Shift 2 Unleashed - screenshots thread

  • Thread starter boxox



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FWIW, SMS just posted on virtualr that they aren't photoshopping anything with these (they probably should, 1024x skins don't look great at 3,840 × 2,160 :)).
Being a frequent visitor of the Spa 24H races, I like what I see ! I absolutely recognise some parts of the track and the cars that raced last year's event. Great stuff, can't wait ! I must say I got bored of Shift 1 very soon racing Supercar Challenge, If Shift 2 comes anywhere near the physics of SCC I am a happy man. And, the in-car view is gorgeous.
Graphics are a wonderful thing, but IMO they don't compare to gameplay and physics. One of my pet peeves with Shift1 was how wonderful (or at least, decent!) it LOOKED, but start driving, get nailed by a basher or out of control AI, crash into a concrete berm left on the track from the previous lap, watch some idiot drive round the Aramco on his side, and no AMOUNT of ultra realistic graphics is EVER going to make you think you aren't doing something other than playing an arcade game...

If EA/SMS didn't touch a THING in the graphics, but fixed everything else, it would be a FAR better game that what is likely to happen... eye candy for the basher kids, and nothing for the grown-ups:yuck:
Destinkeys, one of these days you need to get a gaming PC :)

Doesn't even need that much, I play it on an old, slow dual core box on the most cut down core2duo ever made, with a graphics card 2 generations behind current.
Destinkeys, one of these days you need to get a gaming PC :)

Doesn't even need that much, I play it on an old, slow dual core box on the most cut down core2duo ever made, with a graphics card 2 generations behind current.
I play shift on a pc with an AMD X4 965 black Edition processor. 4GB RAM from Kingstone (1066Mhz), with a weak but newer graphics card than yours and I still need to put the resolution on 800x600 (windowd to get a little bit sharper view) on a 1080p with the graphics on minimum and I still get tearing and other enoying fps stuff.

Your graphics card, older, must be better than my 8500GT 1GB.
Wow, that sounds like something is wrong. I have to go pretty hard on AA/AF/car skins/shader package/res to get it below about 50fps on a 512mb 4870 at 1440x900, and it's still acceptably fast (faster than it runs on the consoles) up to about 1920x1080x4 at highest details.

Are you forcing anything on (SSAA?) in the graphics drivers? It doesn't like that terribly much.

ed - oh wait sorry 8500gt? Yeah that might be rough in places. It really wants something like an 8800gt to start getting really good, but it should still be perfectly playable at most resolutions if you turn down shadows/motion blur alone.
Shadows: low

Motion blur: off

and still.....

I'm getting a new graphics card. 8500GT is a very weak graphics card.
Yeah, if they adopted a Gran Turismo/Forza style physics engine and a better selection of vehicles.. The franchise would be insane.
Sorry, boxox, but my whole POINT is that playing a STUPID game at a higher resolution than a console, you are STILL playing a stupid game. Better graphics doesn't fix the Aramco riding, Blue Box remaining, track cutting and all the things that DO ruin a great game.

My take is FIX THE GAME FIRST, fix the graphics next... In fact, for me, I wouldn't care if the graphics remained identical. We ALL remember playing GREAT games on computers or consoles with abysmal graphics capabilities. Didn't stop them from being great games, though, did it?

The rules and behaviors of a game are a million times more important than what it LOOKS like.
Destinkeys, I think Autolog should help with these issues because it will be a lot easier to race with friends instead of 12yo jerks.

They can't ignore the massive issues with online that exist in Shift. But as in the other thread, the bashers aren't gonna get far when one crash destroys them and they can't make it anywhere to wreck others. They only do it now because they can get back on the track and continue their fun and the handling is easy. Most of them can't make one corner in the first place, and if rules can be set to only allow 'elite' handling as a rule (surely?!) they probably won't be there...
Yeah, I think you are going a little overboard in this. It's not like they can drive the car over your cockpit repeatedly and engage the hydraulics to teabag you after they crash you out. There are other online games that can get a lot worse.
I actually really liked the first NFS Shift, but its career mode was "awkward" and and car list, even though decent, wasn't that great. If they just fix that stuff up with Shift 2, the franchise will start to grow a reputation like Forza and GT5.
Most of the bashing problems with Shift1 could have been fixed by allowing a Lobby creator to set RULES for races. Handling modes, damage on or off, whatever. But for some insane reason, they were completely forgotten by SMS/EA.

Now, this wouldn't stop bashers from creating lobbies with the rules the way they LIKE them. But drivers that want to have a bash-free race would be easily able to avoid those lobbies in the first place.

And, I'm sorry, but getting away from a basher only works if he doesn't camp out on some turn, and wait to wreck you as you come around on the next lap! Once again, lazy coding. Poor game. Cars that stay static for more than say 30 secs (or half a lap, whatever is shortest) should be automatically booted. This isn't rocket science! Anyone with half a brain and a love of racing ought to have thought of this. I often get the feeling that SMS had neither :dunce:

There were SO many 'DOH!:crazy: moments about Shift1. And primarily, I blame it on the emphasis on making things LOOK good, rather than PLAY WELL...

Shift2 is starting out to look like crashes and visual razzmatazz is still the driving force of the game. And that's not a good thing, IMO.
Shift physics was already better than both Forza 3 and GT5

I like Shift but no, the physics were toned down too much to really satisfy a good sim driver... with some mods on PC, it regained a bit of its GTR2 soul, but let's hope they had EA blank card this time to put a true physics engine inside S2.

I really hope they will forget this arcade gameplay approach (the stupid rewarding aggressive driving mode) and make it more like a traditional GTR2/Rfactor/Iracing type of simulator but I doubt it... too much EA money to screw the things up unfortunately. They will want to reach BIG crowds not just the dedicated clean simulator's drivers.
+1 for Bathurst. Great track. But they ARE going to have to do something about the Aramco... way Shift is now, I see a LOT of drivers using it as a driving assist, not a potential race ending hazard (like it actually is...)
They tried to arcadeify the simbin engine a little to make the first game more user friendly. The result was sort of a grey area that was insanely strange to drive. It was good fun though. It's like the cars had 1000lbs springs and almost no dampers.
I really hope they will forget this arcade gameplay approach (the stupid rewarding aggressive driving mode) and make it more like a traditional GTR2/Rfactor/Iracing type of simulator but I doubt it.

I have no idea what do you mean. Modern SimBin games are like PGR. GTR 2 is half arcadish GTR, made after Shift creators left.

I don't need another simbin-like game about trains on rails
Shift physics was already better than both Forza 3 and GT5

You must have played a different game than everyone else. Maybe it had the potential (potential being the key word) to be better, but the way it was released is in no way, shape or form better than GT or Forza. If you're looking for a simulation that is.