Shizukana Kaze - Chapter X - Left Behind - 16/8/12

  • Thread starter Ryou
Ryou - if you need any help whatsoever, let me know on here or on Skype @ hakoneshadow.

(Yes, I'm a TXR series nut - had 5th place overall on Downhill CA at one point on Hakone, and the WR for Omote Rokko Downhill CA as well - before the rankings board was taken down.)
Ryou - if you need any help whatsoever, let me know on here or on Skype @ hakoneshadow.

(Yes, I'm a TXR series nut - had 5th place overall on Downhill CA at one point on Hakone, and the WR for Omote Rokko Downhill CA as well - before the rankings board was taken down.)

Same here, I'm more than happy to help out.

And I too am a TXR:D fanboi. :D
Ah, yes. I have every game in the TXR series. Lovely series.

But, may I ask you continue this outside of my thread? Sorry.
"It's been a long time.." - GLaDOS

Yes. It, in fact, has been quite a long time since the release of my most recent chapter. Chapter V, with no doubt, will be released before Monday Night.
Last edited:
"It's been a long time.." - GLaDOS

Yes. It, in fact, has been quite a long time since the release of my most recent chapter. Chapter V, with no doubt, will be released before Monday Night.

It better be..... :D
Delayed to tomorrow because tonight just had to be "Family Movie Night".. I do apologize for every delay made. I don't know why, but my promises never work out. There seems to be something that always interferes.
Delayed to tomorrow because tonight just had to be "Family Movie Night".. I do apologize for every delay made. I don't know why, but my promises never work out. There seems to be something that always interferes.


Are you employed by Polyphony Digital? :lol:
Chapter V - A Peculiar Amendment of Change
Shizukana Kaze


It was a cold Christmas morning. I awoke to a rather frightening sound. There was the sound of glass shattering, metal denting. It was a horrid thing to experience. I checked the clock. It said 2 AM. I quickly got out of bed and rushed downstairs.. Something was not right. There was not a sign of anything in the rooms, so I decided to take a look outside. Upon opening the curtains, I saw nothing. Just my GTR, sitting there in the silence. I headed back upstairs and attempted to sleep once again. Then a few minutes not to soon, I heard the sound again. I did the same maneuver as last time.. But upon seeing this.. It was something I never expected..


Friday, December 23rd

I woke up to a start with a slight breathe. That was, once again, a rather awkward dream. I don't understand why my dreams are so crazy and nightmarish.. Why can't I just have a normal dream sometime? I looked to my left and noticed that Kyoko was right there, in my bed. She seemed to be cuddling with me, oddly. I looked at the clock so I could check the time to know if I could awaken here. It was 6:20 AM, so I could. I shook her side to side, and said,
"Huhhhhhh?", She asked me, in a rather slow, tired tone.
"What are you doing in my bed? And why are you cuddling with me?!"
She didn't give me a reply, so I didn't bother.
"Well, wake up.. We must get ready for school."
She rubbed her eyes and attempted to get out of bed. Whilst getting out from under the covers, she fell on the floor. It was odd, I've never seen her this tired before..
"Come on, Kyoko-Chan. You have to get dressed, okay?"
Slowly, she walked over to her drawers as I walked out of the room to leave her to her privacy. I went downstairs, got changed, and got myself a quick bowl of cereal. I haven't eaten breakfast in awhile, considering I've been sleeping in. Kyoko came down within a few minutes and said hello. Quickly, I made her some breakfast. I gave it to her and sat down.
"Awaken,", I told her. "We have important days coming up."
"Uh huh.."
The way she talked was very light and.. Floating?
Soon the time came where we had to head to school. I helped her up, and we both walked to school. She kept slow, so I grabbed her hand and supported her. Why was she like this? I don't know, but I would like to..
"Tsukiko..", She said to me.
She didn't speak, but she seemed to almost faint. Her movement was in such an odd way that it seemed like she -
"Wait a minute..", I told her.
I stopped her and lifted her hair. I felt her head with my hand and it felt quite hot.
"We should get you home. I'll tell the teacher you won't be able to attend today."
"But.. Why?"
"Because, you are sick, and you should lie in bed."
I grabbed her hand again and supported her on the walk back home. I might get to school late, but for Kyoko, it doesn't really matter. Once we got home, I waited for her to get quickly changed, and helped her into bed. While waiting, I made her some tea, and then brought it up. I put it on the table beside her as she got into bed.
"You may drink this, okay?", I asked her.
"I'm going to school now. Make sure you get rest and take care of yourself, please. If you need to get any medication, you may do so, but be careful.", I told her. "I'll see you later."
"Tsukiko-Kun.", She stopped me before I walked out.
"Will I be okay?"
"Definitely. Don't worry. It's just a small fever. I know you will be better by tomorrow."
I smiled at her slightly.
"Okay.. Have a good day at school..", She told me.
"Thank you. Please take care."
I walked out of the room and headed downstairs. I needed to make it to school. I quickly grabbed my bag, and rushed out the door. Oh, how I do hope she gets better. Poor girl.. She deserves better than such things.


