Should PD reintroduce the difficulty levels again ?.

No. I think the difficulty should remain how it is (Physics). If you want a harder level, use Pro physics.
Why? GT3 had 3 (plus another even harder one you could "cheat") in Arcade mode, GT4 and GT5P have 20 (-10 - +10) in Arcade.
No. I think the difficulty should remain how it is (Physics). If you want a harder level, use Pro physics.
UK write "colour", US write "color". Different words, mean the same thing. What do you think the difference would be between "hard and easy" versus "standard and pro physics"? It's just terminology, who cares how it is laid out?
UK write "colour", US write "color". Different words, mean the same thing. What do you think the difference would be between "hard and easy" versus "standard and pro physics"? It's just terminology, who cares how it is laid out?

What are you trying to say? Are you agreeing with me or just trying to be hard?

All I was stating is that the Physics should determine the difficulty. Even if it really is the same thing, Easy/Regular/Hard or Standard/Pro/Sim. Changing the Physics sounds and looks better and fits the GT Simulator theme.
He agrees with you, easy :D. I'm with you too - changing the AI's abilities isn't really a good idea, whereas giving you a choice of level of realism is a nice one. I don't like it when a game isn't just challenging, but a pure PITA, or when I see in a racing game, that bots are clearly cheating.

Want a bigger challenge? Go online : ).
No. I think the difficulty should remain how it is (Physics). If you want a harder level, use Pro physics.

What about those who play pro and want more challenge? I want i A.I setting that makes them brake at a proper braking point and not 100meter before in some corners.
All GT games have had difficulty levels in the arcade modes and GT modes, it's just how they are implemented. GT3's GT mode had the competitions spread across Beginner, Amature and Professional events, GT4 similarly had Amature, Professional and Expert events. If he means what I think then it was GT3's structure of having certain events available in multiple difficulties for different levels of car.

For example you had the beginner FF races, the amature FF races and the professional FF races, the events wern't identical as you needed a more powerful car for each one. In the sense I wouldn't mind seeing different classes for each event. It means you arn't outclassed in your 100hp eco car if you race in the beginner event and you arn't hammering the opposition in your 400hp tuned hot hatch if you race in the expert event. If that's what he means then I would like to see that structure where you have different levels of competition for certain events, but not specifically how it was in GT3.
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GT5 should go beyond previous games. No simple difficulty level system like easy, normal, hard. And something more than just a number slider. You should be able to set a number of different things. For one, you should be able to select (and possibly set/tune) opponent cars. It will give you a great deal of control over a race event and prevent the 1 v 1 that pops up in many GT races (where 1 AI is faster than the rest, essentially making the race a boring 1 car vs 1 car ordeal). Additionally, it would be nice to control the AI's driving ability, aggressiveness, and how prone to mistakes it is. People just starting may want more forgiving AI, while others may want a ruthless field of Schumacher clones. Of course, I'd expect some restrictions in advanced GT mode events. If there is an ALMS or F1 championship, the drivers should be very talented.

I also think that if they're going to force you to go through single player to play online (whether you have to pass licenses or you can only use single player cars online) that the difficulty should be fairly easy to get around. I like GT and all, but I could care less about single player when their is online. In this modern era of sim driving, all 1000 cars should be available from day one to all players, though I doubt it will happen.
GT5 should go beyond previous games. No simple difficulty level system like easy, normal, hard. And something more than just a number slider. You should be able to set a number of different things. For one, you should be able to select (and possibly set/tune) opponent cars. It will give you a great deal of control over a race event and prevent the 1 v 1 that pops up in many GT races (where 1 AI is faster than the rest, essentially making the race a boring 1 car vs 1 car ordeal). Additionally, it would be nice to control the AI's driving ability, aggressiveness, and how prone to mistakes it is. People just starting may want more forgiving AI, while others may want a ruthless field of Schumacher clones. Of course, I'd expect some restrictions in advanced GT mode events. If there is an ALMS or F1 championship, the drivers should be very talented.

