Should GT5 cost money to play online?

  • Thread starter Earth

Should online racing in GT5 cost money?

  • No, they should keep it free on gamespy etc servers but with noticeable lag

    Votes: 31 44.3%
  • They should charge $5-15 a month to ensure no lag

    Votes: 11 15.7%
  • They should have an option for free or pay

    Votes: 28 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
ok..Socom 2 is they use gamespy? sure some people lag..but in most games there is little or no lag..and there are 29,000 people online at a time.

The deal is that in online racing little to no lag is a MUST

Try driving around Daytona with 42 other online (NASCAR 2003 Papyrus NOT EA) people 3 wide 10 deep with lag. If the car warps to the right for just a split second it will wreck another car and cause a massive crash that will take out as many as 20 drivers. I've seen it happen all the time. Fortunatly NR2003 dedicated servers offter nice latency and the lag allows for some really close racing.

On the other hand EA NASCAR Sim Racing, even though it is broad band only, has bad lag in every race I've entered. The lag isn't unbearable but it does not permit close racing like NR2003 from Papyrus.

So the deal is risk getting lag or pay.

I guess I have no choice but to hope that PD will setup good servers.

Online racing can be fun but with lag it is no fun. You can take lag in other online games like shoot'em ups or RPGs but you need solid connection in online racing

BTW PS3 is Broadband Only on Every game because the network adaptor only has a ethernet slot, no phone line
How about, try playing BF2. If a shooter can do no lag with 60 players on a server, then why should a racing game have problems? I can have choppers and planes and tanks and units all on the screen at once online and no lag. And if you want racing, look at LFS, almost every time I play it, no lag, and I don't pay to play it online. If you want to talk about Xbox Live, it costs like $70 or $80 CAD for a year, and you can play ANY game online, read, A-N-Y, not just one. Paying something like $80 CAD for one year to play all games online I have no problem with, especially when the service includes scoreboards, updates and other bonus features.

Paying a monthly fee for GT5 would be scandalous. If their netcode is so bad that a regular server gets bad lag, then I don't care what kind of server you're paying for, bad netcode = bad lag on any server. If they make the netcode intentional unless you pay, then I won't buy the game, period. The only way I would pay a regular fee for a game was if it actually offered content. Why do MMORPG's cost monthly fees. Because you pay for servers that host thousands of people, but the reason is really that the game CHANGES as you go, they add content, you're paying for the developers to create a whole new game from the existing game. Same goes with say Motor City Online which cost money. They added content as you went, you had special features, ladderboards, chat rooms, duels, etc. If PD can't code good netcode, then too bad for them, I'll stick to PGR3 and other racing games on Xbox360 instead.
Yea like the goldmembership0 or something. I would like that you get to choose. To those whop say no, why not its not like oyu have to pay it would be just liek it is now but if you would liek to pay you get alittle more cars and less lag. Ther should be no reason why someone should say no becuase you still get what you want, you cant get angry becuase someone has something better becuase the payed a little money.
Well...look at the power of the next systems..and hopefully this Wireless gaming will be a succesful project...the PSP is fun well as my Nintendo DS when it is available with online this fall. Wireless shall overcome all others!
So the deal is risk getting lag or pay.
What do you not get about lag being caused by the people connected and the net code in the game. Dedicated servers will run better because they're doing nothing else and if it's not free theres not as many people using it, but you can use dedicated servers for free. I can setup my other PC as a dedicated server if I want and it will run just like another dedicated server. If I set it up today for a rae on GTR and people conect to it with bad pings free or not, it will get laggy. If the pings are good it will be lag free. So the deal is far from risk getting lag or pay, it's be stupid and pay and still risk getting lag or get it free and risk getting lag. Or set a maximum ping filter that kicks people who are clogging the connection and slowing everyone else down which would solve a lot of lag problems.
Then GT is the only game where the price is going upwards dude.. Look at all the other games, and what were you thinking with: Paying to ensure no lag? DUDE, if you have crappy provider then it's not GT that is lagging.. And why are you naming Gamespy? I thought that was for the computer..
Lag generally has a lot more to do with your connection and geographic location than their servers. If you're in America and join a server in Australia, you WILL lag with most types of connection.
The deal is that in online racing little to no lag is a MUST

Try driving around Daytona with 42 other online (NASCAR 2003 Papyrus NOT EA) people 3 wide 10 deep with lag. If the car warps to the right for just a split second it will wreck another car and cause a massive crash that will take out as many as 20 drivers. I've seen it happen all the time. Fortunatly NR2003 dedicated servers offter nice latency and the lag allows for some really close racing.

On the other hand EA NASCAR Sim Racing, even though it is broad band only, has bad lag in every race I've entered. The lag isn't unbearable but it does not permit close racing like NR2003 from Papyrus.