1:14 PM - Lunch

I sat down and took a look at the sky to see that it was fairly cloudy. That could mean possible snow later or tomorrow. That would be a wonderful way to make a Christmas Eve. I opened up my lunch and began eating. Sushi, Rice, and some Edamame was what I had for today. I looked around to see if someone was coming, but no one was. Quite unusual, considering how it has been previously. I mean, it's been about a week since anyone came up here to see me. The last time I remember was when Tadashi came on the 15th. It's been 8 days since then, the last day I attended a race.. With Aki driving.. I still remember that. His driving was quite skillful, but I also felt like he just wanted to impress that girl. Just as I was taking a bite out of my Sushi, Tadashi came over.
I dropped my Sushi.
"Hello. I just wanted to speak to you."
"Yeah, sure. What would you like to speak to me about?", I asked him.
"Did you happen to see me at the race 8 days ago? It wasn't major, but I believe I saw you.."
I didn't know what he meant until I remember what he told me that day. He owned a Mazda RX-7 FD3S, and the one at the race could have very well been him.
"Well, no.. But I did see an RX-7. Was that perhaps you?"
"Red with a rear wing?"
"Yes.", I told him.
"Yes! That was me! So you saw my driving?"
"Yes. I must admit that it was very good. I was in the White Nissan S15. It was being driven by my friend the entire time."
"Oh.. The one that made it to the final three along with me?"
"Indeed.", I told him quickly.
"Well, tell him he's a good driver. He really is!"
"Yeah, sure.. I will."
I began to eat again, and he took a seat by me.
"The sky looks cloudy.", He told me. "It could possibly snow."
"Yeah, it could."
"Chikamatsu-San.. Have you done any racing lately?"
"I don't believe so. It's been maybe 9 days or so."
"Oh.. I saw your race. Your first. Your driving is wonderful, like your father's."
"Thank you."
It was common of Tadashi to compliment others. He was that kind of boy, and the girls just couldn't resist such kindness that came from him.
"Well,", Tadashi said whilst getting up. "It's time I should head off. It's been nice talking to you, Chikamatsu-San"
He waved bye and walked away. Tadashi is a bit mysterious to me, but it didn't bug me that much. So for the remaining few minutes of lunch, I was just watching the cars and people passing by. Time sure flew on this cold day..
"Well, I should get going..", I told myself. I got up and took one last look at the traffic down below. It has been awhile since I have driven/raced. Maybe I should take a drive on the freeway tonight..


5:05 PM - Work. Again.