I also think that if they're going to force you to go through single player to play online (whether you have to pass licenses or you can only use single player cars online) that the difficulty should be fairly easy to get around. I like GT and all, but I could care less about single player when their is online. In this modern era of sim driving, all 1000 cars should be available from day one to all players, though I doubt it will happen.

Sounds interesting, but that kills the whole idea of pre-programmed championship etc. Eg. you could simply detune all the cars etc., making every race merely a cakewalk.

Too much possibilities ain't too good neither.

bah. reintroduce the HP caps so the noobs won't be spamming the econo car events with an F1 car..
Why not? You have to unlock it by beating the race "as God intended" first, the you can have fun as a reward :D. Altough I do agree, there should be caps in some events, and I'm sure we'll see them in the full game (they aren't here, I'd say mostly because of the lack of proper tuning, or maybe "the PP experiment" is the reason).
GT5p has difficulties. Class A, B, C, etc. I can't get past A yet. It's far more difficult than the slower classes for sure :(
Sounds interesting, but that kills the whole idea of pre-programmed championship etc. Eg. you could simply detune all the cars etc., making every race merely a cakewalk.

Too much possibilities ain't too good neither.

I meant in mainly for arcade mode. I did say that some of the advanced GT mode events should probably be limited, you find find novice drivers in a World Championship event. But even if you could nuke all the AI in every race and beat the game in a Benz Motorwagen, it would be up to you. I wouldn't really care if I worked hard for 2 months to beat an event on max difficulty, yet 5 other people beat it by making the AI drive in reverse. Their playing doesn't effect me. And IMO, single player is always second to online when online is available, so I'd actually like to get through the required part of single player ASAP. I'll most likely go back and enjoy the challeges of the game when I've got a few cars I like.
All GT games have had difficulty levels in the arcade modes and GT modes, it's just how they are implemented. GT3's GT mode had the competitions spread across Beginner, Amature and Professional events, GT4 similarly had Amature, Professional and Expert events. If he means what I think then it was GT3's structure of having certain events available in multiple difficulties for different levels of car.

For example you had the beginner FF races, the amature FF races and the professional FF races, the events wern't identical as you needed a more powerful car for each one. In the sense I wouldn't mind seeing different classes for each event. It means you arn't outclassed in your 100hp eco car if you race in the beginner event and you arn't hammering the opposition in your 400hp tuned hot hatch if you race in the expert event. If that's what he means then I would like to see that structure where you have different levels of competition for certain events, but not specifically how it was in GT3.

Yeah that is what i mean Dave.
I want to be able to find a real challenge in my cappuccino. Not 'the first/easiest 3 races of the game' and that's it.

pro physics with aids turned off *isn't* a difficulty setting. That's a user preference.
difficulty settings should be placed on AI, and opponant car power. have any of the previous gt games even had AI cars with tuning parts on them?

I want to race against pretty well tuned city cars, with brains behind the wheel.
^^ And I don't want to be tormented with driving a Cappucino! :] It's all a matter of preference, and it seems that horsepower raises right along the difficulty of the races.
I meant in mainly for arcade mode. I did say that some of the advanced GT mode events should probably be limited, you find find novice drivers in a World Championship event. But even if you could nuke all the AI in every race and beat the game in a Benz Motorwagen, it would be up to you. I wouldn't really care if I worked hard for 2 months to beat an event on max difficulty, yet 5 other people beat it by making the AI drive in reverse. Their playing doesn't effect me. And IMO, single player is always second to online when online is available, so I'd actually like to get through the required part of single player ASAP. I'll most likely go back and enjoy the challeges of the game when I've got a few cars I like.
My fault, I was too hasty to reply. I've got to agree, that a broad set of options for arcade races would have been nice (it is present in some PC racers, I narrowed it down to 2 in my head, but don't want to shoot), yet I'm still not 100% sure about the ability to modify GT mode and such. Also, the AI driving like robots, no mistakes done etc. really makes my blood boil. But TBH, I don't need to play on the highest difficulty setting.

About trying out a new car: why not simply compare the laptimes, clock a few miles and go online then?
@Smoke&Slide: I like your idea very much. Choosing difficulty levels in GT3 was MUCH better than in GT4. Let me explain why.

