Shots around Sydney with my new toy

  • Thread starter vat_man
Originally posted by LoudMusic

I don't see any boats at all. Surely people sail through there. I know I would be! Jump on a little two man day-sailer and shoot along the beach. That would be a blast.


What, with a perfectly good harbour to show off your boat to all the other boat owning wankers?

Let me qualify - Sydney is by far the country's most affluent city and there are a lot of 'show-off' types (example - I'd love a 2 litre 3 series BMW, but with the 'pose' factor up here, no chance), and many of them seem to sail. No slight is intended on boaty types in general.

Tends to be hand to hand combat on the harbour on the weekend.

Also, about 5 miles south of Maroubra is the entrance to Botany Bay, and a major container and oil terminal, so you tend to get pretty big freighters through there - make pretty short work of a small sail boat...
Originally posted by vat_man

What, with a perfectly good harbour to show off your boat to all the other boat owning wankers?

Let me qualify - Sydney is by far the country's most affluent city and there are a lot of 'show-off' types (example - I'd love a 2 litre 3 series BMW, but with the 'pose' factor up here, no chance), and many of them seem to sail. No slight is intended on boaty types in general.

Tends to be hand to hand combat on the harbour on the weekend.

Also, about 5 miles south of Maroubra is the entrance to Botany Bay, and a major container and oil terminal, so you tend to get pretty big freighters through there - make pretty short work of a small sail boat...

Oh well, it can be about the same around here too. Boat owners tend to be pretty snooty. I'd like a Laser II to zip around in. I have no desire to show off, I just like sailing really fast on big water.

One of the jokes my saltwater-boat-owning friends like to use on the radio, "You go right ahead there freighter. I wouldn't want to get any of my ugly white fiberglass on your pretty red-rusted steel." That tends to get a chuckle out of them and they continue on their way, knowing that we're doing what we can to stay the hell out of their course.

It's late, I have things to do in the morning.

Glad you're back! You've been greatly missed, mate!

Originally posted by jag_man_v12
ok vat_man Sydney is great but give me the west coast any day no city in Austalia bets Perth Ill find some photos and post them

Should be over there late this year - looking forward to seeing the sun set over the ocean!
Originally posted by vat_man

Should be over there late this year - looking forward to seeing the sun set over the ocean!

thats something you cant do over there and great look me up I might even take you for a drive in the Jag