"Hey, Tsukiko-Chan.", Aki said to me.
"Could you please use San instead?..", I asked him, disappointment in my voice.
"Nahh. Not until you become a good enough driver!"
"So, what? Am I to call you Senpai?"
"Well, you cou-", He said, pausing once I interrupted.
"Not going to."
"Not going to. Meh, Tsukiko-Chan, whatever you want to say."
"Just get to bagging, okay?"
"Yeah.. Sure."
It went quiet for a few minutes until I decided to ask Aki a question.
"So.. That Aoi girl. I take it you've talked to her quite a few times?"
"Definitely..", Aki said with a slight smile and his voice all dreamy. I'm afraid I got him into this mood.
"I see you are enjoying it?"
"What do you think? She's just wonderful. Let's not forget quite wealthy."
"Don't tell me it's hear wealth that you want her for. She wouldn't like to know that."
"It's not! She's a wonderful girl. Exactly how I like them."
"Anyways, aren't you with Kyoko?"
"Huh? No, not really. Well, I can't really make it out to be exact."
"Tsukiko-Chan.. Admit it."
"I'm not holding back anything!"
"Haha. I like messing with you sometimes.", Aki said to me as he winked.
Aki did like to mess with me. I was never really hurt by it, but it is definitely annoying sometimes.
"Yes, I know you like messing with me..", I replied to him.
"So, how's your Christmas going to go?"
"I haven't planned it yet.. It's just Kyoko and I anyway. Well, I guess she would count as my family in this situation.. Considering the fact I'm unaware if any of my family remains."
"Maybe so. I don't really have plans for Christmas either. Father is on a business trip, and mother is going to spend her Christmas with her friends."
"So I guess we're both alone when it comes to this?"
"Well, you aren't! But, I guess you have spent quite a few of them with Kyoko."
"Yes. This year has been quite interesting.. Even though it just all hit me this month."
"I know it has. Another great year, I suppose. Before you know it, January the 1st will be here. Say hello to 2012!"
I thought of something. Christmas has been about the same the passing years. Why not something new?
"Hey, Aki. How would you like to attend a small party tomorrow?"
"Yes, a small Christmas Eve party. Just me, you, Kyoko, Aoi, and Tadashi."
"Tadashi? Why him?"
"Don't ask, please.."
"Well, sure. It would be nice to attend. Maybe I can embarrass you in front of everyone."
"I would rather you don't try that.", I told him, giving off a wink.
"Yeah, okay. Well, I'm going to bag these items and then head off."
"I will too. Hey, Aki. Stop by my house later, okay?"
"How come?"
"It's been awhile since I've driven anything. So I figured that I would take my GTR for a ride on the freeway."
"And you want me to ride along?"
"Yes. I do."
"Yeah, sure. I'll come.", Aki said while putting away the last item and handing it to the man. "Well, I'll see you later, then, Tsukiko-Chan!"
"Yes. You too."
I was now looking forward to a drive, and a party. The party, I hope, should be a good one. Though, the previous 2 Christmases were good. Ever since my father had passed and I had lost everything.. Kyoko was there. For me, and only me. She cared for me all the way here. And now, I believe, it is my turn to give her something in return. A great gift she might never forget me for.. Yes, she deserves it. After all, she's been there for me..