So the deal is risk getting lag or pay.

I guess I have no choice but to hope that PD will setup good servers.

Online racing can be fun but with lag it is no fun. You can take lag in other online games like shoot'em ups or RPGs but you need solid connection in online racing

BTW PS3 is Broadband Only on Every game because the network adaptor only has a ethernet slot, no phone line

I fully agree, cuz i cant get xlink SO i drift online on NFSU2 and wen u have lag it get seriously nasty, i mean u got cars popping up all over the place, and somtimes ur going sideways and a car pops up right infront of u,...BOOOM!!!!
ALL THE DRIFT POINTS GONE. but then some people say that u can turn collision detection off. but i dont feel the same. thats not true drifting u really cant turn collision off in real life.
I fully agree, cuz i cant get xlink SO i drift online on NFSU2 and wen u have lag it get seriously nasty, i mean u got cars popping up all over the place, and somtimes ur going sideways and a car pops up right infront of u,...BOOOM!!!!
ALL THE DRIFT POINTS GONE. but then some people say that u can turn collision detection off. but i dont feel the same. thats not true drifting u really cant turn collision off in real life.

Hha haha if you think that is bad listen to this

NASCAR 2003 uses a ranking system

Every wreck you get into counts against you.

People set up their servers to prevent people with lets say, more than 1 wreck per 20 laps from entering.

So everytime a lagger wrecks you, he is preventing you from entering other races.

Now imagine driving bumper to bumper with alot of cars around you

Here is an example of alot of online cars wrecked not by lag this time but by a racing incident. I am the car in the box. I made it through btw

Paying for no lag garentee is INPOSSIBLE. The game should be the same price as other games. GT5 would be the first game to pay for no lag garentee. But if you had the best connection still it could lag, think of it, all the people would buy GT5 and go online on the same time, the servers wouldn't be running 100% any more..

Ow, Earth, is the game downloadeble becaus I'm interested
All the bandwidth issues aside,
$50 for the game,
$150 for the new compatible wheel, (because, the Momo wasn't good enough for GT4, The DFP is likely not to be good enough for GT4)
$100 to build yet another cockpit "on the cheap"...
Are you getting the picture.
After shelling out all that cash for the game and the ancillaries to play it well, I don't want to pay one red cent to play it online.
All the bandwidth issues aside,
$50 for the game,
$150 for the new compatible wheel, (because, the Momo wasn't good enough for GT4, The DFP is likely not to be good enough for GT4)
$100 to build yet another cockpit "on the cheap"...
Are you getting the picture.
After shelling out all that cash for the game and the ancillaries to play it well, I don't want to pay one red cent to play it online.

For those 350dollars you get a whole Playseat :ouch: I bought the Playseat to with the DF.. And it's great :sly:
I'm still not gonna pay $350 to get the game, wheel, and cockpit so I can turn around and pay $15-20 a month to play online.
GT wasn't concieved as a "money pit" but it has, over the years become one.
I can afford the wheel for GT4, but on principle, I likely won't buy one.

I'm actually beginning to feel that a lot of the enjoyment is already "played out" of GT4 for me.

I bought the game to drive. But more than half of the enduros require a much larger expenditure of your time unless, you B-Spec. Then you have all the "baby-sitting" issues.
(is the console safe? I hope those kids haven't turned it off. I hope the cats haven't knocked it off the shelf. I need to go check if it's pitted in so I can turn the speed back up., etc)
It's still a good game. But I believe that for actual game play, GT2 is probably the best of the bunch.
Get GT2 Online, and we could talk. I might even pay to play.
I think that instead of paying money to play online, we should pay a bit extra (say...15-20%) when we buy the game, and have that go towards setting up good servers and other equipment/staff needed for online play.
So the people that WON'T be playing online will be paying for the people that will, some solution. We don't need to, and we shoul;dn't be expected to pay a single penny more just to play online, theres no such thing as a good server, theres a quiet server and a busy one, some servers are better than others but at the end of the day a busy better server will still get laggy with people that have low pings connected. I get a brilliant online experience with LFS and GTR, I'm not paying a single penny more than normal for GT5.
Paying for no lag garentee is INPOSSIBLE. The game should be the same price as other games. GT5 would be the first game to pay for no lag garentee. But if you had the best connection still it could lag, think of it, all the people would buy GT5 and go online on the same time, the servers wouldn't be running 100% any more..

Ow, Earth, is the game downloadeble becaus I'm interested

Are you talking about NR2003?

If you are it is not downloadable

Heck, you cant even buy it anymore, its out of print

Also, since it is such a great sim, and it is no longer being sold, people are charging no less than $60 dollars for it ANYWHERE, for USED copies. I've seen it as high as $170
No way would I pay they make so much money as it is, thay could make money in other ways like selling limited edtion cars online for example.