Should GT6 have a "Time Savers" pack?

If we're talking about racing online, the problem with paying for stuff is that sometimes it can easily become a "pay to win" situation, which is all kinds of evilness.

If this happens in GT6, there would be no one to blame but PD. No serious race (that isn't about the car itself, it build the fastest car possible) has no rules. A person who has 10,000 cr should always be on even terms with someone who have everything in the game when it comes to online.

If there are small advantages for those who unlock the game, then those who chose not to really shouldn't complain, as they chose not to. You can't argue that it's fun to claw your way from the bottom and then turn around and say that people who have an advantage over you aren't playing fair.
I liked cheating back when it was only included in the PS version of arcade games.
And who could forget the bikini cheat in Metroid 1?
If this happens in GT6, there would be no one to blame but PD. No serious race (that isn't about the car itself, it build the fastest car possible) has no rules. A person who has 10,000 cr should always be on even terms with someone who have everything in the game when it comes to online.

If there are small advantages for those who unlock the game, then those who chose not to really shouldn't complain, as they chose not to. You can't argue that it's fun to claw your way from the bottom and then turn around and say that people who have an advantage over you aren't playing fair.

Ah, but similarly, you can't argue that it's "unfair" that the game makes everyone work their way from the "bottom".

It just depends how they structure everything next time. Maybe they'll include an "open" mode for everyone, which might work well if the traditional structured mode actually has some challenge next time, or the ability to have multiple "careers" at once, or whatever.

But I stand by my original point: by no means should anyone have to pay extra for the "privilege".
True. I'm arguing that it's as fun as carving marble with a toothbrush.

I wouldn't mind if it were more sensible and expected less than a win every now and then - close racing. My dream would be to have several "careers" on the go: one in drag racing, one in rally, one in SuperGT and one in dirt-cheap grass-tracking.
Basically, GT's career mode needs to be more like an actual career, with selectable entry point (and starting budget).

You could also have a car-collector mode, an open / free mode, a B-Spec mode, classic arcade mode and anything else I can't think of.

Then maybe all of those garages could be pooled for online racing.

But the point is the pack is for people who don't have time to play the game like us serious gamers.

The point is we shouldn't need it in the first place.
Title says it.

You could stand to describe what you're asking...after all, you've created a lot of "new threads in bunches".

Waiting for some answers and adding and contributing to the conversation is what an internet forum is all about...
This sort of idea should be what corporate whores think up to make more profits margins higher. Not what game lovers think of. What is wrong with you? A time saver pack? Because you have somewhere important to be? ITS A VIDEO GAME. The point is to waste time and enjoy it. Not to rush through content.

Ridiculous 👎:yuck: that case, it will be called "GT6 Prologue".

2 new tracks! 3 new cars! 28 old cars you've used in at least four other games! 80% less content! The same price, impatient suckas!
You could stand to describe what you're asking...after all, you've created a lot of "new threads in bunches".

Waiting for some answers and adding and contributing to the conversation is what an internet forum is all about...

Sorry there. When the GT6 forum came out, all these ideas popped in my head, and I was pretty quick to release them. I'm new around the internet forum scene. Thanks for the advice, and sorry if you're bothered.
I don't see the appeal, not a single piece of it, to earning things.
...I find this a HIGHLY unusual sentiment on a site dedicated to the Gran Turismo franchise. o_O

This sentiment smacks of "arcade racer." Not that there's anything wrong with that at all; I enjoy a good arcade racer every now and again. But, Gran Turismo has always been something of a "racing RPG," as it were; starting off humbly, and slowly building your stable.

I don't mind any sort of "Arcade mode" where higher-end cars are available if you just want to get out there and get a few hot-laps in, but I don't think that there's any place in the regular career mode for instant gratification. I think it spoils the spirit of the GT franchise.
...I find this a HIGHLY unusual sentiment on a site dedicated to the Gran Turismo franchise. o_O

I'm not the only one, and if you go back far enough in the GT5 forum I'm sure you'll see similar posts from me. I'm trying to cut the arcadyness from GT and put the focus on racing. Sure, GT has always had some RPG/arcade racer elements, but I don't really care much for them. I wouldn't have PD toss those things completely for those who enjoy them, but I would like to see alternate modes for people who are more into racing than collecting or getting trophies.

