Oh, here we go with the "forced to race" comment. I personally dislike racing this course, but are you forced to race Nürburgring Nordschleife? Some of you make just these fictional tracks like they are just as bad as too many "clones" of a certain car. I usually think racing these courses are more of challenges away from real tracks. Most original courses (including rally and city courses) should be an oppurtunity to test your racing skills on courses other than real ones. Best original city course has to be Tokyo R246. I can actually imagine maybe Super GT may actually race. I don't think there's ever been a temporary street course in Japan's history. Surely this course is beautiful and quite fun to race. This is a track I really enjoy racing on. There are only two challenging corners to the track- the first turn and the hairpin at the southeast end of the track. Other than that, enjoy high-speed racing on the streets of Tokyo. Special Stage Routes 5 and 11 are both worthy challenges. Just because a track is fictional doesn't mean that it can't be enjoyable.
* I'm not real fond of Trial Mountain myself, but I'm not easily ticked off about the tree or the monkey perched on the tree. Do you actually think the tree will break or the monkey will be on the race track and cause trouble? This is one of the times in which "it's just a game" actually means something. Some of you think a bit too much about realism to the point that the littlest insignificant detail can mean a whole lot. And I don't think PD is going to come off with animals on the race track for you to hit them and kill them. How dumb must you be? * Opera Paris is probably the worst street course in any GT game. There is no realistic or fun areas of the track. This course isn't the worst street course in a game. Remember Canberra in "Pro Race Driver?" That track PURELY lacked momentum or sane corners. You should be thankful this course wasn't in a GT game. It's horrible. That's even worse with the thug AI in PRD (which most of you seem to condone for some dumb ass reason). * I'm fine with a mix of real and original tracks, and I'd love to see Long Beach myself. Macau is a challenging nightmare of a track. It's about as worse (no disrespect) as Monte Carlo. I think many of the narrow roads will frustrate most racers, especially when away from the high-speed areas.
Original tracks are as exciting as real courses if done right. I don't really race real courses too much. GT4's Extreme Hall has something many of you will appreciate, that "Real Circuit Tours" which features only real courses. But again, originality is something I admire. I'd still want to see more real courses, but don't want to see original courses go. Go ahead. Make your own tracks in addition to real ones. Forza did it. The ToCA Race Driver series did it. What makes GT any different?
Yep, we know all that.
I think you're taking the trial mountian tree branch comment just a whisker too far than originally intended...
Btw John, use paragraphs. Please.
Yes, original tracks CAN be as good as real tracks, obviously
the whole point of them being fictional is so they can be made MORE fun than real tracks, which many would argue, is NOT the case in GT4.
I've enjoyed the real tracks MUCH more than the fictional ones, and I'm sure most would agree with this feeling, if not all.
Hence, PD can't do original circuit designs as well as the best real world circuits, thus they should get rid of them. I're not debating the
potential virtues of fantasy tracks (I really like El Capitan - which is actually based in Yosemite national park for those who don't know, making it about as "real" as the New York track), just the removal of the very old ones in the GT series (the overly arcadey ones from GT1/2).
My reasoning is that all the real world circuits in GT4 were much more fun and felt much more realistic, add to the fact I'm bored to death with the same old circuits time and time again.
Yes, its just my opinion (mind you a very well considered one), but the reason more new tracks don't get in is basically dev time and the lack of it, and the comparitive ease of updating existing courses. "NEW TRACKS" are generally regarded as a good selling point for a game.
The game sells to such a number of people. With the hardcore fans of GT being a smaller subset of these people, ALL NEW tracks would be more exciting for the general populace and the overall sales of the game. People generally like content that looks new. That includes me.
Certain people on this forum seem to be of the opinion that you can have as many tracks as you like (umm no you can't, dev time is sacred), or should just be happy with what PD do, whatever it is. If this is the case you must have a universe full of pure apathy. I'd like to think we all want a new and exciting game in as many ways as possible.