I play shift on a pc with an AMD X4 965 black Edition processor. 4GB RAM from Kingstone (1066Mhz), with a weak but newer graphics card than yours and I still need to put the resolution on 800x600 (windowd to get a little bit sharper view) on a 1080p with the graphics on minimum and I still get tearing and other enoying fps stuff.Destinkeys, one of these days you need to get a gaming PC
Doesn't even need that much, I play it on an old, slow dual core box on the most cut down core2duo ever made, with a graphics card 2 generations behind current.
Yeah, if they adopted a Gran Turismo/Forza style physics engine and a better selection of vehicles.. The franchise would be insane.
Shift physics was already better than both Forza 3 and GT5
Yeah, if they adopted a Gran Turismo/Forza style physics engine and a better selection of vehicles.. The franchise would be insane.
I really hope they will forget this arcade gameplay approach (the stupid rewarding aggressive driving mode) and make it more like a traditional GTR2/Rfactor/Iracing type of simulator but I doubt it.
Shift physics was already better than both Forza 3 and GT5