This sentiment smacks of "arcade racer." Not that there's anything wrong with that at all; I enjoy a good arcade racer every now and again. But, Gran Turismo has always been something of a "racing RPG," as it were; starting off humbly, and slowly building your stable.

I don't mind any sort of "Arcade mode" where higher-end cars are available if you just want to get out there and get a few hot-laps in, but I don't think that there's any place in the regular career mode for instant gratification. I think it spoils the spirit of the GT franchise.

This is quite interesting, because progression and unlocking are staples of arcade games, while simulators typically are sand box experiences that realize that [object of simulation] is supposed to be fun, and you don't need to spoon feed the players content in order to keep them from being bored.

Also, this isn't just for doing hot laps. It's for racing. Racing is the only reason to approach a GT game as far as I'm concerned, and things that get in the way of that, like credits, are huge detriments. I would much prefer being able to jump into GT, picking any car of my choice, and heading straight for a grueling online endurance race in place of being forced to drive some old beat up economy car that I might not want to touch with a 10 foot pole and then grind races until I can afford a large and varied garage. That latter situation is what spoils a big part of GT as far as I'm concerned.

Some people like it, so to try and get rid of it would be stupid. However, there is no need to force people to play it. Combined with new physics, an open ended mode could attract a new, more serious kind of player to GT, and I'm not at all opposed to that.
...I find this a HIGHLY unusual sentiment on a site dedicated to the Gran Turismo franchise. o_O

This sentiment smacks of "arcade racer." Not that there's anything wrong with that at all; I enjoy a good arcade racer every now and again. But, Gran Turismo has always been something of a "racing RPG," as it were; starting off humbly, and slowly building your stable.

I don't mind any sort of "Arcade mode" where higher-end cars are available if you just want to get out there and get a few hot-laps in, but I don't think that there's any place in the regular career mode for instant gratification. I think it spoils the spirit of the GT franchise.

Well said sir. Very well said. +1
This is quite interesting, because progression and unlocking are staples of arcade games...
Not to niggle over semantics, but I'd say progression and unlocking are indeed staples of video games in general, whereas I think of "arcade racers" as those gaming experiences where you just get in and go.

But, given your further explanations, I see where you're coming from. The GT franchise has had some of, if not *the* best physics simulations, so why not have the ability to just jump right in to LMP or GT class racing?

While I don't disagree with the idea of being able to just jump right in to the type of racing you want, again, I don't know if that's consistent with the spirit of the GT franchise. Just my opinion, of course.
Don't get me wrong don't see anything wrong with tips here and there but flat out cheating, I guess I'm past those days.
Then they should stay away from the GT series shouldn't they. Plenty of mindless racers out there.

I can agree.

These "Time savers" are just another money grab to me, if you spend money to unlock the best cars right off that bat (Which seems a little unfair to me) You're still going to lack the acquired skills to competitively race the higher level cars.. Sure, you may own them.. But the difference between you, and someone who actually took their time to play through the game and subsequently earn the best vehicles is, -Those who bought the packs will have fast cars they can crash into the wall/others with online.

I remember when you could trade the X2010, people who have no idea how to control the car would be slamming into everything in sight. It was also the only car they chose for races. Sad really.
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Anything associated with Electronic Arts should not be included. "Time Saver Pack" AKA "Ripoff Pack" included

What happened to the days of cheat codes for that sort of thing? Instead of pressing a combination of buttons to unlock everything we're handing over cash? No thanks.

A "time saver pack" will make the game incredibly useless quickly. There won't be much incentive to play through it. This may be foreshadowing of the future is GT6 is so dependent on online play like GT5. Doubling GT4 A-Spec content would be a good starting point for GT6. These 2 & 3 lap races on tracks like Tsukuba, HSR, or Autumn Ring Mini need to cease to exist!
You're still going to lack the acquired skills to competitively race the higher level cars.. Sure, you may own them.. But the difference between you, and someone who actually took their time to play through the game and subsequently earn the best vehicles is


Why would unlocking cars help your driving? There is not reason to expect that. First off, there are tons of players who would have played GT before, and possibly even some with real world racing experience.