7:15 PM - Home

It took a lot of walking and running, but I quickly got home. I almost forgot about Kyoko, and that wouldn't be good. I opened the door, took my shoes off, and rushed upstairs. Kyoko was asleep in her bed, holding a pillow. I do admit she looks adorable when asleep like that. I walked over and dragged my hand across her head. Her head was still warm, but not as bad as before. She eventually felt my hand and woke up.
"Shh. Rest, okay? I'll make you some food."
"Just rest. Wake up a tad."
"Okay. I'll go make the food now. You wait down here."
I didn't really plan anything for tonight so I grabbed two cans of soup from Food Stop.
"Hope this tastes good."
It was just Chicken broth and noodles. I needed something quick, so I just grabbed it, and left (Of course after paying). I poured it into a bowl, and then heated it in the Microwave. I did the same for mine. I took them out and let them cool for a minute. During that time, I brought Kyoko a glass of water, a spoon, and a napkin. A few minutes later, I brought up her soup.
"Kyoko.. I know it's not something special, but.."
"It's fine. It's nice of you to take care of me.", She replied with a faint smile.
"You're welcome. So, how are you feeling?"
"I'm fine.."
"Ah. That's good. Aki and I will be going for a ride in my car later, if that's fine with you."
"Tsukiko-Kun, can I come?"
"No. You're sick."
"But I-"
"Just rest, for me, please."
"Good girl. Now, Aki will be here soon. So, would you like to talk?"
"I guess we could."
Kyoko has been nicer to me ever since the day where we returned home after the race at Zao. Well, to be more exact, the night after my race with Aki. I don't know the point behind it, exactly, but it's quite relaxing. I went downstairs, grabbed my food, went back upstairs, and took a seat by her. Well, not directly by, but on my bed which is close enough.
"So.. What is it that is on your mind?", I asked her.
"Nothing really.."
"I see. Are you looking forward to Christmas Eve? I have a party planned, and it would be nice to know your opinion on it."
"You are? That would be great!"
"Careful, don't raise your voice. You don't want a nastier cough then it already is, do you?"
I paused for a moment, thinking of what to say next. Kyoko is quite talkative, so I'm at quite a loss for words at times.
"Aki, Tadashi, You, and I should be there."
"That would be wonderful."
"I know it would. It will be a good Christmas Eve, we don't need to spend it alone anymore!"
"It will be good."
Kyoko finished eating her soup. She put it down on the table and I grabbed the bowl.
"I'm going to take this down and do the dishes. You remain in bed and relax, okay?"
"Okay. Thank you."
I walked downstairs and took a deep breath. Sure, it's somewhat a lot of work, but I need to assist. It's my only choice. I walked over to the sink, and turned on the faucet. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I turned off the water, dried my hands and walked to the door. I opened it and saw no other than Aki. He looked tired out.
"Why are you so-", I spoke and he interrupted.
"Please. Just let me rest on the couch for a minute."
I let him through and as he finished taking his shoes off, he quickly rushed to the couch. I never really had Aki at my house before, so I didn't really expect this.
"Can you tell me why you are looking so exhausted?"
"Well, I was chased by the neighbors dog, thank you very much."
"My neighbor?"
"No, mine. That woman should keep better control over her pets.."
"I guess so."
Aki sighed and look around.
"Where's Kyoko?"
"She's.. Sick."
"Oh, she is? May I see her?"
"No. She's sleeping. It's best to keep it that way."
"Okay then.."
Aki looked around again and noticed an Apple on the counter.
"May I have that?"
"Sure. If you're that hungry, go ahead."
"Thank you."
Minutes passed as Aki just ate an apple and watched TV. He was skimming through the channels and the recordings.
"You actually watch that show?"
"Well. Yes.."
"I don't care about your opinion, you know.", I told him with a wink.
"Well, you might when you take a cruise.. Now. Come on, let's go, Tsukiko-Chan!"
"Sure. We shall go."
I put on my shoes, grabbed my coat, and grabbed the car keys. Aki and I went out into the cold to enter my car. Upon getting in, Aki quickly turned up the heat level.
"It's freezing."
"Okay. Now, let's go."
I put the car into first gear and we began to drive to the freeway. Upon leaving, I had seen Kyoko staring through the window. Sad, angry, or what.. I didn't know, but I didn't feel that great just having her miss out.. But it was for her own good.


12:30 AM - Encounter

I was driving on the freeway. It was a good feeling after a week break. I could feel the adrenaline, even if I wasn't going all out. Whilst driving, we noticed a White car.
"That's an RX-7..", Aki told me. "An FC3S Model."
"Come again?", I asked him.
"It's a car. A quite well known one. I think I know who this guy is.."
"Well, he's coming from behind us. He seems to be quite fast, too."
He was coming from behind at quite a fast speed. Once he reached us, he began to flash his headlights.
"Tsukiko, turn on the hazard lights."
"Just turn them on! He wants a race, damn it!"
I turned on the hazard lights, and after a few seconds, he was at my level. Speeding. I knew what to do. I turned off the hazard lights, and pushed down the acellerator.