Look, in GT4 you just get faster cars to race against, still they drive like idiots. I in fact won a 5 laps race on Seatlle Cercuit against Sheylbe Cobra, Mercs and BMW M5 with a damned Honda NSX Type-R'04 without touching the wall or a single opponent even one time!

In GT3, completely different story: The harder the difficulty settings, the better your oppenents drive, without faster cars, they have cars in the league of yours. I can tell you, seriously, THE BEST GT experience I had EVER, was in GT3 on this "hidden" difficulty level (when you press L1 and R1 simultaniously at the "choosing screen") on Laguna Seca with the JGTC or Super GT cars. Man that was a blast! I had to use ALL my driving skill and concentration to win. In fact, I lost the first times I tried but believe me, it's so awesome because the opponents REALLY go to the limit of the particular car they are driving. (sidenote: weirdly the opponents are noticebaly faster on Laguna Seca than on the other tracks, if you want to have a real challenge, try it out, it is really worth it)

Sooooo, after this long paragraph :P I definately am for the GT3 difficulty settings-system!
I like GT and all, but I could care less about single player when their is online. In this modern era of sim driving, all 1000 cars should be available from day one to all players, though I doubt it will happen.

I really question that statement. If you really like GT then it had to be because of the single player game(assuming this isn' your first game). Their was know online component before GT5P. If for some unforseen reason GT5 didn't have an online component that would be upsetting, but i bet you would still like it.:)
I am guessing you mean Beginner, Amateur, and Professional modes. GT4 had it as Beginner Professional and Extreme. Maybe GT5 will have a different mode setup rather than the past setups. Hopefully It will still maintain the current setup with a few variations Meaning that each race in each mode gets progressively harder to beat.

Having GT2's style of race setups where there were horsepower limits would actually make racing in GT5 more challenging and more fun in my opinion. The game should have been setup like this from the beginning to avoid 1000HP monster cars to be in the same race as below 100HP cars. It was ridiculous to be able to have the sunday cup free of horsepower rating and be able to lap other cars in a group c racer.
Really HP limits should be the way to go.
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I would love to have more competitive races in GT. Ex; Instead of me picking a Civic Type R and having me race against corvettes, i wish they would put me to compete vs cars in the same category yet with much better driving attributes (not braking mega early, shifting to red line, taking a comptetive line through the turns etc etc).
Yes, I think they should. There's nothing worse than spending €60 on GT5 and finding out that your AI opponents are digital clones of Michael Schumacher.
I really question that statement. If you really like GT then it had to be because of the single player game(assuming this isn' your first game). Their was know online component before GT5P. If for some unforseen reason GT5 didn't have an online component that would be upsetting, but i bet you would still like it.:)

I like GT because it is at least semi realistic, and because it is a console game, which made it easier to adjust to back when I hardly understood all those PC game requirements (not to mentions consoles were relatively cheap in the PS1 and PS2 era).

There was no online then, so yes I did play for single player. And when I eventually heard about online games, and then played them, I realized how much better multiplayer was. Actually, it didn't even take online play. Some of my best races were split screen. AI just doesn't compare to a real person with our current technology.

If GT5 was released without online, I would be extremely disappointed, and if the remaining single player turned out as bad as GT4, I would put off buying it until I had a chance to very thoroughly examine the physics.


On the subject of GT3, I always found myself using slow cars just to get the AI competitive. Yes, you did change the driver's ability and not the car, but even at their best, the AI wasn't all that good. PD should provide the option to give the AI "boosts" if they can't get it to drive well normally. They tend to take corners painfully slow so maybe a 105% grip setting for AI cars would help.
AI just doesn't compare to a real person with our current technology.

I'm a lurker and i really wanted to put my input into this discussion.
Based of Exorcet's opinion what if GT mode could be played completely online? Race the Sunday Cup against real people and fill the gaps with ai if necessary obviously with restrictions so there is no unfair advantages of a brand new played with a used Mazda MX-5 having to fight off a pro with a Pagani Zonda R that has been fully tuned.

That's my idea of a fun idea to refresh GT mode

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