Super Formula - Fuji race difficulty

  • Thread starter TumeK5
Posted my last run to the replay gallery

Completed on hard. 1 stop on rs.

Just like Lake Maggiore. The race is won or lost in the first half. Aim to be top 5 by lap 4 and in first before you pit on lap8.


I was using priano's sf23 tune on sf19 with some modifications to suit my driving style.

Long 1st gear and 3rd gear lets you push the envelope.
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I tried again with Priano SF23 tune. On Normal difficulty, it is a very close race, I'm able to maintain 12 sec gap through the entire race and can't catch up. When I switched to Easy Difficulty, the race became hilariously stupid easy and I won with 40 sec gap. The difficulty gap is here is crazy different.

On Normal difficulty, I think I can win the race when it rains. I can almost win any races when it rains, because the AI make poor choices when swapping tires for wet/inter.
I tried again with Priano SF23 tune. On Normal difficulty, it is a very close race, I'm able to maintain 12 sec gap through the entire race and can't catch up. When I switched to Easy Difficulty, the race became hilariously stupid easy and I won with 40 sec gap. The difficulty gap is here is crazy different.

On Normal difficulty, I think I can win the race when it rains. I can almost win any races when it rains, because the AI make poor choices when swapping tires for wet/inter.

You can beat it on hard. You have to kill the overtake in the first half. Once you pass them and pit in first place it's an easy win.
Thread resurrection - I know.
Only picked up GT7 on July 5 2024 (5 weeks ago?) and ran the first 2 - SF events first try (albeit with a fair bit of time trial practice)

Physics update included with 1.49 has been released since this thread was last responded... I watched a bunch of YouTube (all older content) and was very much afraid of this race.
So, to prepare I did a few custom races to judge tire wear and my potential (lack there-of)... and could come no where close to the 1:22 lap times seemingly required.
After several custom races - where I fine tuned the trans/diff and suspension, along with adding downforce I settled in on a setup that was easy on the tires and had great TQ recovery on upshifts , down the straights and in the tow... yet allowed options on corner entry/exit.

After all that I was pretty certain I could accomplish a decent (praying for a top 3) result without a pit stop on race mediums.

Entered the race... got the lead fairly early (forget, 3ish laps)...and, well, the rain down-pour thunder storm of a century arrived not too long there after... which I had not practiced for, but, thankfully had IM's (but should have had Wet's...).

I gambled the rain being short lived... stayed out on RM's - and lost, and after a couple meetings with the wall finally made it to pit lane... IM's please and thank you...

Not the savior I had hoped for... the rain was so heavy I longed for full Wets.

I went from a ~30second lead (prior rain), to chasing the 2 leaders (who jumped me with early/smart pit stops) during the massive rain... I chased relentlessly on my Inter's for several laps...
Eventually the weather cleared up and the 2 leaders pitted (3 laps remaining)... yet there was still a tonne of wet road available (wayyy off line), so I stayed out and ran in the wet-spots (no jokes) to preserve the tires... praying it would work out.

Ended the race ~8ish seconds out front...

What a roller-coaster.

Car was the SF19 Honda... and I never once touched the overtake button.
Saved the replay, and could share (after I learn how) if anyone cares.
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OK, having watched the replay...
I think it all boiled down to being able to run in the wet-and-drying conditions...

In the wet... slightly off- line is fine/will-work, but in the drying you have to adapt to a totally different (seemingly inefficient) line...
Might have to run it again... without spinning off 2-3 times and hitting the wall at least once... LOL!!!!

At any rate. once I learned to drive in the wet (and more importantly, drying)... was most enjoyable... took me a couple laps in-race to adjust... ya, lost some "time" learning, but once you get the rhythm...

Really should have practiced on wet/drying conditions.
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I did this race recently for the menu book and it was super difficult. I couldn’t get a top 3 unless there was rain involved. The mixed condition races make it much easier because the ai usually pit on the wrong lap.

This was on hard difficulty with a controller.
I did this race recently for the menu book and it was super difficult. I couldn’t get a top 3 unless there was rain involved. The mixed condition races make it much easier because the ai usually pit on the wrong lap.

This was on hard difficulty with a controller.
You have to try to reach top 5 in the first 5 laps. Use rs and kill.boost..pit first and win. Brake less, coast more. Use sf19