In not too long, he was already at my level of speed. His car was most certainly faster, as it seemed.
"That's a fast RX-7.. I believe that is him..", Aki said to me.
"Nothing..", He replied.
"Okay then."


A tunnel was up ahead of us. I pressed the brake, but I suppose it was a bit to early. Inside the tunnel, I carefully kept my line and drafted him.
"Tsukiko-Chan.. Your skills.."
I didn't reply to him, I was too focused to listen.


His car was faster, but I wouldn't let him get away with it. I could draft, and defeat him in this race.. I believe.


"Hey, Aki..", I asked Aki. "What does flashing your lights three times mean?"
"That means he wants to race three laps on this route."
"Aha. I see."


I accelerated once again and drafted his car. This was most certainly a tension filled battle.


He wasn't that far away from me, it turned out. I drafted him and shortened the distance on the straight.
"Not bad..", Aki said to me.


"A roundabout is up ahead.", Aki told me.
"Okay. Thanks."
I wasn't going to let him get ahead of me that easily. I accelerated and looked ahead to see what was in store.


The heat in my body was rising. I figured I should really focus on the road, too. Everything seemed so dark, yet so clear. If I focus too much on him, it might cost me an accident.


The roundabout came up ahead and I knew how to respond. I pressed the brake and cornered carefully as I began to push down the accelerator once more.



Something interesting is that.. My driving seemed better..


Like it had.. Improved. I took the corner skillfully, and had ended up near overtaking his car. Perhaps taking a drive tonight was a good idea..
"I-I'm surprised..", Aki said.


We drove through a slight chicane lit by the bright trees on the sideline. It was a beautiful sight, but also a heated race. I shouldn't become distracted by the scenery. There was a ramp up ahead so I prepared and did the usual during a corner. I handled throughout it well.


And there we were. Back to start the second lap.


This was the part where I could draft him. I pushed down the accelerator.. But as I got close, he got further..


The tunnel was up ahead. This time, I broke a bit later, but that also turned on to be a tad of a failure. I screwed it up a bit. I focused on the course either way, though. We drove into the tunnel in which I kept another good line.


Upon exiting the tunnel, he had become even further. I could barely spot him.


I drove throughout the rest of the track, pursuing him until the straight once again. On the straight, I drafted him.
"Not bad, Tsukiko-Chan!"



The roundabout was nearing again, and with all my skill, I tried to maintain a perfect line.
"Good job! You have definitely improved.."


Once on the roundabout, I screwed my braking time up by a tad. It didn't affect me terribly, but I didn't like messing it up.


I sped ahead. The gleaming white light that shone from his RX-7 was quite bright. He was certainly a worthy opponent.


I drafted him as I watched the rear of his car get further, and further.
"It's okay. He just has a faster car.", Aki told me.
"Yes, I do know. I don't think he can just beat me so easily, though."
"Well, maybe he can, maybe he can't."


We drove the the beautiful chicane once again, and then to the ramp. The final lap was now near.


I went a tad too fast on the ramp and ended up slightly scraping the wall.
"It's okay Tsukiko-Chan. Just focus or you'll fail!"
I shook my head in agreement to him, and paid attention to the road ahead.


Here came the third lap. I drafted him on the straight and attempted to catch up. He just got farther, though. This guy is tough.


In the tunnel, I began to lose sight of him. He was far ahead of me. His driving was either quite superior to mine, or it it's just his vehicle.
"Keep on going. He might be out of sight, but a racer never gives up."


The tension in my body fully rose. I wasn't going to let him get away. Not now..


The straight came up ahead as I rushed toward it without a single scrape. There wasn't a sign of him on the straight, either. I quickly passed through whilst keeping my line and went for the roundabout.



