Should GOD take a hike?

  • Thread starter THE ED3


Simply put, should we take "in god we trust" off of money and should we remove "one nation under god" from the national anthem?

While i am a christian, i support removing the line from our money. It is wrong to make people that either do not believe in god or believe in something else use money that says god on it everyday. Its silly. should we also make them wear a belt that says god on it when they need something to hold their pants up? its just not fair to have something so importent refer to god on it. i know we cant recall all money, but we should stop printing it with this line.

now i dont support changing the national anthem. this is not something that people must do everyday like spending money is. if someone doesnt want to say it, they dont have to. that is pretty simple.
"In God We Trust" doesn't make people believe in God. Heck, I doubt many people even read what's on our bills, except the numbers that say the value of that bill.

And it shouldn't be removed, anyway.
Sure. While you're at it, remove all references to religion from government documents unless the documents are the laws allowing for freedom of religion. Hey, while you're there, remove all religious symbols from government property as well.

It *is* supposed to be Separation of Church and State, right? Too bad too many politians use their religious beliefs to determine which way they swing on a bill rather than what's best for the people
Pretty funny, how "In God We Trust" is written on the root of all evil. I don't know who made it up, but either God or Satan has a sense for sarcasm.
No it dosent need to be removed. The guy who wants it removed is a hater of everyone whos religious and hes tryin to force his beliefs on the entire country of there is no God. It's just ridculous.
^I disagree.^

They should remove it, for it doesn't apply to all that have to use American currency.

I must agree, tho, with a previous statements' inclination: the whole 'separation of church and state' b.s. The two are supposed to be separate, but politicians use religion as a bias toward the general public that is religious, making whatever the case, unjust to the non Christian voters-To An Extent.

I believe to make everything even, it should be removed.
I believe to make everything even, it should be removed.


and saying that if it is removed for those that do not believe would be the minority dictating to the majority, that is BS. no one is saying that people cant go to any church they want. all we are saying is that it is not fair to make people use money that promotes a god they do not.
Pretty funny, how "In God We Trust" is written on the root of all evil. I don't know who made it up, but either God or Satan has a sense for sarcasm.
Actually, the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
wasnt the united states in america once a christian nation? werent at least some of our founding fathers practicing and devout christians?

and will this be a political debate over "In God we trust" or a religious debate over if the God of christianity exists?
America is based on the teachings of jesus but NOT ON JESUS. god should have nothing to do with the government. god also should not have anything to do with people that dont want him to have anything to do with them.

I searched for the word "god" twice but nothing about this came up.
Pretty funny, how "In God We Trust" is written on the root of all evil. I don't know who made it up, but either God or Satan has a sense for sarcasm.

Sorry Smelly, but you're wrong.

1Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

It's the LOVE of money, not money itself that is the root of all evil.
Hell, I'm annoyed we've still got Queen Elizabeth II's head on the back of our Aussie coins! I'd be SUPER offended if we had "God" mentioned on our money, its against the whole point of free - society and democracy! (okay maybe going a little far there but you get the point).

True seperation of church and state is the ONLY way to live in this global village of ours with many different religions and cultures within the same country. To say it doesn't really matter may be true in a way, as these little subtle references to God doesn't really stop you living your life or really inconvenience you, but there is also minimal effort required to remove the statements from new $$bills. The principle of the thing is still important to get right.

I really can't see any valid argument for keeping the God reference beyond it simply being a tradition and part of history.
Many things are traditional, and you just need to update them now and then.
simply being a tradition and part of history.

Exactly why it should stay.

Many things are traditional, and you just need to update them now and then.

Let's change the national anthem to a rap song. Rap is so much popular these days. Let's change the color of the White House to black and silver, so it matches our PSPs. Let's change the Super Bowl from a football championship game to a tennis match. Tennis is much more civilized.


If you read the history of "In God We Trust", the people of the United States during the Civil War wanted the currency to say that. The people chose, not the government. Congress passed the act and the president signed it into law.

I believe we call this democracy.

If you do not like what is says on American currency, then don't use it. Deposit your money into your bank account and use a debit card. You will never have to see an American dollar ever again.
Viper Zero
Exactly why it should stay.

If you read the history of "In God We Trust", the people of the United States during the Civil War wanted the currency to say that. The people chose, not the government. Congress passed the act and the president signed it into law.

I believe we call this democracy.

If you do not like what is says on American currency, then don't use it. Deposit your money into your bank account and use a debit card. You will never have to see an American dollar ever again.

Do you know how much has changed since then? Yeah, people voted to have that on money back in the Civil War days! That was from 1861-1865! That was over 140 years ago. I think it's time for another vote.
Oh yeah, that would be sweet. I also think it's time for another vote, since we live in a democracy anyway.

