Should GOD take a hike?

  • Thread starter THE ED3
I really try to avoid the religion stuff but... This idiot trying to get "in god we trust" and that other idiot trying to get the pledge of allegence out of school must get a life. We have sooooo many other MORE IMPORTANT things to deal with and this is what they complain about?? Give me a friggin break. :rolleyes:
you cant say its not importent when you dont care about it. cleary other people do. Just think of it as if the arabs were in controll and they had put "in allah we trust" on every dollar/coin they made and then expected us christians to use it. we dont believe in allah but our money says we do. would you feel right using that money? i sure wouldnt.
I really try to avoid the religion stuff but... This idiot trying to get "in god we trust" and that other idiot trying to get the pledge of allegence out of school must get a life. We have sooooo many other MORE IMPORTANT things to deal with and this is what they complain about?? Give me a friggin break. :rolleyes:
We've covered the point that there ARE many more important things the US government should be concentrating on before this issue. We are merely talking about the issue on a message board on the internet. We, and you, are not the United States Government, we evidently have the time available to think about this issue and hence talk about it as we see fit. If you think its a waste of time and you have nothing intelligent to add, don't post.

Besides I hardly think it would divert any kind of real energies from the government to simply commission a new design of monetary bills with the "In God We Trust" part removed or replaced with something less religious that doesn't only cater to one group in society. All existing bills would stay in circulation and the new ones would just start taking over from the old ones eventually. Money gets slight tweaks and updates all the time and you don't notice (well it does in Australia anyway - special editions for special events etc that you sometimes come accross, the Queen's face on the coins gets older as she gets older, different year dates etc). Its HARDLY a big job, and could be done without any kind of expensive outlay (only as expensive as printing the CURRENT bills) and probably without much of society noticing. Its simply a little issue of principal and social equality that could easily be fixed up over time. I see no reason not to do it if you use any rational kind of thinking.
You're kidding me... I'm not saying I don't believe in religion altogether but some people take this stuff way to far. I believe there's some sort of higher god or whatever but I'm not going to have people force certain ways on me. As for having it on money? Yes, I believe it should be patriotic and all but it's on there and has been FOREVER. So you're telling me your going to erase it off ALL money? Hay, he wants it off... and in my book that means all or none. So deal with it bud.
You're kidding me... I'm not saying I don't believe in religion altogether but some people take this stuff way to far. I believe there's some sort of higher god or whatever but I'm not going to have people force certain ways on me. As for having it on money? Yes, I believe it should be patriotic and all but it's on there and has been FOREVER. So you're telling me your going to erase it off ALL money? Hay, he wants it off... and in my book that means all or none. So deal with it bud.
Err, no. It WOULD eventually BE ALL (and hence stay ALL money for generations to come), and this is worth doing. Clearly, the only way to do this in a sensible and logical way is to simply alter NEW bills being printed. It would be a SUBSTANTIAL and ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE task to recall all existing bills and destroy them and print new ones for everyone that took their old ones to the bank to get changed etc... This would be a logistical nightmare! Money does wear out and regularly gets replaced as it goes out of circulation, it wouldn't take as long as you may think (to change all the bills to the newer non-offensive type). The benefits would be enjoyed for as long as America used dollar bills as currency.

The point given that asked 'what if it said "In Allah We Trust"' on every bill is a good one. Many people that aren't christians do feel as offended and excluded regarding the current US $ bills as you would be if you had to use money stating your unbridled love for Allah! If you stop being so SELFISH, you could see why it needs to change. Who cares if its traditional if its a bad tradition!
I could say (if I was Japanese) its a tradition to hunt and harpoon whales for "scientic purposes", but that shouldn't let me have the right to do that in modern times, as the rest of the world clearly says its wrong.
i believe in god but i dont want it on my money. its wrong. not everyone believes in the same thing. money should not have anything on it that has meaning to one group but not another. its not fair to make people that do not believe in my god to use money the refers to him.

I've already said i know we cant recall all money and reprint it, BUT from now on just print money without that line on it anymore.
:odd: eh... ok... so I guess you guys won't be going to other countries and buying stuff there then.

I could be wrong but I feel like whatever was put on our money back when it was first produced it was more about being patriotic than the level of religion today so that's why it doesn't bother me.
back in the 1800s almost every one believed in the same god here. 140 years latter we are a much bigger country with a much more diverse population. like i said before, i dont want to use money with allah on it so we shouldnt make people use money with god on it.
Pretty funny, how "In God We Trust" is written on the root of all evil. I don't know who made it up, but either God or Satan has a sense for sarcasm.

What's a helluva lot funnier is the fact that it also has "Novus Ordo Seclorum" written on it.
I bet God is reading this now, and getting his thunder bolts ready. To strike some of you not naming any names mates.
he wont strike those trying to be fair and honest to all peoples. i'd even venture a guess he'd like to have it changed.
if you dont understand why it should be takin off money... i've explained it pretty well so i dont know why you dont understand...

"in allah we trust"

would that offend you if your not a muslim?
Well, it doesn't have to be "In Allah We Trust". I think that what people don't like is that 'We' means all of everybody. So it's saying, 'All of us trust God'. Maybe it could be changed to 'In God We May Trust', or

'In The Name Of The Person I Have The Democratic Right To Worship, If Any, I Trust'

At the moment it's like saying 'We All Like Anchovies' or 'We All Drive Fords'. When obviously, not everyone likes Anchovies, and not everyone drives Fords, in the same way that not everyone puts their trust in God.
I’m not sure if this has been mentioned. But the thing I dislike, is that in court you must swear, on the bible, that you will tell the truth.
No, they don't. You just have to affirm.

"Usually, the court clerk will read out the oath and ask you to swear (promise) to tell the truth on a Bible. You don't have to swear on the Bible. There are other oaths for other religions. If you are not religious, tell the court that you want to affirm, which means you'll promise to tell the truth."

What I found interesting was this article...
I think it shows the difference well between now and one hundred years ago regarding religion in society.
Nah in Aus, we don't have to swear on the bible if you don't want to. I'm sure the Aussie courts would be too slack to have a bible at hand for every case anyway. :lol:

See below: The very worst ever episode of The Simpsons annoys so many Aussies, cause of how unbelievably and unashamedly wrong they got it! We don't have giant boots! Really!

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