"Tsukiko-Chan.. Your line is very good."


Then here came the roundabout. I wasn't going to let it stop me at all. I have a feeling I can still win.. It might be the final lap, but..


I quickly took the roundabout with great skill. At what people call "In the blink of an eye".



Whilst driving in the tunnel, I noticed 4 small wheels outside.
"There he is..", I told Aki.
"Wow. That is him.."
"I still have a chance!", I yelled.
I slammed down the accelerator and all the blood in my body pumped quickly. The same way the pistons in my car's engine were doing.


I drove throughout the chicane once more, not allowing anything to distract me.



Upon driving up the ramp, I heard a noise. The noise of tires squealing. I knew what had happened.
"He spun out..", I told Aki.
"How do you know?", He asked me.
"I heard it."
I quickly accelerated and drove up the ramp.


There his car was. Sitting there with leftover smoke. I noticed he tried to start up his car and quickly accelerate to at least defeat me.


Though, in fact, he was to late. I had already one in this race. My first race ever won first. Even if it wasn't exactly legal.


"Aki.. It looks like I one this battle."
"Indeed it does!"


After the victory, I saw him pull over and get out. I couldn't really get a look, as I was already driving on my way home.. He tried to get my attention, but I needed to see Kyoko.


1:07 AM - Home

"Well.. It looks like you won this time, Tsukiko-Ch.. I mean, Tsukiko-San.", Aki said to me, fixing his mistake.
"So it seems I'm worthy of san now, aren't I?"
"Indeed! You've definitely improved, I'm not even going to lie!"
"Hahaha. Thanks for riding along, Aki-San.. But there's something I want to ask."
"That RX-7's driver.. You were quite peculiar once seeing him. What is it about him?"
"Tsukiko-San, if you do want to know.. He is a famous highway racer, know as "The White Night"."
"I see.. Is he.. Well known?"
"That's what I just said!", Aki yelled to me, hitting my hair.
"Was that really necessary?", I asked him.
"I don't know!"
There was a slight pause for a few seconds..
"Anyways, you did good today, Tsukiko. I do admit. You're driving has improved. I bet it was because of me!"
"Yeah.. Yeah right. I bet it is just an amendment of change for you."
"Well, I'm going to go home now, Tsukiko-San."
"Thanks for the ride!"
Aki got out of my car and got into his, then drove off home. Then I got out, too. I grabbed my coat and locked the car. Walking over to the house, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I took my shoes off, hung my coat, and put the keys on the counter. I walked upstairs to see how Kyoko was doing. I didn't open the door quietly as it seemed.. Because she woke up.
"Tsukiko-Kun?", She asked. "How was the drive?"
"Oh, it was fine. Great, in fact."
I walked over to her and tucked her back in.
"Kyoko, I'm going to get some sleep. You should too. Christmas Eve is tomorrow, and we have a party ahead of us!"
She turned her head and attempted to fall back to sleep. I changed my clothes to my pyjamas, and then went under the covers of my bed. I stared at Kyoko and watched her for a few moments. I knew things were going to be good for her and I tomorrow. I turned around the other way and looked at the stars through the balcony door. I slowly shut my eyes, and fell into a good sleep...


Credits go to:

~ Machate-Man as The White Night

~ Apologies for:

- If anything feels rushed

- If there was not enough pictures

- Very terribly long wait​

A thanks to all of my kind readers who keep me motivated to release regardless of how long the delay. I don't know how I could try my absolute best at producing a good story without you all~
Funny; I should've just run on comfort mediums so you could've kept pace.

Interesting use of my "mishap" at the end:tup:
Damn... Where did you find my unreleased chapters of previous fanfics? The White Knight was a RX-7 driver... but it was a FD.


Funny; I should've just run on comfort mediums so you could've kept pace.

Interesting use of my "mishap" at the end:tup:

That wouldn't have been necessary. The point was to capture such a gap in speed of his car than others. 👍

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