Shot a Drag Race.....

  • Thread starter speedy_2
pics have good tones and all that stuff, but they don't tell me a story. You could have tried more angles, getting on top of something to get upwards angles, and of course, depending on what equipment you had, get to the stands and get a few pan shots and also, getting at about... I dunno, 100 meters away and try to shoot the cars coming at you... more detail shots, I don't know. drag racing has always seemed really difficult for me to shoot as there is only a slim chance of getting a shot before everything goes WOT...
I agree with Cano, Drag racing is difficult. Shot my first proper one the other day (pics to follow later tonight). Anyway back on topic. A few more angles would have been nice, although I understand the limitations of shooting these events. Also the shots seem a little washed out, the overcast but still harsh light that causes shots to washout a bit is something you can't control however. I would be tempted to bump the contrast a little to give them a little more pop.
Was that a Syclone I saw in there?

This dude?

Nah, that's just a clean S-10/15 drag truck.
Thanks for the input guys. Yeah, the bad thing was I don't have a lens longer than 135mm. And if I get down the track the ground dips down, putting me eye level with the barrier. I really wish it wasn't built like that. :(