But, I wouldn't bet on anything changing, nor is it a priority for the country.
Apropos of nothing, I believe that the Latin motto on the seal of the President of the United States comes from a poem about making salad dressing.
Well, here money doesn't mention God, fortunately. Though we have the British monarchy everywhere on it (Queen Elizabeth), which isn't much better...:crazy:

Now... we must do something about the overuse of the word God in the bedroom. Seriously.

Its worse when girls shout "Oh God! Oh Jeeeesusss"!

The 4-way conotations are just wrong, even forgetting the other hundred & ten ways this situation suggests dubious moral implications.

Looks like its time for another vote. If Americans still overwhelmingly want God mentioned on your $$$, so be it. Personally, I would find it innapropriate given the important principal (important to any democracy) of keeping the church seperate from government, and then there's the multicultural nature of modern society to worry about after that, with many groups possibly being offended. Many people (not you obviously) would be peeved at having the christian God forced down their pants every time they pay for their groceries. A far cry from the cival war days indeed. I know its not a massive problem in terms of what IS on the agenda for the US government, but thats why we've got this thread to disscuss whether this IS an issue people feel much about.

Its a null argument to list other traditions (rugby etc) that have no relevance to the topic at hand. Americans sure love irrelevant analogies that try and paint a picture of absurdity in the opponent's argument. It only serves to paint a picture of oversimplification and irrationality.
Some traditions are worthwhile, some aren't. The issue is quite plain to see in this case, IMO.

Now granted, I'm not a traditionalist. I don't mind moving with the times to make a better, fairer, more equitable world. I'll happily drink my wine out of a screw-cap bottle. :lol:
You do realize separation of church and sate is not a law or a constitutional right at all. It is only mentioned in a leter that Thomas Jefferson wrote.
You contest that the seperation of church and state is a good principle to have? If not, you have no purpose to what you just said.

Where did I mention it is a law to be enforced? It makes so much sense it doesn't NEED to be a law.
You contest that the seperation of church and state is a good principle to have?

No I don't contest that total separation of church and state is good. If it weren't for religion this country wouldn't be the democracy it is. I will only say I'm happy the way it is right now there is not really that much church in government anymore.
No it dosent need to be removed. The guy who wants it removed is a hater of everyone whos religious and hes tryin to force his beliefs on the entire country of there is no God. It's just ridculous.

Its more like the other way round. If there is no reference to god it means nothing. But if there is one thats basically saying a god exists.
No I don't contest that total separation of church and state is good. If it weren't for religion this country wouldn't be the democracy it is. I will only say I'm happy the way it is right now there is not really that much church in government anymore.
You're an American and you're proud. That pretty much sums it up. No need to change (even for the better).

There's nothing SUPER wrong with how democracy works in America, I'll grant you that. No reason not to fix little outdated issues like what we've been talking about though. It won't adversely affect anyone, but can only help to embrace all ethnic and non-religious groups under Uncle Sam's Stars and Stripes, surely a good thing.

However, show me proof that the christian God has ANYTHING to do with the way good democracy functions. The ancient greeks ran a far more pure and amazingly functional democracy for a long long time without any christianity. Democracy functions independently from God, this is WHY it works equally well throughout the world among many different cultures/religious affiliations.
Anyway, my opinion from back then still stands now: remove it, unless Separation of Church and State means nothing to you.
I agree... either do it properly or don't do it at all... (God, I sound like my Mum...)

Hell, I'm annoyed we've still got Queen Elizabeth II's head on the back of our Aussie coins! I'd be SUPER offended if we had "God" mentioned on our money, its against the whole point of free - society and democracy! (okay maybe going a little far there but you get the point).
Just wait til you get Chuck on your money :lol: (*note to TwinTurboJay/Event:- not Chuck Norris :rolleyes: :) )
Touring Mars
Just wait til you get Chuck on your money :lol: (*note to TwinTurboJay/Event:- not Chuck Norris :rolleyes: :) )
They'll have to make all the coins shaped like mickey mouse sillhouettes, for the ears to be done in a 'respectably' realistic fashion.

I would have no problem with Chuck Norris on our coins, he's rugged and cool, the perfect image of an Aussie, so long as he doesn't speak and reveal his yankness.
Pretty funny, how "In God We Trust" is written on the root of all evil. I don't know who made it up, but either God or Satan has a sense for sarcasm.

Man is the root of all evil, and good. The dollar is a peice of paper, it can be the root of nothing.

"God" should be removed from money, the anthem, etc. But it isn't a big deal... just something we should do to avoid being hypocritical.