Shots fired outside UK Parliament?

  • Thread starter DQuaN
It's always more... surreal when it is in a place that I visit and just am very comfortable being at. Whoever this man is, I expect the full weight of the law upon him and any possible accomplices. What drives people to this, I do not know and at this point there is little point in caring. Life in prison? Sure. More than these people deserve.

My thoughts with the families of the innocent who died, and the Met. An officer murder is not easy to take at all.

I see no punishment too great for people like this.
It's always more... surreal when it is in a place that I visit and just am very comfortable being at. Whoever this man is, I expect the full weight of the law upon him and any possible accomplices. What drives people to this, I do not know and at this point there is little point in caring. Life in prison? Sure. More than these people deserve.

My thoughts with the families of the innocent who died, and the Met. An officer murder is not easy to take at all.

I see no punishment too great for people like this.
It's been reported on Radio 4 that one of the four dead is the attacker.
It's been reported on Radio 4 that one of the four dead is the attacker.

I just heard that yes. That is sad because in a way, depending on beliefs, he has got away scot free. And the families of those hurt and killed will not see that justice served.
Also heard three officers on the bridge were injured? Now I am wondering was this an attack on the police? Unlikely but I am certain that this is something the Met will be considering too.
I just heard that yes. That is sad because in a way, depending on beliefs, he has got away scot free. And the families of those hurt and killed will not see that justice served.
Also heard three officers on the bridge were injured? Now I am wondering was this an attack on the police? Unlikely but I am certain that this is something the Met will be considering too.
I believe that the attack on the bridge was just targeting who ever was on the bridge, mention was made of police officers returning from an award ceremony being among those injured, so it's looks like just a coincidence in that regard.

Meanwhile Trump Jnr has attempted to use it for political capital by misquoting the Mayor speaking in an article months ago.
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I believe that the attack on the bridge was just targeting who ever was on the bridge, mention was made of police officers returning from an award ceremony being among those injured, so it's looks like just a coincidence in that regard.

Meanwhile Trump Jnr has attempted to use it for political capital but misquoting the Mayor speaking in an article months ago.

Reason I say this is because officers returning from an award ceremony would stick out like a sore thumb on the bridge. My line of thinking is this (merely speculation based on what evidence is currently presented). This man wanted to hurt some government branch of something for some reason. His intention could have been to attack police, or MPs or anybody he could. Speeding along the bridge he noticed three officers, and veered to hit them, not caring of who may or may not be in the way. A lady who was hit toppled into the Thames, possibly trying to avoid being hit. The man then continued driving along and crashed into said wall, jumped out in the confusion and proceeded to attack another officer in the Palace Yard, where he would have easy access.

Of course this is just trying to follow a logical train of thought, as hitting bystanders on a bridge and then attempting to forcibly attack an officer inside the bounds of Parliment would seem to like seperate interests.

Other train of thought: he just went on a rampage, hit whoever he could. Lost control and crashed, jumped out and then attempted to attack an officer nearby, as I assume that people would have fled the scene immediately.
At least a dozen with injuries described as "catastrophic", I fear the number of those killed will go way up.

Since Nice there have been 4 terrorist attacks using vehicles, seems to be the new method for their mayhem.
Pictures are floating around and it seems like that's the guy.

Does look a little like him, however:

"Confirmed from multiple sources - official and community - that Trevor Brooks NOT attacker. He's still in jail despite what others report." - BBC Home Affairs Correspondant

On another note... can't understand why he only got 2 years. Not good enough for people like him.
Aside from the radically different (see what I did there) facial hair and eyebrows and the fact it doesn't really look like him.

And this is why I cannot do portrait art then. Admittedly I only saw a more distant photo of him... nevertheless, I did say he was in prison still (and hopefully for a very long time).
Police now confirm that 3 civilians are dead in addition to one police officer (named as PC Keith Palmer) and the attacker who was "known to police".
Yeah five dead now with around 40 injured, the Police Officer has been named as Keith Palmer, a husband and father who had fifteen years in the service, he was killed as the attacker ran through Parliament gate and stabbed him.

The attacker hasn't been named but was known to the Police, the identity of the other three victims hasn't been released either.

No-one has come forward to claim this attack yet...

Overall its been a bad day here :(
...My thoughts are with the families of the victims and the fortunate survivors.

Don't want to jump to conclusions, but man - is this another one of those Islamic extremism-fuelled attacks?

I can't even think of anything constructive or positive to say, so I better abstain - before I end up typing something that will haunt me for the rest of my life.
Our major networks have all interrupted and/or revised programming to cover the tragedy over there. Also expressed is the notion that tourism may be adversely affected in some degree.

I hope not, that would be slightly foolish. I would honestly feel more safe in the UK than I would in France or Germany right now. It's a great place to visit too, would love to go back to both England and Ireland sometime soon.
This has proven to be unfortunately prophetic.
I hope not, that would be slightly foolish. I would honestly feel more safe in the UK than I would in France or Germany right now.

Given the size of France and Germany I'd say you're just as safe there. With this attack and an anti-police bomb yesterday (fortunately defused) you're definitely safer there this week in a statistical sense.
Another sad day for mankind - hopefully everyone involved is brought to justice.


Once again, the 24-hr rolling news coverage was frequently bordering on the ridiculous. I switched over to Sky News (mistake #1) to hear the afore-mentioned Kay Burley urging the cameraman to 'point the camera down so you just see their legs' when a bunch of schoolchildren were being evacuated from the Houses of Parliament. How about you just stop filming them altogether?? The BBC annoyed me by continually asking 'how did the assailant breach what is supposed to be one of the most secure sites in Britain?' - erm, by murdering someone before getting shot and killed himself?

Part of the trouble is that these channels can't help themselves when a story like this breaks - they drop everything else (except for the weather) and devote their entire attention to something to the point of silliness. Apparently 'only one' of the group of students who were mowed down on the bridge was 'able to talk' about what had just happened, as if mic-wielding reporters couldn't get a near-victim on record fast enough - what are they expecting them to say, and what are they trying to achieve? Bearing in mind I only watched this stuff for about 15 minutes before turning it off, I can only imagine what other drivel they came out over the course of the evening.
Another sad day for mankind - hopefully everyone involved is brought to justice.


Once again, the 24-hr rolling news coverage was frequently bordering on the ridiculous. I switched over to Sky News (mistake #1) to hear the afore-mentioned Kay Burley urging the cameraman to 'point the camera down so you just see their legs' when a bunch of schoolchildren were being evacuated from the Houses of Parliament. How about you just stop filming them altogether?? The BBC annoyed me by continually asking 'how did the assailant breach what is supposed to be one of the most secure sites in Britain?' - erm, by murdering someone before getting shot and killed himself?

Part of the trouble is that these channels can't help themselves when a story like this breaks - they drop everything else (except for the weather) and devote their entire attention to something to the point of silliness. Apparently 'only one' of the group of students who were mowed down on the bridge was 'able to talk' about what had just happened, as if mic-wielding reporters couldn't get a near-victim on record fast enough - what are they expecting them to say, and what are they trying to achieve? Bearing in mind I only watched this stuff for about 15 minutes before turning it off, I can only imagine what other drivel they came out over the course of the evening.

The BBC coverage is a mess of inconsistency. I was listening to PM on Radio 4 on the way home last night and it was excellent. Factual, balanced, at pains not to jump to conclusions and overall very informative. Jump to this morning and the BBC news home has a click-bait piece about Trump Jnr's rant that infers that the Mayor did actually say something stupid, when its the exact opposite and the 'Today' coverage on Radio 4 this morning was just a mess of stupid noise about pretty much what you have said above.

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