaty" feeling in a strait line. The car will turn when you turn, and the wheel will correspond with the in game visuals alot better then the default settings.
The default settings are so horrible I don't recommend using them for long. (Unless driving Jello is what you prefer.)
Use the first set of Advance settings I have listed and tweak them to your personal style as your get used to the game.
The second set of Advance settings are what I have chosen as my own permanent settings.
Handling Mode: Elite
All Assists: OFF (except for ABS)
Note: Be sure not to hit the two middle red buttons on the G27 shifter because that will toggle ON and OFF the Traction Control and Stability Control.
Manual Gears: ON
Auto Clutch: OFF or ON (Its up to you)
Note: It helps to re-map the Auto Gears and Auto Clutch button(s) with the Hud display and View change so you don't accidently turn the Auto Clutch or Auto Gears back on during gameplay.
Options > Gamplay> Controls> Adjust Controls> (R1) to Advance Controls.
------------1. Start with this as your baseline.------------------2. This is fine tuned to my personal preference.
Steering DZ:________0%______________________________________0%
Steering SN:________50%_____________________________________60%
Throttle DZ:________ 0%______________________________________0%
Throttle SN:________50%______________________________________50%
Brake DZ:__________0%_______________________________________0%
Brake SN:__________50%______________________________________40%
Clutch DZ:__________0%_______________________________________0%
Clutch SN:__________50%______________________________________60%
Speed SN:__________0%_______________________________________0%
Drift Speed SN:______0%_______________________________________0%
Steering Lock:_______900* or 450*_______________________________900*
Drift Steering Lock:___900* or 450*_______________________________450*
(To fine tune each cars steering lock, go to the vehicles tuning menu) < I cannot stress enough how important this setting is.
Note: If you choose to set up your G27 with 900* you will find it becomes difficult to turn quick on tight tracks with certain cars. This is where each vehicals tuning menu comes in handy. By increasing a specific cars steering lock you can increase the responsiveness of the steering without compromising the visual 900* correspondence between your *G27 Steering wheel* and the in game *cockpit view steering wheel*.
Note: For Steering Sensitivity at 50%. This is a way of saying the wheel is just as sensitive at 0* and it is at 900*. By increasing this value the in game steering will become more responsive (quick to your actions). By decreasing this value the in game steering becomes less responsive (slow to your actions).
Note: For Throttle pedal sensitivity at 50%. This a way of saying The pedal at 0% is just as sensitive at 100%. The pedal stroke is linear... similar to a mechanicly operated throttle cable on a real car. By decreasing this value you are making the upper portion of the pedal stroke less responsive and the lower portion of the stroke more responsive and vise versa.
Note: For Brake Pedal sensitivity at 50%. This is just a baseline. Here your personal preference is what matters most. By decreasing this value you are making the upper portion of the pedal stroke less responsive and the lower portion of the stroke more responsive. So ideally a lower value here is desired because it would be similar to a brake pedal on a real car.
Note: For Clutch Pedal sensitivity at 50%. This is just a baseline. Just like the brake, this setting is personal preference. Some prefer a clutch that engages/disengages high, some prefer it low. Increasing the value here will raise the engagement/disengagement point. Decreasing the value will lower the engagement/disengagement point.
Note: Speed and (Drift) Speed sensitivity. This setting is a way of keeping the car more controllable at high speeds, mostly in a strait line. This setting becomes less important as you increase the steering wheel degree rotation. At 900* speed sensitivity isn't an issue. So this value at 0% is a way of saying the steering response is unaltered at any speed. The more you increase this value the less reponsive the car will become as your speed increases.
Try it out.
First off i want to thank you for taking the time to do this.... cheers,
personally myself i prefer to have ingame wheel match my g25
and you have done very well there
but im sorry to say the 450 degree..for drift it aint helping at all, not that im saying this is your fault..he he, its just that im (we all, im sure) just cant hold a drift, i didnt buy a g25 to use a controller. i hate using it..just my opinion, yet i was fed up after a 4 hours of tryn to figure wheel out and tried the controller and was drifting well within 5 mins...WHAAAAAA...
but i refuse to give up on the wheel... one thing i just realized, maybe nothing but guys you know the drift auto-log trailer they released..then the time attack one, sumthen i noticed.. a wheel was only USED in the time attack and not drift trailer.. I THINK THEY WERE LETTING US KNOW HOW BAD IT WAS TO USE A WHEEL BEFORE RELEASE without admtting how bad using a wheel would really be..well just an observation. im loving it and hating it at the same time, i do hope they fix this or sumone does find a fix..
but again thanx AWDwhite and i do hope you me or sumone finds a g25/drift solution.
ps...anyone else notice that they said you can tune/save tunes...yep ok!, but have your also noticed its only for racing and not drifting...hmmmm?