Secondly, driving a bunch of Suzuki's won't help you very much when it comes to trying to tame a LMP or something similar.

I remember when you could trade the X2010, people who have no idea how to control the car would be slamming into everything in sight. It was also the only car they chose for races. Sad really.

How do you know that the people who earned the car were any better off? Also, consider how many players who followed GT's progression had trouble completing the VC (or NASCAR cup, or FGT cup). There are plenty of posts on this forum.

A "time saver pack" will make the game incredibly useless quickly.

Shouldn't a game be fun intrinsically? I would expect that many GT fans are racing fans, and this makes comments like this really confusing. Is racing so boring that no one wants to participate in it?

There won't be much incentive to play through it.

If the players don't want to play through it, there shouldn't be anything to force them to. There is no reason one has to play through GT Mode. There is online mode, arcade mode, photo mode, etc.

This may be foreshadowing of the future is GT6 is so dependent on online play like GT5.

I'd love it if GT was focused on online play for the future. Online in infinitely better than the rest of the game. It's better to the point that the rest of the game is nothing but interference. They could sell the game with only online mode on the disk and I would pay full price for it.

No because it doesn't really put a challenge, just like Forza

This is nonsense. Having all cars unlocked has no effect on challenge in a good racing game.
No. I bought the time savers pack for burnout and it ruined it for me.

This. It ruins the game for the very purchaser.

Also this is different than having some mode or cheat code exclusively available for live events or tournaments, which unlocks everything so it's easier to host them and players (potential buyers) get to try the complete package. That's a must these days.

Why would unlocking cars help your driving? There is not reason to expect that. First off, there are tons of players who would have played GT before, and possibly even some with real world racing experience.

Secondly, driving a bunch of Suzuki's won't help you very much when it comes to trying to tame a LMP or something similar.

Unlocking cars doesn't necessarily help your driving, but what it DOES do is allow you to get a feel for the game and it's mechanics with much more tame cars. Having real world racing experience doesn't do much for your argument because, as we all know, GT5 doesn't go hand-in-hand with real life, but that's a different discussion.

How do you know that the people who earned the car were any better off? (X1)
Because to earn the car, you have to do the Vettel challenges. If you did them (especially if you golded them), you probably know that it took hours of getting used to the car to get a good lap time, and once you took the car somewhere else, you already knew how to drive the beast correctly.

Shouldn't a game be fun intrinsically? I would expect that many GT fans are racing fans, and this makes comments like this really confusing. Is racing so boring that no one wants to participate in it?

Are you saying GT isn't fun if you aren't always driving a top level car?...

If the players don't want to play through it, there shouldn't be anything to force them to.

Why would you buy a game if you don't want to play through it?...

I'd love it if GT was focused on online play for the future. Online in infinitely better than the rest of the game. It's better to the point that the rest of the game is nothing but interference. They could sell the game with only online mode on the disk and I would pay full price for it.

Just because you feel this way doesn't mean that everyone does. You actually sound quite arrogant with your opinions. On top of this, (weakening your argument even further) not everyone who has a PS3 has a PSN Account and Internet access, so basing the game on online play would be screwing those people over, and any game designer wants to cater to as large of an audience as possible.

This is nonsense. Having all cars unlocked has no effect on challenge in a good racing game.

But it does. If this was in GT5, people purchasing it would have cars that are WAY overpowered for events. By this time in GT5, I would assume you have a lot of cars in your garage. Go back to the lower tier of A Spec races, and you'll see that you have cars that outclass the events tenfold. (McLaren F1 in British lightweights, where your closest competitor has 200 BHP. Need I say more?). Having a timesavers pack would ruin the balance of A Spec, and working your way up through the ranks, which is an important part of GT5.

I rest my case.